What's on your Pedal Board

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Aug 12, 2010
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Hey Guy and Gals New to the Mesa World Just got a MarkV and an Express 550 to do stereo with my G System But I don't really use a lot of the effects thinking or going back to a pedal board So what works..... maybe start a pic section

Wah on the ground, delay in the loop, tuner plugged into the tuner out.

I don't really use a pedalboard. Just use the footswitch for everything.

cool thanks for your reply and Pic Hey one question for you did your Mark come with any sort of bag for the pedal and cable Mine just has a bag the size of the pedal they lost the cover and waiting for a replacement so wondering if anything else is missing

Guitar - RMC3 - ISP - PS-5 - BYOC Flanger - Barber DD or MXR microamp (depends on my mood) - TU-2 - BYOC Delay - amp

Line6 G30 wireless, Volume, ISP Decimator, Boss Tremolo, MXR Carbon Copy, EH Holy Grail, Boss tuner

All powered by a Voodoo Labs power supply

And Bigfoot Recto footswitch obviously.
Too lazy to post pics.

From guitar to amp: (2 channel Dual)
Boss TU-2, OCD vs 4, Barber Trifecta Fuzz, EMMA ReezaFRATZzitz OD/Dist

Loop: Boss DD-3, MXR Carbon Copy, Holy Grail.

I've got a ton of other OD's and distortions, but the current setup has stayed on my board the longest.
fluff191 said:
Line6 G30 wireless, Volume, ISP Decimator, Boss Tremolo, MXR Carbon Copy, EH Holy Grail, Boss tuner

All powered by a Voodoo Labs power supply

And Bigfoot Recto footswitch obviously.

Fluff, ever tried a Boss Trem with the Analog Man mod? (nice)

I had a stock one on my board for awhile, but the volume drop drove me crazy.
Actually no I havent. I haven't really noticed a volume drop with my pedal. It's coming off soon anyways.

Putting a Maxon OD808 in it's place :lol:
A Sonic Research Turbo Tuner. Oh and an Axess MIDI controller for my G-Major
Thats it :lol:
Although I do have a TS9DX and a Bad Horsie 2, but they dont get used. I gotta upgrade to a better wah and maybe a BB Preamp.
Tuner, Cry Baby, SD1, Micro Vibe, Demeter trem. and a bunch of brown goo so people don't copy me.
No pictures but I currently plug into a Keeley 2-knob Compressor and Fulltone GT 500. I run an MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay and Hardwire RV-7 Reverb in the effects loop.
HERE is an honest question... how should a guitarist place his board and his switcher? I find myself bending over the area of my pedalboard to try and sing into my mic... should I place the switcher to the side?

Any of you guys put the controllers/switchers to the side?
screamingdaisy said:
Wah on the ground, delay in the loop, tuner plugged into the tuner out.

I don't really use a pedalboard. Just use the footswitch for everything.


that is smart..... something I will learn to do when I get that Roadking II.

is that the Timefactor sitting up there?