Whats wrong with me?

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Has that amp (referring to the RK) changed your desire to buy more?

Wow man, you put me on the spot here.... I love the Road King soooo much, but theres always the little voice in the back of my head that says "I wonder what else is out there"? But then I play with the Road King and realize that there isn't much out there that is going to be as versatile with as many channels unless I go with a modeling amp, and I've already had the top dog of modeling amps, the Line 6 Vetta, and that didn't satisfy me the way that Boogies do. If anything, I've been looking at other amps to ADD to my collection instead of selling and buying a different amp but that's going to be a long process since I'm not made out of money and the RK was a major investment (selling 2 Tremoverbs for it and loosing a back-up amp), plus my wife would kill me if I get a new amp every other month :lol:

If anything, I've found myself drawn to the British channel on the RK more and more for what my band does, so I've been thinking of getting an amp (or a backup amp) that is more of a British voiced amp (Vox, Bogner Shiva, Rivera, Dr. Z) or wanting to check out the "rumored" Stelitto combo that is coming out later this year. But saying that, I don't know if I can do without the Recto sound that initially drew me to the amp either or the nice cleans the RK offers that some of the British amps just don't have.

So to answer your question, the RK has slowed down the process of buying new amps but it hasn't really slowed down my brain in thinking or wondering "what else is out there"? I'm still happy, VERY happy and I enjoy playing and can't wait to play the RK every chance I get.

Ask me again in another months :wink: , and hopefully I'll say the same thing.
PS.....You should hear how many Cell phones I've had in the last 2 years!!!

When I'm not trading amps, it's cell phones or upgrading computer parts.

I've had 21 different cell phones in 2 years!! Most of them I'd keep for a month and then sell and get the next big thing, I finally slowed down a few months ago but there some AWESOME looking ones coming out and I've already been over to ebay today looking :roll:
2 years ago, I had a Laney LC50 combo and a POD XT with Roland FC-200 midi board. I upgraded to a POD XT Live a year ago. In the summer I went for a Mesa 2:50 / Engl 2x12 setup but eventually got a F-30. Now I'm happy 8)
i just bought a 5150 and marshall 1960a for $800 (both in GREAT condition, cosmetically and playability) last month. I played the 5150 for about a week, but that whole time, and the weeks leading up to me buying that i was CONSTANTLY searching eBay for amps. So, to make a long story short, i ended up selling the 5150, i got $710 for it, and then bought a TREM-O-VERB for $800 (also in near mint condition except for a loose tube). And for some reason, although i LOVE the TREM, i'm still browsing amps on eBay and craigslist! But the TREM is a keeper... at least for a couple of months ; )
Just to also chime in here... I think its safe to say that we all have GAS. I think the difference is at the moment...and this is temporary...I cannot afford to indulge in such things asoften as you can my friend. BUT..that said...I have gone through SO many amps as well. Not as many as you, mind you, but more than the average bear. Peavey Classic 50, JCM 900, Fender Bassman, Fender Bandmaster, Single Recto, Fender M80, Peavey Deuce, a few others too. Piont is I only have the Single Recto now. :cry: I JUST moved to Alberta, I haven't had my job long...am JUST getting settled...I am on the cusp of good things musically...and man I'll make this promise now: Once the money starts getting more ample, I know I will be up to my eyeballs in gear. Its a sickness. But its a good sickness. Especially when you consider that Mesa stuff holds its value pretty well as everyone seems to want it...so I can justify it more readily.
Hmm...maybe an Ace, or an F-50.....oh wait how about a Roadster......try the Mark IV. Its Excellent today!! One day....one day soon. :lol:
Just an update.....(since I started this thread)

I've actually had the same amp now for 8 months (Road King combo), but.............. The series II Road King and/or Roadster is starting to haunt me :shock:

I can't wait until the local store gets one so I can hear it in person and do a side by side compairson to see if it's worth the upgrade. If it doens't sound 127% better than my current Road King, I plan on hanging on to my current amp until the Road King III or Roadster plus comes out (I just made those names up), or until I die :wink:

I did go through a GAS phase with guitars a few months ago, but I'm better now and got some pretty nice guitars out of the deal. I ended up getting two telecasters; a pink paisley tele and a lite ash natural color tele. I still have my Wolfgang too, almost got rid of her but she plays too nice .... I kind of did get rid of it, but got it back (long story there, maybe someday I'll tell it).

That all I got to say about that. (say like Forest Gump)
I've only had two amps in my lifetime! An '84 Carvin XV212, I had for like 20 years! And my current, a '00 two channel Dual Rec w/ Recto 4/12, six years running! I always lived by a mantra I've read about concerning some players: That no matter the amp, your always gonna sound like you! My suggestion: Listen to the tone from your fingers, not the tone in your head!
2 year list:

Marshall SL-X
Marshall 1936

Sold Both

Peavey 5150 II
Selection 4x12

Sold Selection 4x12

SMC 2x12

Sold 5150 II

Mark IV(1)

Sold Mark IV

Mark IV(2)

And that is what i still have.
I think their is a cure for GAS!!! use this tv analogy and apply it to your guitar. Rather than pay attention to the picture quality, pay attention to the movie!!!! Same thing when it comes to your guitar amp. I myself am guilty of studying every aspect of my tone. But I get much more enjoyment when I play and make myself not focus in on the amp. When I focus on the amp and start tweaking i always get pissed to the point where I think that no amp would satisfy me. Just play man!!
I think Nathan's advice is great! Though you should search for your tone, don't take it to the point where you only see the flaws in the amp and are constantly worrying over something else rather than enjoying what you have.

