Where's the Rackmountable Mark V?

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
So now that the Mark 5:25 is out, I figured I'd put in my own little request here, and hopefully Mesa will see it and think something of it. I mean, a few years ago when everyone started talking about how cool a mini rectifier would be, none of us thought they'd make it, and then they did. Then after the mini rec came out, everyone started speculating on a mini mark, no one thought they'd make it, and they did.

So, myself not being of the lunchbox amp variety of player and enjoying the full power section/size of my big heads...

Really, truly... the one thing I would love nothing more than if Mesa made, would be a short head/rackmountable Mark V.

If they made it... game over. Last amp I'd need. I'd be totally set. Rest assured, Mesa, if you made it, you would absolutely have my money. :mrgreen:
I realize that the reason they haven't yet is because of how hard it is the fit the ungodly amount of features into a smaller chassis. To that I have to say,

1. Cut some of the unnecessary features. For example, I would find the preset EQ knobs totally unnecessary, cause if I really wanted a different EQ curve from the 5 band, you can use outboard gear, cause you know, it would be in a rack. I could also deal with the rectifier tube going if it was necessary to save space. Also, as far as stuff like the channel 3 bright switch and stuff like that, if there's no space, just bring back the push pull knobs and combine the bright switch into the gain knob or something.

2. Looking at the dimensions, you'd only need to get the width down from 22 1/2 inches to 19 or so inches. That's only 3.5 inches of space.

If they could put a man on the moon in 1969 with what was essentially not even a TI-83 calculator to navigate, I'll bet it can't be that hard in 2014 to figure out how to cut a guitar amp down a few inches.

Obviously, you can get special ATA cases to fit the Mark V on bottom (I own one) but I cannot tell you how happy I would be if I could just get a standard rack and not have to deal with all of the extra bulk for touring. My rack doesn't even have that much stuff in it but just the fact that there has to be a whole nother compartment for the head makes it so much bulkier.

Anyways, that's my rant. I know Mesa reads these forums, so if you see this... pretty please? :p
Actually, the more I think about it I'd be perfectly okay with doing away with channel 2 if that's what it took to make it rack mountable. With the idea of it being rack mountable, you could always incorporate other preamps to get other sounds (in my case, that being the Axe-Fx). So it'd essentially have the preamp layout of the mark 5:25 with channel 1 being clean/fat/crunch and channel two being IIC+/IV/extreme, and the same serial loop, solo boost, graphic EQ, pentode/triode and variac switches and everything all from the big Mark V. Of course with the 90/45/10 W 6L6 simulclass power amp.
Sounds beautiful, but rather than eliminating channels to fit in a rack space I think they would eliminate the power section (In favor of using one of Mesa's rack mountable power units) and all physical knobs, switches, and sliders and just be a preamp modeled after the Triaxis series. In this form there wouldn't be three channels with three voices each, rather there would just be nine different amplifiers to choose from with a series of pushbutton LEDs. The normal/bright switch, reverb, and the graphic EQ would also be a series of pushbutton LEDs. All parameters would need to be more granular than the Triaxis and go at least two decimal points to one hundredths resolution. To close the deal all parameters would be midi controllable and stored as presets. I'd buy one!

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