What's the longest you left your amp on?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
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I have been in the studio recording two albums the past four weeks. The first of the two weeks was using power tubes that were about 6 months old. I could tell a difference in the sound from when I first bought the amp until now. The last two weeks I put in new power tubes in my LSS.

Anyways we have been recording basically 9 to 5! So my amp has been on for whole days just about. Is this bad for the amp? The last three days in the studio I have been turning my amp off while someone else records their tracks.

i don't know if it's bad, but i do know turning your amp on and off a lot is bad. Also leaving it on in stand by a lot is bad, can cause cathode poisoning.
Went on vaction for 3 weeks and got home and notices that my amp was still on!!, but it was on standby, I fliped the standby on and started jaming all was good !! I did noticed that the chassie was very hot !!
Leaving it on all day in the studio is alright. Cathode poisoning usually takes a while to set in.
woody said:
Went on vaction for 3 weeks and got home and notices that my amp was still on!!, but it was on standby, I fliped the standby on and started jaming all was good !! I did noticed that the chassie was very hot !!
Ha! good one man.. didn't even have to wait for them to warm up... lucky you didn't burn the place down. Ever come across to ya that somebody broke in, decided to leave without taking anything since your amp is sooo sweet!!
Yeah I've left my amp on overnight until the next evening before too. Didn't seem to do anything.
I accidentally left my amp on for a week with no problems, and from what you are describing neither should you. Your amp is designed with this kind of use in mind.
TheMagicEight said:
Leaving it on all day in the studio is alright. Cathode poisoning usually takes a while to set in.

Cathode poisoning would only occur while the amp is on standby.

I left an AC15 (custom classic) on for 10 days on accident. Full power. It didn't have any problems afterwards.
I was recording in my studio over the spring. It was late at night, and I had a few beers that night. I left my amp on, and went into the house to grab a bite to eat. Sat down at the computer, got tired, so I went to bed.

Had a dream that night that I left everything on in the studio.

Woke up the next morning, looked outside, and the outside lights for the studio were still on. Walked down there, and everything was still on., amp was still on but not in standby. The recorder was even running, playing back the track that I was listening to last. 12 hours and some odd minutes into it.
