which channel is heavier, 3 or 4?

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
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Hi Guys,

I am exploring the RKII at the moment and trying to find some really heavy tones. I have always thought that channel 4 should be the heaviest channel of them all but to my surprise, channel 3 was where i got my "chingy" metal beast. i went back to the manual and it says discover the metal beast in channel 3 some where in the explanation of the presense knob. Can i get the "chingy" metal tone in 4 too? or channel 4 is only for those real big sounds? Thanks in advance
kissing said:
Hi Guys,

I am exploring the RKII at the moment and trying to find some really heavy tones. I have always thought that channel 4 should be the heaviest channel of them all but to my surprise, channel 3 was where i got my "chingy" metal beast. i went back to the manual and it says discover the metal beast in channel 3 some where in the explanation of the presense knob. Can i get the "chingy" metal tone in 4 too? or channel 4 is only for those real big sounds? Thanks in advance

"heavy" is pretty subjective but i see what your getting at. to me channel 3's eqs at noon have more of an aggressive sound where as i find channel 4 to be a little bit more compressed and slightly smoother. my misconception with the 2 channels was the same as yours when i first got my roadster but i soon found the characteristics of channel 4 is better suited for leads and wall-o-gain type stuff especially when you back off the gain and presence.
Hi J,

Thanks for the reply, glad its not a technical issue that we are having here. Mind telling me the difference between bold and spongy too? I have so far only noticed a change in volume.
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!
chriz_batman said:
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!

I reckon that's a pretty harsh comment coming from someone who just started a thread about the comparison of a RK and a 5150/6505 amp while not even having heard what the RK is capable of.

I've owned a Lonestar for five years or so and I still have questions regarding the amp, of which I posted about and received one answer. I admit it was a pretty noob answer for someone who has had the amp for so long but I just wanted to be sure.

I think you'll find when your Road King arrives that you will have a steep learning curve of trying to get a good sound out of it. Getting a good sound out of a Boogie amp doesn't come from knowing the manual, it comes from hours and hours and hours of tweaking and fine tuning and learning how to play your amp as much as playing your guitar. And playing a bunch of amps at a shop doesn't even scratch the surface of what these amps can do, unless you spent days trying them and took your guitar etc.
i hoped you didn't take it personal and i completely agree with hours and hours with the amp. I didn't plan to wait 3-4 months to have the amp that i paid ($6,000 for), I was even thinking about having two rk, just buy the one in the store and wait for the custom but thats too much money. So it wasn't anything personal man
hey man,

I am open to all critisism and comments, so no worries about it. its just that this is my first major amp and also my first tube amp. all my previous amps were those 8 watter practice amps. Some of the descriptions in the manuals or by you guys will not make any sense to me unless i hear it or see it in the amp itself. now that i get the chance to play it do i understand what some of the stuff you guys and the manual says. and to be frank with you, i am still trying to make out some of the terms you guys and the manual use. hope you guys understand and be patience with me. i just needed some help and confirmation, thanks.
of course, the first thing I did when I got my Roadster home was play. But then I grabbed a couple beers and headed on to my deck and read the manal, cover to cover.

It was invaluable, but ONLY when I went back and spent time tweaking with the AMP.

To answer the question (on the Roadster), I find that CH 3 has a bit more "Crunch" and certainly sounds more "Early Metal".

CH 4 sounds much more compressed and dense, but doesn't quite have that "metal Cruch" like 3.

However, a breakthrough in tone came this weekend, esp with "opening up" CH 4, after following the recommendation in this thread:


It made a huge difference in adding to the "Heavy" sound on CH 4.

I don't know if the RKII will behave the same way or has the same option, but it might be worth a try.
Hi Robusto,

Thanks for the suggestion. Will try it out this weekend
chriz_batman said:
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!
dude get a clue, you ask some of the stupidest questions Ive seen on here like "is a rk2 better then a 5150?" this dudes question has far more merit then some Ive seen you post! think before you type
Btw yeah for me channel 3 is the place to be I like t because it has less presence and the tone controls seem to have more effect.
Dont take this to bad, because i agree with you it was pretty stupid to say on his part. But honestly the way you responded makes you look just as ignorant as he does.

Sadhaka's response was much more intelligent and less condesending and he got his point across much better.

155 said:
chriz_batman said:
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!
dude get a clue, you ask some of the stupidest questions Ive seen on here like "is a rk2 better then a 5150?" this dudes question has far more merit then some Ive seen you post! think before you type
Btw yeah for me channel 3 is the place to be I like t because it has less presence and the tone controls seem to have more effect.
Sadhaka said:
chriz_batman said:
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!

I reckon that's a pretty harsh comment coming from someone who just started a thread about the comparison of a RK and a 5150/6505 amp while not even having heard what the RK is capable of.

I've owned a Lonestar for five years or so and I still have questions regarding the amp, of which I posted about and received one answer. I admit it was a pretty noob answer for someone who has had the amp for so long but I just wanted to be sure.

