It's funny I found this thread, because I was just going to create a new one based on what happened to me today:
I took one of the 12AX7s out of my Express 5:50 and replaced with an EH about a month ago. Last week my Carvin Legacy wasn't working right, and I figured out that it was a 12AX7, so today I finally got a chance to see which one it was. I replaced V1 with the Mesa branded tube that I took out of my Express, it didn't fix the problem so I was going to try V2. I went to pull the Mesa out of the tube socket, and the tube BROKE. It was a perfect break, like someone had taken a glass cutter and weakened it in that spot. And, no I didn't use extreme pressure and the tube was nice and cool when I took it out, I've done this dozens of times before. I had to take a pair of pliers and work on it for about 45 minutes (including the amount of time it took to open up my amp to retrieve a piece of the tube that broke off and fell inside the chassis). So, I'm thinking they banged on this tube too hard with that hammer :shock: