whose running a stereo rig with their recto?

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
i'm looking into running my rig in stereo and i have two questions:

1. what power amps are you using?

2. is anyone using the slave out of your head into stereo fx into power amp? is that even possible?

i have the rg16 to route my signal properly and am considering ditching the basson cab to get two 1x12s. i want to run the roadster in hard bypass mode and have that run through the roadster cab. then use the slave out into the eventide and tc units into a stereo power amp into the two 1x12s. i love the eventide and tc m2000 but think they would sound 10x better running them in stereo. i'm considering power amps like the peavy 50/50, mesa 2:50, and vht 2:50:2. any information or recommendations are welcome.
I run a solo 50 into a dummy load and cab sim. the line out goes into my mixer. any fx go into the fx loop of the mixer. then into stereo monitors of choice. fast simple and complete control over everything.

for the amount of money it would cost to get a vht power amp I think you could get a hot plate to load down your amp, a mixer to make the signal stereo and separate the wet and dry and patch in effects and mix/pan them, then a SS power amp to run 2 guitar cabs in stereo.
I do believe that EVH had something like that going on at some point.

thats the way I see it at least,but Im a weirdo
had the hotplate and didnt like it. not looking to "fake" anything. i've had the mesa 2:90 and loved it with the triaxis but im thinking it maybe much just for what im looking to do. i have considered solid state as an option as they're more affordible and the idea of preserving tone is out the window as it will be supporting all my wet signals. also how does the 20/20 hold up. i'd rather a 6l6/el34 power amp rather than an el84 but im open to anything.
I run my Triple like this.

The send from my amp- into my effects (Intellifex) Left (mono) input. Left and right out of the Intellifex into a 2/90 Left and right. That powers two 4/12 with the effects. The only problem here is you need to have a speaker hooked up from the head too. Luckily I have a 2/12 cab that I hook up to the head, and place in the middle. That's the dry signal. Anything you put in front of the amp comes out of all speakers. It sounds killer. One thing I don't like with this is that when the solo boost is engaged it only comes out of the dry cab....You can also use the slave and some people like it more apparently, but I think it sounds better using the send. The 2/90 is GREAT. I'm sure a 20/20 is too. You can do this with a single stereo cab too, but you still need a dry cab hooked up to the amp as well.
Rectumfryer said:
I run my Triple like this.

The send from my amp- into my effects (Intellifex) Left (mono) input. Left and right out of the Intellifex into a 2/90 Left and right. That powers two 4/12 with the effects. The only problem here is you need to have a speaker hooked up from the head too. Luckily I have a 2/12 cab that I hook up to the head, and place in the middle. That's the dry signal. Anything you put in front of the amp comes out of all speakers. It sounds killer. One thing I don't like with this is that when the solo boost is engaged it only comes out of the dry cab....You can also use the slave and some people like it more apparently, but I think it sounds better using the send. The 2/90 is GREAT. I'm sure a 20/20 is too. You can do this with a single stereo cab too, but you still need a dry cab hooked up to the amp as well.

im confused about one thing... if you use the fx send on your triple, are you bypassing its power section and basically just using the head as a preamp? or do you have a signal coming back to the fx return as well?

i was thinking of using the slace out so i can keep the amp in bypass mode which i think sounds a little better, so my dry signal will be pure as pure can be going into a 2x12, and then slave out to my fx and power amp into two 1x12s. i'm leaning towards the mesa 2:50 right now for a power amp but am also looking at other alternatives.
I don't think I'm bypassing the power section....I don't have anything coming back into the return though. The Master still has a big impact on the volume, but the output control only controls the dry cab. Now I'm confused....of course that's not hard to do.
jdurso said:
had the hotplate and didnt like it. not looking to "fake" anything. i've had the mesa 2:90 and loved it with the triaxis but im thinking it maybe much just for what im looking to do. i have considered solid state as an option as they're more affordible and the idea of preserving tone is out the window as it will be supporting all my wet signals. also how does the 20/20 hold up. i'd rather a 6l6/el34 power amp rather than an el84 but im open to anything.

a loaded down head into stereo fx unit and reamped through guitar cabs.

there is nothing fake about driving real guitar cabs. the power would be ss but the signal is still that of your tube amp that you can now run the tubes as hot as you want. you could have options like running fx and eq after the power amp.

lots of ways to do it. I think this way may be the least bulky if you use one stereo cab or two 112s
coppa said:
jdurso said:
had the hotplate and didnt like it. not looking to "fake" anything. i've had the mesa 2:90 and loved it with the triaxis but im thinking it maybe much just for what im looking to do. i have considered solid state as an option as they're more affordible and the idea of preserving tone is out the window as it will be supporting all my wet signals. also how does the 20/20 hold up. i'd rather a 6l6/el34 power amp rather than an el84 but im open to anything.

a loaded down head into stereo fx unit and reamped through guitar cabs.

there is nothing fake about driving real guitar cabs. the power would be ss but the signal is still that of your tube amp that you can now run the tubes as hot as you want. you could have options like running fx and eq after the power amp.

lots of ways to do it. I think this way may be the least bulky if you use one stereo cab or two 112s

i hear ya. still not my cup of teawith the attenuator... the biggest reason is once you go past -4db, your tone is done. i also found i wasnt playing muh louder then what i was attenuating to so it made no sense for me to use one. while im not totally opposed to a SS poweramp, i'd rather keep everything tube. and as far as bulk, all i'd be doing is adding the power amp and replacing one of my 2x12s, with two 1x12s.
Rectumfryer said:
I don't think I'm bypassing the power section....I don't have anything coming back into the return though. The Master still has a big impact on the volume, but the output control only controls the dry cab. Now I'm confused....of course that's not hard to do.

so you have something going out of the fx loop send but nothing coming into fx loop return? weird... i'm at a loss unless your bypassing the loop. The output knob controls he overall volume of the amp (not what goes to the 2:90)?
oh sorry I wasnt clear. Im talking about using the line out feature of the hotplate. So it would just take the output of your amp and bring it down to line level. Thats what going to feed your FX.

that signal would totaly sound *** by itself untill it gets reamped through actual guitar cabs.

so extra gear involved 1 dummy load with line out + 1U stereo power amp + 2 guitar cabs of choice. your done.