I think you'll find when your Road King arrives that you will have a steep learning curve of trying to get a good sound out of it. Getting a good sound out of a Boogie amp doesn't come from knowing the manual, it comes from hours and hours and hours of tweaking and fine tuning and learning how to play your amp as much as playing your guitar. And playing a bunch of amps at a shop doesn't even scratch the surface of what these amps can do, unless you spent days trying them and took your guitar etc.

Talk about a lameass response read yours again. Getting a good sound out of an amp is knowing what sound you want in the first place. I can take any amp you have and within a couple of hours it will sound like I want it to sound. Some of you dumbasses need to spend more time with your amps and less time on these boards trying to find some "holy grail tone". Theres really not that much to Mesa amps, what I find most newbies doing is diming the gain on them and just killing the great tones they have. Read your manuals first, there is some great info in there. I have a Triple Rec with EL-34s, I have a Roadster with 6l6s and a Subway Rocket with EL 84s, with these three amps I can get any sound I want and within a matter of minutes.

If youve had an amp for 5 years and still dont understand it, just sell it and get you a **** Line 6 or something so it will tell you what sound you want. And I know about those cause I use one of them two. I have a JCM 800 sound dialed in mine that is to die for.

Sorry for the rant, but there are a lot of fuckin idiots in this place who really dont have a clue what a good tone is if it hit them in the head.
I guess I made a lame *** response myself but what to hell are these forums for anyway.

Im not sure what amp we are talking about here

NUMBER ONE open up the manual or download it. I have all my amps manuals

Channel one on most Mesa's is your clean channel, on my big amps I run the master volume about 3 oclock, the gain a little under noon, on the Roadster I run it on the 100 watt, silicon diode, seems to give more headroom. Mesa have a weird mid control, I ten d to stay under 9 oclock on the mids, bass around noon and treble around noon.

Channel Two on my Roadster I set up in Brit mode ala the manual, this will get you that classic Marshall sound like AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, just follow the manual, I tend to run the gain higher on this channel than the others, silicon rectifier 100 watt

Channel 3 Roadster or Channel 2 Triple I set in the vintage mode, tube rectifier, 50 watts on the Roadster, Spongy on the Triple, I run my gain around noon and the master at around 4 oclock, my goal is to make the power tubes go into breakup, not the preamp tubes, bass and treble stay in the noon area, mids real low on this channel, with my Les Paul this channel is a great chunky sound ala Cant Get Enough, Bad Company This is my main channel, I can roll the volume on the guitar off to get a clean sound or turn it up to take it a little over the top. I kick in a TS-9 Tube Screamer with some kind of mod a friend did for me, it adds sparkle for solos.

Channel 4 Roadster, Channel 3 Triple I set in a modern mode Roadster silicon diodes 50 watts, I ussually leave my Triple on the tube rec setting. I use this channel mainly for leads, I have the mids up in the 10 oclcock to noon range, bass and treble in the noonish range, gain around 9-11 oclock, master around noon on this channel, I think most people put too much gain on their lead channel, less gain gives it more bite and presence

I use the master and solo function on my big amps and also a Weber Mass Attenuator. For any guys looking to get real tones out of these 100 watt and up amps and attenuator is a must have. If you play out much you will be told constantly to turn these amps down, without an attenuator your tone will suck, read that again your tone will suck and you will be oof your game mentally, playing music is about confidence and when the sound guy turns your amp around backwards, or side ways and turns it down and your normal sound isnt happening your playing will suffer. BIG AMPS NEED ATTENUATORS, I fought this for years but I am a big believer in these things cause I can push my amps into power tube saturation, not your gain knob, you want to open up the master between noon and 3 oclcock, this is where these amps wil open up and shine. If you have your master below 10 oclcock you have no idea what your amp really sounds like. The Mesas are set up with the Master and solo function, turn on the loop and use this as your attenuator, and open the master up on the individual channels, try to get your primary channel sounding golden, in my case its the vintage channel, thats my workhorse for everything, and if I need to I can do a whole gig with this one channel just using my guitar volume knob.

Another thing keep some spare preamp tubes, if your amp starts sounding stale pop a fresh tube in the V-1 slot, dont know what that is, read the manual.

Good Luck and never settle on a tone, my settings are base starting points for me, but I can dial in what I want in a matter of minutes, I change my setting almost everytime I play some.

And Remember Have Fun
I guess I made a lame *** response myself but what to hell are these forums for anyway.

Im not sure what amp we are talking about here

NUMBER ONE open up the manual or download it. I have all my amps manuals

Channel one on most Mesa's is your clean channel, on my big amps I run the master volume about 3 oclock, the gain a little under noon, on the Roadster I run it on the 100 watt, silicon diode, seems to give more headroom. Mesa have a weird mid control, I ten d to stay under 9 oclock on the mids, bass around noon and treble around noon.

