Who else has had problems with paypal

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I was recently denied a partial refund for my mark III. The seller shipped the pedals inside the amp and of course it broke the tubes :evil:
So i asked for a refund as i had already purchased new tubes. She decides to "make things right" by sending me 4 mismatched, used tubes that she had as spares.

Now paypal says that i can't get my money back because the amp wasn't devalued. I don't know it is just me but aren't tubes one of the more valuable parts on an amp?

Sorry for the rant but does anyone else have a similar story?
I can see their side of things. The amp wasn't devalued, because tubes are a comsumable part that frequently need replacing. They could have needed replaced anyway. But at the same time, I understand your frustration, and the seller should have at least paid something toward a new set of tubes, or given you a refund for the going rate of tubes.

If anything, there should have been insurance on it, and the insurance should pay for the broken parts and peices. At least I would think.

Also, a seller should never ship an amp with the tubes installed. That's just asking for trouble.

I had something kinda similar once. I bought an SKB 10 space rack case for something like 70 bucks from a guy on eBay, and it came without any of the rack nuts. The seller said he didn't know they were missing, because he bought it and never used it. I did some digging, and found where I could get all the nuts I needed for about 30 bucks. I compromised with him on paying half for them, since I would have felt bad if I would have made him pay the full $30. He would have basically sold the case for $40.

People make mistakes sometimes, but if they are good people, they will help make it right with you.
People make mistakes sometimes, but if they are good people, they will help make it right with you.

Oh she is not a nice person. When i asked her about it she said a quick sorry then that we were done.

And i did tell her to make sure to pack it like tube amp should be packed. She responded by saying she knew what to do :lol:
PayPal for some reason loves to take money out of an account we didn't specify for a payment on something, it's really weird. They keep messing up our transactions to the point where my girlfriend and I wanted to switch to BidPay---only to find out they no longer operated.

And that woman is just a moron for shipping pedals inside an amplifier. Any small amount of common sense would have gone off as to say "Hello, we're shipping small lightbulbs in an non shock-protected box...maybe I should do something about that?"

That's a big reason I'm wary of buying tube amps on eBay--not that I wouldn't buy from you fine gents. :)

But, more to the issue--did you buy the amp through eBay? Because you can file a claim with them (Item damaged during shipment). Also, with PayPal, you can threaten to take your business elsewhere unless they either decide to help you or mediate the conflict.

Hope that helps. I've been in those shoes, it's not a fun experience.
I hope you left appropriate feedback to warn future potential buyers then. Obviously she didn't know what she was doing, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. Some people are so caught up in their own little worlds that they don't give a rat's ass about anyone else. Women seem to be the worst at that. Probably some bitter woman who got the amp in her divorce and could care less about it, or you, and just wanted her money. If that would have been a guy, chances are he would have made it right with you because he would know how you felt to have that happen, and guys don't like to feel like they have failed at something.

I would have retubed it no matter what, so it really wouldn't have been a big deal to me. You could be different. The amp could have very easily been completely trashed, and if unisured, you would be out the money that you spent on it. I'm not sure, but I don't think Paypal will refund something if it's destroyed in transit. Only if they seller rips you off.

Like my fiance says all the time: If that's the worst thing that happens to you today, consider yourself lucky. There are plenty of worse things that could happen to you.

I know it sucks, but look at the bright side...you have a kick ass amp, and you would have been replacing tubes sooner or later anyway, right?

Plus, I have the mentality that people will get what they deserve. Just keep hoping that the transmission in her car goes out sometime this week and it's not under warranty :wink:
Kaz said:
PayPal for some reason loves to take money out of an account we didn't specify for a payment on something, it's really weird. They keep messing up our transactions to the point where my girlfriend and I wanted to switch to BidPay---only to find out they no longer operated....

Kaz, are you trying to pay for something with a credit card perhaps? By default, they go with the primary account on file. You have to select to pay from a different account, and it can sometimes be confusing as to how to do it. I've had that happen a few times where I forgot to change the account over, and paid through the default account which I didn't want to do. I then had to rush to the bank and transfer money from one account to the other before the one went overdrawn.
Incidentally, yes, we did try to pay via credit card, and had it selected, only to find it used on the next page. Once it was by pure mistake as you said though. My girlfriend says it could have been her error too, so, sometimes it is really confusing when you want to do that. ):

It was irritating, because like you did, we had to rush to get our bases covered, and then our refund through our seller got held for days while we paid them via credit...it required a lot of juggling and Advil. :mad:
Yep, that's a pain in the arse. I'll check, double check, triple check that I've clicked the right button before I proceed with the transaction.

It's like you said, I thought I was paying with a credit card, only to find that it came from my bank account on the next page, and had to gather up funds to make sure it went through the next day. I've only had it happen once, which could have very well been my fault, but I made sure that I was doing the right thing from then on out.
And of course, through all of this, PayPal are some of the densest Customer Service people ever. :roll:

I'm just glad we all didn't come out worse for the wear. They should really streamline their system so it's a tad less confusing.

But otherwise I really like PayPal--it's very convenient for the most part.
mikey383 said:
I hope she's already left positive feedback for you, otherwise she might do the retalitory thing and leave you a big fat negative. :shock:

You can technically bring that up with eBay--it's bad seller policy and I think sort of against their rules. If that happens, they may have both parties withdraw feedback.
AustinK said:
Well she decided to leave me excelent feedback right after i sent her the invoice so i got the last laugh :lol:

Ha! Right on man, right on. Hence the reason that a seller should always do everything within reason to make the buyer happy and hold up their end of the deal.