Pedals that emulate F50?

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Jan 17, 2025
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I've had an F50 since 2004 and love it, but I've been going direct through an amp simulator for live situations and I'm wondering if anyone's found a pedal that reasonably approximates the second channel on the F50. Any advice would be much appreciated!
The throttle box perhaps. The small one has the hardwired graphic EQ in a V like the F series has, the bigger one has the sliders. They're obviously not the same as they only run on 9v and opamps but it's similar.
The Zoom G5 has several amp simulator effects and patches called BG Crunch and BG Drive (among many others) that each have at least 8 parameters that can be adjusted in the effect alone that may get you close. You can add other EQ, Gain, etc., effects in the chain and there's an infinite number of ways to adjust the tone. I know there's more Zoom G5 naysayers than users out there, but if you have patience you can make the G5 sound like just about any amp/cab combination out there.