I don't have the funds to do such experimenting, but I really have no need to.

Over the last year:

Peavey XXX (just didn't cut it.....high gain, and tube, but didn't have the fullness and oomph I expected.....kept for a few months and sold)


Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifer w/ Avatar 4x12

I'm set for quite some time with this baby!
Whats wrong with you?...what isn't! j/k :p

I went from a Peavey Bandit 112 w/digitech metal master to a Mesa Boogie Road King II. The only purchases I'll be making is for random effects, guitars and cabinets. As for amps well hopefully not for a while.
I find more enjoyment playing than analyzing too. I find I play more when I spend less time on my computer.... :wink:
Well this is my LIFETIME of amps, So I guess I aint doing as bad as my ol' lady said I was..... I am 40 now and started at 14.....

My amp history.

Silvertone tube amp (Tube)
Crate Cr-1
Ampeg VT-40 (Tube)
Peavey special
Peavey Classic (Tube)
Traynor 1-12 combo
Crate Gt-60
Crate G-1500 full stack
Marshall 69 50 watt half stack (Tube)
Marshall 78 100 watt full stack (Tube)
Randall 80 watt head
Carvin 2-12 combo
Carvin X100b half stack (Tube)
Carvin X100b 1-12 combo (Tube)
Carvin X100b halfstack (Tube)
Crate blue voodoo ful lstack (Tube)
Marshall JCM 900 4100 full stack (Tube)
Line 6 spider
Marshall JCM 900 2100 full stack (Tube)
Fender Stage 100 combo
Line 6 Flextone
Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 100 full stack (Tube)
Traynor YCV 80Q 4-10 combo (Tube)
Mesa 2-12 Maverick combo (Tube)
Mesa 2-12 Maverick combo (Tube)
Crate blue voodoo half stack (Tube)
Mesa Stiletto trident half stack = on the way now (Tube)
tele_jas said:
I think I have a problem?? I can't keep an amp for more than a few months without wanting to sell it or trade it off.... I currently have a Tremoverb head and a Tremoverb combo and for about a week I was totally satisfied and then all of a sudden I caught myself on ebay today looking at amps?!?!?! Am I the only one that is like this? Here's my amp history for the last 2 years:

* 1977 Fender Deluxe (used with my Digitech RP2000)-
Traded for
* 1973 Fender Twin -
then got
* Line 6 Spider 2x12 combo, kept it for 1 month
Sold that for
* Rocktorn Replitone
Sold the RP200o and got
* a 2nd Rocktorn Repliton
Sold both Replitones after 2 months and got
* Line 6 HD147 and a Peavey 4x12 cab
Sold the Peavey 4x12 and got a
* Genz Benz 2x12
I then sold my 1975 Fender Prinston 1x10 and got
* another Genz benz 2x12
I then sold my Line 6 HD147 after 3 months for a
* Line 6 Vetta I head (upgraded to 2.03)
I then sold my Vetta head after 2 months and got
* a Peavey XXX head
I then sold my Peavey XXX after 4 months and one of my Genz Benz
for a
* Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
I sold the triple rectifier after 6 months for a
* Tremoberb head
Some where in there, I traded my Twin in for a PODxt Live and $100 and then sold that and put a little extra with it and got a
* Rectoverb Combo
I sold the Rectoverb combo after 4 months and got
* a Tremoberb Combo.

And somewhere along the line I started with a Behringer V-amp II and ended up with a Podxt and traded that for a Vox Tonelab SE and also aquired a Mesa boogie V-Twin along the way.

All of this is in a 2 year span!!

My current rig is listed in my signature.... But I found myself thinking about selling my Tremoberb head and getting a Rivera Knucklehead, Bogner Shiva or an Orange Rockerverb just to have something different.

I don't have a lot of money, I just sell and buy new-old stuff and I do probably loose a little here and there along the way too.

Am I nuts??

I am going through the same thing, the last couple of years l've bought and sold amps, until l bought a Dual Rec, to be honest, l don't like it what so ever, but it drained me of all my money, l'm having trouble selling it, so now a mate uses it and l'm ampless, problem solved:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . l guess.

But it's really hard to find an amp that you like, me, l can hear a sound in my head, the closest l've come to that sound is a jsx, l don't really know with your problem, trying settling on an amp for longer, keep tweaking, or stop buying amp after amp, hiring out a rehearsal room, and just hire out a bunch of amps that you like and just test them out before buying them.

Good luck.

I don't feel so bad with my quest for tonal bliss now thanks to this thread :) I was boo'd off of MusicToyz for showing/expressing my frustration for various amps I'd try out. Finally went the Mesa route with the Dual and at first was pretty bored with it... actually very frustrated and bored. Wasn't until last weekend I took my $3500 axe into this new guitar repair tech to do a setup where he solved all of my tonal frustrations. So the answer was in the direction of having my guitar properly set up with GHS burnished strings and not in the amp at all! I've always wanted my playing ability to be limited by my playing ability or finger quickness not from lack of sustain or tonal quality of the amp. And now I do hear that my limitations are from my inability to play the guitar and not from my gear at all thanks to an expert guitar set-up. But, on the other hand, you have many guitars (tele's up the ying yang) and chances are they are setup just fine and you are still attempting to discover just what genre of Rock you'll be content in playing and learning. Maybe do what I did and find out just what gear your inspirational rockers are using and go with that. Find out about their pedalboard etc.... and hopefully aquire the gear and satisfactorily continue to learn to play guitar with your own style. :lol:
good luck my friend,

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