White noise from busted Triple Recto

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Sep 30, 2007
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My triple Recto started making this weird "rolling thunder" white noise a couple months back, coupled with a loss in power and volume (basically it sounded like rolling thunder and shitty tone) I got it fixed by the authorized Mesa tech closest to me and for six months it was fine (perfect in fact) now all of a sudden the noise is back! When the amp was first fixed i was told it was some bad capacitors near the phase inverter (haha probably close to the Flux Capacitor....j/k). Has anyone else had this problem? If so what was the outcome? I'm really frustrated because i love this amp but I can't keep bringing it into the shop every six months! (btw-tech said NOT the tubes, he tested them with other amps to be sure)
your problem are bad preamp tubes that blow up resistors near them