Which speakers are in my blue angel?

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
I've heard that the blue angel 4x10's came with a couple different speaker choices. What where they, and how can I tell which ones I have? It's kind of irrelevant, because the ones in there now sound better than my 2x12 loaded with a v30 and g12h30... no where near as much bottom, but it's got this warmth and sparkle/chime to it.
They're probably Jensen Vintage AlNiCos....are they just plain black looking speakers, maybe with a code stamped on the rim???

That's what I have in my 4x10 & OH YEAH...very warm & smooth!!!
ya they are just plain black speakers. thats why i thought they might be something different from the jensens....

NOW i know why those alnico blue's get the rave reviews they do...if only i could find 500 for a set of two..
Puckboy, have you ever compared the jensens with the eminence alnicos. It's been a long time since I heard both of them side by side. I always thought the Emi's were warmer, but mine definitely don't have a ton of bottom end. Maybe the Jensens, just have an overall wider frequency response, that's why I always thought they were a little too bright.
I have a 4x10 BA, I bought it used, the speakers are black alnicos. I wasn't sure what make they were, so I called Mesa and asked them, and the guy said they were Eminences, especially made for Mesa and not commonly available.

I know that the Emi alnico speakers were one earlier option, and some sort of Celestion 10s being the other early on, then later on the Jensens were the only 10s available in a BA.

Wouldn't the Jensens have the brand name on them?

I'm actually finding the alnicos in mine quite bright when I drive them at a louder volume (even with the amp treble set low), so I have to set the tone controls on my guitar at about 7 on the neck pickup, and 5 on the bridge to dial out that shrillness. Otherwise, they sound very nice. Actually, I'm wondering if it's the Blue Angel itself that is bright and not the speakers...

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