Which tubes to pull on a 50\50 to get half power?

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Jan 14, 2008
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I've seen that in a 100 watters head you can always pull out a pair of tubes to reduce the volume. Since the 50\50 is quite loud, and cannot crank it enough, I'd like to know if I can do it with this power amp, since it's not really a stereo power amp (I got it checked by a tech and he told me there wasn't two different output transfo and channels on the amp).

And my question is if anybody ever did it, is it harmful for the amp, and which tubes do I need to pull out.

you cannot pull tubes in the 50/50. Each pair represent 1 channel, 50w per side. If you pull one tube on the channel you are using you will not get good tone (possibly no tone, and will probably damage the amp. BTW the outer tubes are channel A while the inner tubes are B
My 50/50 has a half-power switch on the front. Did they remove that feature at some point?
tiktok said:
My 50/50 has a half-power switch on the front. Did they remove that feature at some point?
The 50/50 has that switch, the 2:50 that replaced it doesn't.
BTW it's not a half power switch it selects between 50/15 watts.
I remember it still being loud as hell on the 15W mode. Maybe they should have had a 7W mode also...
I Know it has a 50/15W switch in front. What I wanted to know is if it was possible to remove two power tubes like in 100W heads to reduce the volume of the unit without damage.
It's a push-pull amp with two distinct channels, so you can't pull a tube, but you could perhaps use yellow jackets with el84's, which would cut your power in half and then using your half power switch would get you down to maybe 7 watts. tt