When did the cab's (Thiele, Compact, Widebody) change to the Mesa Engineering logo ?
If it's with the introduction of the Recto cab, as Aart says, when was that ?[/url]
I hate the "MESA Engineering" logo, I think it's damn ugly.
When I got my Mesa/Boogie cabinet, I ripped off the "MESA Engineering" logo and screwed on the cool MESA/BOOGIE logo, and now along with my MarkIV with the "Boogie" logo on the front, looks wicked! 8)
i wish they had the 'Boogie' logo for the cabs, i'd love to have that on mine rather than the "M/E".
side note.
anyone know when or what mark iv's have the Mesa/Boogie logo rather than the Boogie logo as above? I've seen some newer ones with Boogie as well as some older ones and then i've seen the mesa/boogie on the new headshell so im lost.