What's Your Dream Setup?

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
For amps -

1. Mark IIC+ - for my focused high gained liquid violin like lead tone.

2. Mark IIC+ - for my rhythm tone ( can't describe it with words) :lol:

3. LoneStar Special - for my super cleans and slighty overdrived that still retains each note from a chord.

4. maybe a mesa boogie high gain amp switcher

5. TC 2290 - for some serious delay.

6. Eventide Harmonizer- In those live senarios, becuase my band doesn't have 2 guitarists 8)

7. TCs G Force/ G Major - for chorus, reverb, phaser, flange all that stuff.

and a wicked cool rack case that holds everything and has casters. :D

One day...............one day.
HOLY COW, look at all those amps you got. I'm getting a mark IIC+ soon. My current setup is a Mark IV and a genz benz. Lol yes I realised my setup right there is JPs setup minus all the rectos, which I'm not really into, they have their own distinct sound and right now i'm really into that old school mark tone. I've gotten close to his 6DOIT tone with my MK IV. but man look at all those amps you got there. Wanna sell me your mark IIC+ ? :lol: