When did the Mesa logo change ?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Manchester UK
Looking at guitar cabs in particular when did the "Mesa Boogie" logo change to "Mesa Engineering" ?
With the introduction of the recto cab.
The old mark series halfback cabs had the Mesa/Boogie logo.
What year was that ?

I'm looking at the Mk series cabs and trying to figure out how old some of them are.
My '78 Boogie says Mesa Engineering on the face place and Boogie on the front. So it's been a while since they were using the Mesa Engineering logo.

Here's an older style cab with the Mesa Boogie logo


When did the cab's (Thiele, Compact, Widebody) change to the Mesa Engineering logo ?
If it's with the introduction of the Recto cab, as Aart says, when was that ?[/url]
I hate the "MESA Engineering" logo, I think it's damn ugly.

When I got my Mesa/Boogie cabinet, I ripped off the "MESA Engineering" logo and screwed on the cool MESA/BOOGIE logo, and now along with my MarkIV with the "Boogie" logo on the front, looks wicked! 8)
i wish they had the 'Boogie' logo for the cabs, i'd love to have that on mine rather than the "M/E".

side note.

anyone know when or what mark iv's have the Mesa/Boogie logo rather than the Boogie logo as above? I've seen some newer ones with Boogie as well as some older ones and then i've seen the mesa/boogie on the new headshell so im lost.