Does it make sense? english is my second language so when i explain stuff it might sound odd.

Im thinking about the bulk involved in bringing a tube head + tube power amp. they are not light
coppa said:
oh sorry I wasnt clear. Im talking about using the line out feature of the hotplate. So it would just take the output of your amp and bring it down to line level. Thats what going to feed your FX.

that signal would totaly sound *** by itself untill it gets reamped through actual guitar cabs.

so extra gear involved 1 dummy load with line out + 1U stereo power amp + 2 guitar cabs of choice. your done.

Does it make sense? english is my second language so when i explain stuff it might sound odd.

Im thinking about the bulk involved in bringing a tube head + tube power amp. they are not light

im not concerned with the bulk as its not really gonna move from my house. as far as being bulky it'll just be heavier because i'll need a stereo power amp and the only difference will be about 20lbs or so between the tube and SS... i'm a big guy so that extra 20 isnt something that'll bother me

and in actuality, going with a attenuater will add an extra piece of gear into the setup and im not spending $300 ontop of the power amp just t use for a line out... remember i have the rg16 as my routing system so i really dont need an extra peice just for a line out.... plus thats what the slave is for.
Either way you go, the Roadster will need some kind of load on it. Hotplates and such will get the job done, but IMO speakers are better. Just run the head into one cab, and come out of the loop send or slaveout thru your fx, power amp, and 2 cabs. Theile's work great for this, as do partially open-back cabs. Let your center dry cab handle the punch while your delays, reverbs, and other stereo ambience effects fill the room and seemingly come from everywhere.

As posted above, if you get your signal from the fx loop send, the amp's output control will only work on the dry cab, however the channel masters and loop send level still have an effect on the loop's out.

If you take your signal from the slave out, your output knob becomes a global master for the whole system. Solo will also boost this signal.

If you are set on using a tube power amp for the wet, take your signal from the fx send. The slave out signal is derived from the speaker taps at the output transformer, and includes the sonic signature of the power tubes and the OT. Many think it best to use a SS power amp in this scenario to more accurately preserve the dry amp's tone.

Running a w/d/w rig is an expensive, backbreaking, confusing, frustrating, soundman-infuriating pain in the a$$. Once you hear it, you will never want to go back.... sooo worth the hassle. (IMO of course)
NoGlassNoClass said:
Either way you go, the Roadster will need some kind of load on it. Hotplates and such will get the job done, but IMO speakers are better. Just run the head into one cab, and come out of the loop send or slaveout thru your fx, power amp, and 2 cabs. Theile's work great for this, as do partially open-back cabs. Let your center dry cab handle the punch while your delays, reverbs, and other stereo ambience effects fill the room and seemingly come from everywhere.

As posted above, if you get your signal from the fx loop send, the amp's output control will only work on the dry cab, however the channel masters and loop send level still have an effect on the loop's out.

If you take your signal from the slave out, your output knob becomes a global master for the whole system. Solo will also boost this signal.

If you are set on using a tube power amp for the wet, take your signal from the fx send. The slave out signal is derived from the speaker taps at the output transformer, and includes the sonic signature of the power tubes and the OT. Many think it best to use a SS power amp in this scenario to more accurately preserve the dry amp's tone.

Running a w/d/w rig is an expensive, backbreaking, confusing, frustrating, soundman-infuriating pain in the a$$. Once you hear it, you will never want to go back.... sooo worth the hassle. (IMO of course)

when did i say i wouldnt be using a cab for my dry signal? just to clear things up here is what im looking to do:

1. Run my head into my roadster cab as my dry signal
2. Use the Slave out into my stereo fx and then into a stereo power amp
3. The stereo power amp is going to either drive two open back 1x12s or two vented 1x12s (like the freda cabs)
4. My signal will be controlled and routed by my rjm rg-16

so i do not have any use for a hotplate or anything else to create any sort of dummy load because my amp head will be loaded by my 2x12 cabinet. What i wanted to get out of this thread was opinions on power amps and whether it was wise to use the slave out vs the fx loop. i do appreciate everyones input though, i just thought i'd clarify.

NoGlass can you explain two thinsg to me:
1. If i use the fx loop send to get the signal to my fx and power amp, without return the signal, will i still be able to get a dry signal out of the amp head? my first inclination would be no because without returning a signal, your only using the preamp because nothing is coming back to hit the power amp.

2. As for using a tube vs SS, i'm not sold one way or another. i found what you said very interesting about using the slave and a SS to preserve the character of the dry signal. I'm wondering what you've used or using for a stereo setup? is it safe to use the slave out signal into an fx unit?

As for the $$$, bulk and complexity.... as for the $$ i have most of what i need already except a power amp and switching out one of my 2x12s for two 1x12s. i dont find it too complex because the signal routing is pretty trivial if you understand the concept. I also dont move my gear much if at all so the bulk is no problem. i think its all worth it to get the stereo experience, especially since the fx i have right now sound way better stereo than they do mono... it will also give me the flexibility to eq the stereo signal to enhance the dry one (when fx are off) like adding a touch of certain frequencies here or there. Plus who doesnt wnat to be surrounded by a wall of boogie bliss??

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