which mark II???

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Which Mark II is this??

  • Mark IIa

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Mark IIb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mark IIc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mark IIc+

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • different mark series amp

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I'm new to the board. I always thought Mesa/Boogie was about Kirk Hammett tones and was put off by it. But I've fallen in love with a Mark II and can't figure out which one it is. the amp is not near me and i don't have a picture of it. some descriptions:

-not a simulclass, has switchable 100/60 watt power option on the back right
-it has three switches on the front right: in/out EQ, on/off, and standby
-it has the 5 band graphic eq as well as standard three knob eq
-pulling volume 1 and treble knobs result in bright or shift respectively
-it has separate master and lead master knobs
-master, lead drive, and lead master when pulled results in gain boost/lead/bright respectively
-there are three back knobs: slave, reverb, and presence
-the two inputs are for input/footswitch respectively

that's about all I remember. Hopefully you can help. I LOVE this amp. I don't need an expensive ross clone compressor or boost pedal, etc. with it. the amp holds up very well without the effects required when i was running into a late 60's blackface super reverb.

I have a few questions after the amps identity is confirmed:
-does the speaker use alnico or ceramic magnets? 12 or 15 inches?
-what is the "slave" knob??
-what buttons does the footswitch have on it?
-what do volume 1, master 1, lead drive, and lead master do? when i pull up on the lead drive knob, it seems i have to put volume 1, lead drive, and lead master to crank it in full. it's confusing me and i don't understand it.
-when pushing down on the lead drive knob to get to the cleaner channel, there is a large volume drop off. Is this from my lack of understanding about what the knobs do?

Sorry to come out swinging with a bunch of questions!!! But I really love this amp and if I'm going to buy it I want to make sure I can work it and that I like everything about it after knowing how it works. I'm amazed at how midrangey, full, and sustaining a single-coil stratocaster sounds through it. i used to think I had to have three buckers in my strat and a compressor to get that sound. I look forward to hopefully contributing to this board how i can. THANK YOU
What's the serial number?

Here's a link for the manual: http://www.mesaboogie.com/manuals/user_manuals.htm
Scroll until you hit the Mark IIs.

Oh, and the Lead Drive pull is the magic button. It engages channel two, the legendary Mark Lead channel. Start by settting your Volume 1 at 7; Treble 7; Bass 2; Mid 2; Master 1 at least 2, 3+ is better but may might be quite loud; Lead Drive 4; Lead Master 3+. Pull switches to taste. I pull Treble, Bass, Gain Boost (sometimes with Strat, not Les Paul). Volume 1 level determines how hard the Lead Volume is hit, and sets the foundation of the Gain. Lead Drive obviously increase Lead gain as well. Treble also has a strong affect on gain. Try adjusting the Treble, Vol 1 and Lead Drive first. Also play with different levels between Volume 1, Lead Master, and Master. Play with the eq too. Many prefer a scooped "V" shape on the eq. I prefer a slight mid- and upper-mid boost.

Read the manual.
Good call Frank.

It could be anything from a IIC to a III. The writing above the Master is important to know as well as
any writing over the Mid pot. I'm sure your hoping to get a C+, but having the + and passing the loop
test is the only way you can be 100% certain without photos of the circuit boards.
I understand that you are describing it as having only 5 pull knobs, right? Try to remember if it has a pull knob over the bass. If so, it is a II-C because you describe it as having an EQ in/out switch.

If it has only 5 pull knobs, it could be a II-A or a II-B.
Now, if in the back of the chassis you find a "Slave Level" knob and you can also find a "Pre Amp Out/Pwr Amp In" jack, it is a II-A.
If it just says "Slave" and you see an effects send and an effect return couple of jacks, it is a II-B.
it is like that. the bass does not have a push/pull. it does not have the power amp/pre amps jack, so i guess it's looking like a IIB.

What is this SLAVE knob?? the reverb is broken so maybe the slave is too, but i can't tell any difference between having it at 1 or at 10. it needs some work, firstly some new tubes.... but it's a killer amp.