Which pair of 1x12's for Mark V head ?

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Active member
Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida
I've had a Mark V combo for 2 years and love it but I'm thinking of selling it and getting the Mark V head
with a pair of 1x12's.

Can anyone recommend what would be a good pair of 1x12's to match to the Mark V head ?
I was thinking a pair of Compact Widebody 1x12's , one open back & one closed back, would be a good way to go
and give me a lot of flexibility. I play small to medium sized gigs , classic rock / blues style.

I'm thinking two 1x12's rather than one 2x12 for situations where one 1x12 will do.

I use an openback widebody with a C90 on top of a closed back ported widebody with a V30. Sounds awesome.
I would recommend trying your combo with the matching closed back/ported widebody 1x12 before going the head/2 cabs route. Unless you find someone to swap you the head for the combo, you will likely be down a bunch of money.

I have the Widebody open back on top of the Widebody front ported. They're nice, but if I could do it all over again I'd get Royal Atlantic 1x12s.

They RA cabs 27" wide instead of 23" wide and they produce a bigger, fuller sound. The 23" cabs choke off the bottom end and tend to sound a bit boxy. The boxy sound fits really well with a full band since the bassist holds down the low end anyway, so if having smaller cabs is a priority for you I wouldn't shy away from them... but if you can afford the extra size I'd go for the larger RA cabs.
Guys, thanks for your replies !

I like the idea of getting the empty headshell, totally forgot about that.
Seems to be the way to go because as was mentioned , I would be out some bucks
if I sell and then purchase.
But I can't find the headshell anywhere on the Mesa website, even under the custom options.
I guess you have to call them to directly order ?
Also, what's the effort to swap the head ?

The RA's look great but I need to go with the 23 " in my situation.
I'm looking at the compact wide bodies but I don't see the open back for sale anywhere.
I do see Sweetwater has the closed backs.
Maybe the compact open back is discontinued ?

Hey jmontgomery,
Which speakers are you specifically using ?

Thanks !
I have the combo too and thought about doing a head but I ended up with a V30 in a open back extension cab made out of an old Traynor YCV50 combo and I'm digging it. I'd recommend getting an extension cab first before doing a head to 2x 1x12s.

I know the weight of the combo can be a bear. But I'm betting the overall weight of a head and two extension cabs is greater than a combo and a extension. Just something elso to consider I guess.
I'm using the stock Mesa brand C90 in the openback cab and the Mesa brand V30 in the closed back. I Bought both cabs with those speakers already loaded new.
One cab had the Mesa badge on it but it's now sporting a Boogie badge like it should 8)
jb's 52 said:
I know the weight of the combo can be a bear. But I'm betting the overall weight of a head and two extension cabs is greater than a combo and a extension. Just something elso to consider I guess.

I guess that would be an issue if you're trying to carry the head and cabinet at the same time with the same hand, but the head in one hand and a 1x12 in the other is MUCH easier to carry than the combo in one hand.
So has anyone ever swapped a head out of a combo to a head shell ?
Is it a big job ? Can I get by with basic tools, screwdriver etc..... ????
All you need is a phillips screwdriver and a wrench to loosen the transformer brace. You might be able to stretch this job out to 10 minutes if you take your time. I'd advise you to hook up your reverb connections before sliding the chassis into the head shell, makes it a bit easier.
Hey Jeff;

Is the "Mesa brand C90 in the open back cab" you mentioned the Black Shadow I have in my combo now ?

I really like that speaker and I guess I can always take it out and
put it in a cabinet.
but then selling the combo shell would be more difficult without the speaker I guess. :?

TonyDee said:
Hey Jeff;

Is the "Mesa brand C90 in the open back cab" you mentioned the Black Shadow I have in my combo now ?


That would be the one. They come up in the classifieds from time to time. You might get lucky putting a "want to buy" ad up. You never know if someone is thinking about selling their cab.

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