An old guy two doors down called the cops on us once but by the time they showed up our rehearsal was over. However, he's a noted neighbourhood crank, he's a real live white supremacist (with a nazi flag on the wall in his basement) who sits on his front step with one of those fish kill bats from 3 until 5 every day... so if any non-white kid walking home from the elementary school down the street steps on his lawn (no sidewalks) he can run out and chase them. I'm betting the police know about this ******** already and if he does call it doesn't exactly get marked "urgent".
Of course, like all white supremacists, he's too much of a coward to actually show up at my house and complain to my face (I'm an adult, after all, not a grade school kid.) I already had it out with him once because when I first moved to the neighbourhood he figured since I was white, from Saskatchewan, and he thought I was in the military he figured I'd agree with him regarding the whole hating-black-people thing. Wrong, dude.
My actual next-door neighbours love us, one guy is 60 but he's a big music lover with an amazing home system... he said wants us to play louder!