Channel Two on my Roadster I set up in Brit mode ala the manual, this will get you that classic Marshall sound like AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, just follow the manual, I tend to run the gain higher on this channel than the others, silicon rectifier 100 watt

Channel 3 Roadster or Channel 2 Triple I set in the vintage mode, tube rectifier, 50 watts on the Roadster, Spongy on the Triple, I run my gain around noon and the master at around 4 oclock, my goal is to make the power tubes go into breakup, not the preamp tubes, bass and treble stay in the noon area, mids real low on this channel, with my Les Paul this channel is a great chunky sound ala Cant Get Enough, Bad Company This is my main channel, I can roll the volume on the guitar off to get a clean sound or turn it up to take it a little over the top. I kick in a TS-9 Tube Screamer with some kind of mod a friend did for me, it adds sparkle for solos.

Channel 4 Roadster, Channel 3 Triple I set in a modern mode Roadster silicon diodes 50 watts, I ussually leave my Triple on the tube rec setting. I use this channel mainly for leads, I have the mids up in the 10 oclcock to noon range, bass and treble in the noonish range, gain around 9-11 oclock, master around noon on this channel, I think most people put too much gain on their lead channel, less gain gives it more bite and presence

I use the master and solo function on my big amps and also a Weber Mass Attenuator. For any guys looking to get real tones out of these 100 watt and up amps and attenuator is a must have. If you play out much you will be told constantly to turn these amps down, without an attenuator your tone will suck, read that again your tone will suck and you will be oof your game mentally, playing music is about confidence and when the sound guy turns your amp around backwards, or side ways and turns it down and your normal sound isnt happening your playing will suffer. BIG AMPS NEED ATTENUATORS, I fought this for years but I am a big believer in these things cause I can push my amps into power tube saturation, not your gain knob, you want to open up the master between noon and 3 oclcock, this is where these amps wil open up and shine. If you have your master below 10 oclcock you have no idea what your amp really sounds like. The Mesas are set up with the Master and solo function, turn on the loop and use this as your attenuator, and open the master up on the individual channels, try to get your primary channel sounding golden, in my case its the vintage channel, thats my workhorse for everything, and if I need to I can do a whole gig with this one channel just using my guitar volume knob.

Another thing keep some spare preamp tubes, if your amp starts sounding stale pop a fresh tube in the V-1 slot, dont know what that is, read the manual.

Good Luck and never settle on a tone, my settings are base starting points for me, but I can dial in what I want in a matter of minutes, I change my setting almost everytime I play some.

And Remember Have Fun
Heres pictures of my main amps. Just so you guys know Im not full of **** when I talk about amps.

If you want to hear what I sound like go to myspace.com/aintyomama1 thats my bands site. The songs on there were recorded with a Mesa Subway Rocket and a little Fender Champ amp I have. They both sound better recorded than my big rigs.

siggy14 said:
Dont take this to bad, because i agree with you it was pretty stupid to say on his part. But honestly the way you responded makes you look just as ignorant as he does.

Sadhaka's response was much more intelligent and less condesending and he got his point across much better.

155 said:
chriz_batman said:
Sorry man but did you at least read the manual!? because all your questions can be answered in the manual. I mean i haven't received mine yet(waiting for it to be build) but yet i know the amp inside and out. Please just take a look at it before you ask, thats why you only have a small amount of replies(because its not worth answering) sorry again i don't mean to be a jerk. enjoy the Road King!
dude get a clue, you ask some of the stupidest questions Ive seen on here like "is a rk2 better then a 5150?" this dudes question has far more merit then some Ive seen you post! think before you type
Btw yeah for me channel 3 is the place to be I like t because it has less presence and the tone controls seem to have more effect.
Ill try to be more intellectual next time!
nice rigjw123
JW123 said:
Talk about a lameass response read yours again. Getting a good sound out of an amp is knowing what sound you want in the first place. I can take any amp you have and within a couple of hours it will sound like I want it to sound. Some of you dumbasses need to spend more time with your amps and less time on these boards trying to find some "holy grail tone". Theres really not that much to Mesa amps, what I find most newbies doing is diming the gain on them and just killing the great tones they have. Read your manuals first, there is some great info in there. I have a Triple Rec with EL-34s, I have a Roadster with 6l6s and a Subway Rocket with EL 84s, with these three amps I can get any sound I want and within a matter of minutes.

If youve had an amp for 5 years and still dont understand it, just sell it and get you a **** Line 6 or something so it will tell you what sound you want. And I know about those cause I use one of them two. I have a JCM 800 sound dialed in mine that is to die for.

Sorry for the rant, but there are a lot of f%&# idiots in this place who really dont have a clue what a good tone is if it hit them in the head.

Classic action man! :D

I must say I was having a bad day when I made that post and normally wouldn't slander someone online.

Funny thing is that I have a Line6 Axsys 212 that I use in my teaching studio! It's a handy little amp but not a patch on my Lonestar.

I guess I was just trying to be supportive to the OP.

Hi Guys,

I am sorry to have caused a stir up here. Really like to thank you guys for giving me all the valuable advices despite all the arguments. I guess we are all here to make our amps sound better and also help others attain their tonal quest. All the best to us!

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