Whoo-Hoo !!!!! My Roadster is in.

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Jan 1, 2007
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Connecticut U.S.A.
Finally. GC called at 8:00pm last night to let me know my Roadster head is in. Too bad they didn't call an hour earlier, I would have got it last night!

I ordered it Feb. 2, and was told it would ship on May 2, but looks like Mesa is a little ahead of schedule.

This put my wait time at exactly 81 days.

Anyway, I'll be heading out to pick it up today as soon as I get out of work.

I'll be sure to let everybody know how I like it.

Post pics. And what is a Roadster 4x12? they make Roadster 4x12 cabs?

Did you get slant or straight?

Tell us how you like channel 4 modern.
I have owned the cabinet for about 6 years now. Bought it when I bought my Triple Recto.

It is the slant 4X12 Recto (oversized) cab. I think the Roadster cab is a 2X12, but I am not sure.

I'm assuming Channel 4 modern to be the same as channel 3 modern in the triple. I'll let you know.

barneyc4 said:
Post pics. And what is a Roadster 4x12? they make Roadster 4x12 cabs?

Did you get slant or straight?

Tell us how you like channel 4 modern.

Roadster cabs only come in 1x12 Roadster and 2x12 Roadster
Congrats Dom !

AAAAHHHHHH....the smell of new gear, like a new car smell !
Ride her hard man, break it in and tell us about it

here's my newly acquired piece of heaven and hell :D :twisted:


Mesa G.A.S. I've got it bad !

Happy Jammin' Dom! :wink:
Congratulations man!! Can't wait to hear what you think about it. Post some pics when you get a chance, that'd be awesome. Rock on Man!

Thanks everyone!

Pics will be up soon. I'll try to get to them over the weekend. Right now I just want to PLAY.

I hope the wife doesn't plan on going to bed too early tonight :twisted:

I just got my Genz Benz cab on Sunday and I've been thoroughly messing with the eq on Channels 3 and 4, and I'm finding it really hard to get a good, defined power chord chug, if you know what I mean. Does the amp have to be really loud to achieve this? My settings, for Channel 3/4 are the same ones JP had on his Road King in 2004. I pushed the treble and rolled back the bass, and it still seems really "boomy/sluggish". I have the Master for Channel 3/4 on 10:30-11:00 and the Output is at like, 8 o'clock. It's loud enough to shake the doors and ****, so I guess I just have to mess with the eq (and Diode/Recto Tracking). The cleans in channel 1/2 are godly, though. 8)
A ported cab will not be as tight as a sealed cab. It is just a matter of how you dial in your sound and your playing style while using it to get good definition.
I used the Roadster with both the mesa 2 x 12 and 4 x 12 cabs and never could get the " chug " as you describe it. Channels 3 and 4 caused me to stick with my DR and return the Roadster. Channel 2 fat is Godly though.
Ok Ok, I get the hint. Sorry about the quality but I just snapped a quick pic with my cell phone.

I didn't really get a chance to mess with her to much last night, by the time I got home from GC and got the home in order it was like 9:00 :cry:

I'll have some reviews after rehersal this weekend.

Ah yes, a thing of beauty and sonic destruction there. Congratulations!!

Ciao ...
Dom you're killing us with the wait!

Just tell us about channel 3 and 4 quick!
Thanks for all the congrats.
I got a change to play with her a little tonite with moderate volume. Wow, what a homerun for Mesa. I never remember my '01 Triple this much fun.

Here's a quick first impression. (and a new pic up top). My chain is Guitar ==> X2 wireless ==> Crybaby Wah (True-Bypass modded), Radial PB-1 Booster (always on) ==> ISP decimator ==> Roadster. Nothing in the loop (yet - G-Major very soon).

First off, It's a "popper". Only when going into ch 3, and not all the time. It's not all that bad, and hardly noticable live, but a PA might make it worse. It was actually happening less as I played more and did more channel switching. I'll keep cycling through all the channels first, that definetly helps.

Channels 1 & 2. Big, Big difference with this Recto in the cleans. Warm and full bodied. Buries the Triple here. Reverb in channels 1 & 2 are very nice. Fat really bumps it up a notch, thickening out the mids. Channel 1 Fat, 100W, SS Rectified may end up being my clean channel. The Tweed and Brit modes are awesome, with a nice boost into the front end I'm covering JCM 800/900 territory in Brit, 50W, Tube Rectified, which will be my low to mid-gain channel. I'm sure some SED =C= EL34's would make me wet my pants!

Ahh, channels 3 & 4...... What can be said? Pure unadulterated Rectifier!!

To me they seem pretty much the same as my triple was, although I would swear the Roadster's Modern red (ch 4) is alot smoother. The presence pot feels like it has a better taper to it. I doesn't seem to get too crazy until up well past 12:00. Channel 4's Vintage seems alot darker and thicker than I remember the triple's ch 3 vintage. This also could be related to the presence pot, or even the "honeymoon effect". Time will tell. Channel 4 will be my main Heavy rhythm channel, 100W Modern, SS Rectified.

Channel 3 Vintage seems identical to the Triple's ch 2 (orange), but seems to have a little more "cut" to it. I'm thinking this will be my lead channel, 50 W, Tube Rectified.

Ok, so it's obvious I'm diggin this amp. And with stock tubes! I'm going to play it "as-is" for a while, but I do have a quad of =C= 6L6's as well as some Tung-sol, JJ, EH & 9th Gen. Chinese 12AX7's on deck. (12AX7 suggestions?)

I do have one complaint (besides the pop). Who the heck thought up the location of the Power Cord Socket??? I'd like to make this guy have to reach in there and unplug it at the end of an hour set ! I'm thinking someone must carry a short IEC "patch cable". If I could find one 6-12" long I could leave it plugged into the head and have the other end just hang out the back, then tuck away in the head when I'm done.

First impressions are that I am extremely happy with this amp. I consider it an "upgrade" to my Triple. Man, that Roadking must be the sh#t !!

I'll be sure to keep you all posted on my affair.

Congratulation. Sounds like you like the amp a lot. Do you thinks its possible to get a Malmsteen tone out of it? I am considering to buy it too but am a little worried if the amp sounds too fuzzy and lacks definition when playing for example Malmsteen.
domct203 said:
I do have one complaint (besides the pop). Who the heck thought up the location of the Power Cord Socket??? I'd like to make this guy have to reach in there and unplug it at the end of an hour set !

Apparently I've been missing something because I have a Roadster head and I didn't think you could unplug the power cord. I just looked in the back of it and sure at sh!t, there it is.

My power cord has a clamp screwed to the shell not allowing me to unplug it unless I took that clamp off. I'm guessing Mesa designed it so that you wouldn't always unplug the power cord from the amp, like the old 2-channel Dual and Triple Rec's.

I think they put it there because the back pannel has much more going on with it than on the Dual and Triple Rec's (i.e. reverb controls, rectifier switch per channel, wattage settings, etc.) and they probably didn't have room to put it directly on the back. It does suck though. I sometimes find myself tripping over the power cord if it gets loose when I'm moving it around. Oh well, like you said, not much else to complain about with this amp. :D