Which Power amp would be better with an Axe Fx II

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
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the 50/50
or a 2:90 ??
is the 2:90 any more "neutral" than the 50/50 or are these based off of power sections of "amps" ??
I'm using a Matrix GT1000FX right now and it's not bad but I'd like to a/b it against the best Mesa power amp for this
scenario and see which I like better.
anyone try both of these with an Axe Fx yet?
Simul-class power amps will color your tone a little, and give it a more "saggy" feel:

295, 395, 2:90

The more "neutral" quality you speak of would be found in:

50/50, 2:100, Strategy 400/500

I've never tried an Axe FX, so I cannot comment on that. Just a wild guess, but, if I had an AxeFX I would probably want a more neutral power amp, giving the Axe full reign to shine.

But, I'm sure they would all sound awesome. :D
I've used a Stereo 2-Fifty, the 2:90 and a Matrix GT 1000FX (tried them in that order) with my Axe Fx II. I didn't really care for the 2-Fifty as much as I did the other two. And really you can't go wrong with either the Matrix or the 2:90. There's pretty much the same amount of tweaking on your Axe presets that need to happen on both power amps. For me, I continue to use the Matrix with my Axe Fx rig because of the weight. It sounds great to my ears and it's really nice to have a small rack with just a power conditioner, Axe FX and a 1U power amp that weighs a fraction of the 2:90. Ultra portable and light setup for gigs and whatnot. I'm still using the 2:90 in my Triaxis rig, but that's a much larger (and heavier) rack as I also use an RJM switcher, several pedals and a GMajor 2.

Anyway, the Matrix is really nice IMO. I found that things really didn't sound much different that with the 2:90 or feel much different when playing. But I can say that you'd likely find the 2:90 more enjoyable to play than the 2-Fifty mainly because of the higher wattage and headroom. Especially if you're used to the GT 1000FX.

Just my take anyway. YMMV.
thanks for the response. I really don't have a problem with the way the Matrix sounds, but I did run my Axe II thru a
tube power amp this weekend and definitely "felt" the difference more than heard it, although I did hear a bit of a difference in the thickness of the sound
and the "chime" on my higher gain patches. (marshall 9000 el-34 ) power amp.
The 2:90 is IIRC based on a Mark IV, and the deep/modern switches liken it to that of a recto (which started out as a modded Mark IV in its Rev A stages).

Many folks like the VHT 2/90/2 for its neutrality.
I've got a 2:100 for sale. A friend of mine plays an Axe FX II through a 2:100 and it sounds great! Especially if you're looking for that Recto tone! PM me if you're interested.
thanks I'm all set I actually picked up a Fryette 2/50/2 and drop in a set of KT-77's
sounds killer
I use a 20/20 with my Axe II it sounds great i love it.

I tried the matrix 1000 but returned it and asked for a refund it didn't have the same bounce or respond in the same way to how i played my guitar.
and now I'm back here again LOL!
my buddy needed a poweramp (he's gigging I'm not) so I sold him my Fryette.
So being that I am not gigging is the 2:90 even usable at home volumes?I've heard it's really,really loud.
I know the 50/50 is very manageable, been thinking about trying one again. I've been running my Axe into the loop of a JSX head.
some days I love it some days I don't.
I see some 50/50's with red power lights and some with blue? any difference between the 2?
I use both a 2:90 and 50/50 with my Axe II (not at the same time lol). They're both really great. The 50 is definitely flatter sounding and yes, the 2:90 can be LOUD. I usually run the 2:90 at about 12:00 and dial in the volume from out 1 on the axe and out 2 goes to FOH w cab sims. The ONLY thing I don't care for about the 2:90 is that it's heavy as **** but that's tube amps for you. Sounds incredible though. I just bought a Mk IV that I'm picking up tomorrow so I can't wait to A/B the two...
Ditto to what tguitar said about using the dial on out 1 on the Axe Fx II and having the 290 at noon. I have a Triaxis rig and am able to play at a very low volume and still get great very high gain tones just by controlling the overall level on the Triaxis Output volume and keeping the 290s volumes set lower. By the way, I have an Axe FX II rig with 2 Atomic powered wedge CLR'S and it just crushes. Unbelievably good high gain, clean, and other shades of tone due to the utter Transparency of the CLR's. They show the Axe FxII in its true light. Moreover, they are loud as heck and maintain clarity at those SPL's. Bottom line, Kmanick as you well know, the goal is to hear the Axe in it's true light. I know you have a CLR as I have seen your posts in the Axe forum ( I have to create a profile there man!). You could also however, match the 290 with the new Triaxis lead 1 red and other Triaxis preamp models in the Axe with a boogie IR and hear the Axe in its true light there and turn the poweramp sims off no? Cheers brother!
Well I just grabbed an older 50/50 off of Ebay for a good price (older unit with the red power lamp)
so we'll see how it goes :lol:

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