Whats better than and Electra dyne?

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Well-known member
May 14, 2006
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Hi Guys,

Like many of you on the search of that grail tone. You know we are always looking for something better! I have an Electra Dyne and I love it, but I'm wondering if there could be something better out there?

So I'm asking what you guys think. What do you think is better?

If I had to choose, I would have to say the Diezel Schmidt: Here is a clip for your review
I made the mistake of trying an Electra Dyne again. Don't think anything is better, except two of them. Only two complaints: 1) Lack of independent EQs for clean and vintage lo/hi channels. 2) Balls loud, no matter what. Having two heads solves problem one. As far as I recall, Birdy has an attenuator for problem two.
It sounded good, but I could not tell from that video if I would like it more then the ED.

No shared control, but my understanding is they cost 4K.

You literally could by two seperate ED's for that price and and have money left over.

It's kind of funny becuase I use to love going to guitar center and trying out the different amps. But at this point I have not tried anything I like better then the ED.

The closest things I have tried was a JCM 800 2204. Loved that amp. But man that was even worse for volume then the ED was. And it has no clean. I think I will get one eventually, but not as a replacement for my Electra Dyne.

I also tried an old Marshall JMP that I absolutely adored. Got to really crank it. But no way possible could I ever do that at my house so that is out of the question.

I still poke around looking at stuff but to date nothing I have tried is replacing the ED.

I wish I had the tan short head and cab over my big, 3 ton combo. But that is merely for portability and astetics. Sound wise she is killer.
You can make the Dyne better, but I don't know if there *is* "better"...." I would love separate eq, dedicated reverb footswitch, 10 watt option, but I am happy with what it is already. I vote 2 Dynes...
primal said:
It sounded good, but I could not tell from that video if I would like it more then the ED.

No shared control, but my understanding is they cost 4K.

You literally could by two seperate ED's for that price and and have money left over.

It's kind of funny becuase I use to love going to guitar center and trying out the different amps. But at this point I have not tried anything I like better then the ED.

The closest things I have tried was a JCM 800 2204. Loved that amp. But man that was even worse for volume then the ED was. And it has no clean. I think I will get one eventually, but not as a replacement for my Electra Dyne.

I also tried an old Marshall JMP that I absolutely adored. Got to really crank it. But no way possible could I ever do that at my house so that is out of the question.

I still poke around looking at stuff but to date nothing I have tried is replacing the ED.

I wish I had the tan short head and cab over my big, 3 ton combo. But that is merely for portability and astetics. Sound wise she is killer.

Yes, whenever I try an Electra Dyne I have a stupid grin on my face for an hour, until I realize that I have to go home and I can't take the amp with me. I'd sell my Dual but I'm afraid I miss it. It just has this super phat and wide crunch that is not equaled by many other amps. The obvious solution is to attempt to raise enough funds to own both heads. Kind of hard while in school but my wife is offering me incentives! Just maybe . . .

My only fear is that by the time I have any $$$s, everyone will figure out how awesome these amps are and the price will sky rocket!
Sounded great but if the price is what I suspect it will be it will be, I am sticking with the ED. I agree with the above poster. Two EDs would be better then one.
As I understand it, the TA is similar in function to the first two channels on a roadster, albeit class A and lower power. As far as I have been told, it specializes in clean tones and overdrive, but no high gain like a 'Dyne.
Not to be a stick in the mud, but all 3 of these amps are better for my needs in the order listed:

1. MkV (enough said about this one by me)
2. Egnater Renegade (fantastic cleans in Ch1 and great crunch/lead distortions in Ch2...oh and footswitchable boost!). This amp is fantastic and is the backup to my V!
3. Egnater Rebel 30 (fantastic cleans in Ch1! Ch1 also offers a great "mild crunch" with channel volume pushed while selecting 1W. Ch2 offers fantastic distortion sounds ranging from slight breakup bluesy to in your face crunch and sustaining solo sounds....much like the "blue and red" modes of the ED). Note: I just recently purchased this amp and am in the experimental mode with it, but those that like the simplicity of the ED......need to give this amp a go. I bought the Rebel 30 Head and Egnater 112X Cab....and am blown away by the fantastic sounds achievable in both channels of this amp. It is very easy to dial in great sounds in both channels at very loud AND quite volumes!

Finally, I must say that I love the tube mix knob feature and direct out feature offered by Egnater on both my Renegade and Rebel 30 amplifiers. The tube mix knob speaks for itself, but the quality of sound that I achieve from both amps using the direct out to the PA (instead of micing my cab) is very good.....unlike other good tube amps that try to offer a similar feature which have never sounded good to me.....including Mesa Boogie! Of course, one could still mic the cab of Egnater amps as well if so desired.

No, I do not work for Egnater and in fact, my V is still #1, but not by a long shot! :wink:
Those Egnaters do nothing for me and I'm done talking about how bad i think the Mark V is.

All the ED needs is.....a footswitchable solo boost, and a little bit more preamp gain on the red mode.
A few years back I was all about the must have features. But over time I just realize I don't use them.

Hell, even with my Axe FX. I play it all the time. But the patches I created and use almost never involve more then an amp and cab, and when they do it is simply a boost I am adding. I probably should have grabbed the standard rather then the Ultra. I 'm basically that guy who buys the Axe FX and plays the plexi pretty much exclusively, with no Effects. I also play the brown sound but that is simply a modified plexi

I spent all kinds of time and putting together patches to use the 4 cable method with the Axe and the ED. Got it sounding great. Got the nice delay, got it switching modes on my ED with my cheapo behrenger midi footswitch and this box I wired together to convert two mono 1/4 jacks to one stereo 1/4 jack. Got the tap delay thing going sounding great.

A few weeks later I got this killer setup, and all I am really doing is playing vintage hi and lo, some clean, but No effects other then my hot plate if you can really call that an effect.I got it all wired up and in the end just decided to let the Axe FX stay it's own beast and the Electra Dyne stay hers.

IN the end I just want an amp I plug in, play, sounds great. Maybe a little switching between clean and dirt and some reverb, but that is it. The older I get the simpler, and better built I want my amps. Which is why the ED was the perfect Mesa for me. Simple with great build quality.

Want to here a great little kick as amp. Check this vid out

That store, Fat Sound is like 15-20 minutes from my house. Store is wall to wall high end gear.

That is the sound and type of amp that appeals to me. Definately not big enough to be a replacement for the ED, but sure would look and sound good next to her
I'm not really into modding amps, but I definitely think the Electra Dyne would be the perfect candidate for power scaling, especially considering the incredible power on tap. I think this mod would solve the gain issues people have at lower volumes.

The on board power soak on the new Royal Atlantic head looks pretty stinking cool. Definitely want to demo one of those.
Laskyman said:
You can make the Dyne better, but I don't know if there *is* "better"...." I would love separate eq, dedicated reverb footswitch, 10 watt option, but I am happy with what it is already. I vote 2 Dynes...
Now, you have the option of the Royal Atlantic.
Looking more at the RA...it really does look like an "advanced" ED...**** YOU BOOGIE FOR STARTING THE G.A.S.!
The last thing I need is to start the "wants" for a new amp......
Laskyman said:
Looking more at the RA...it really does look like an "advanced" ED...**** YOU BOOGIE FOR STARTING THE G.A.S.!
The last thing I need is to start the "wants" for a new amp......

Y'know Lasky.....I just played my =C= EL34 loaded ED for 1 1/2 hrs with a THD Hotplate
into my greenback loaded cab.
90w setting, total power tube grind happening, vintage low mode.
Ringing, chimey, thick as ya want EL34 goodness !
No neighbours around....volume pretty loud :mrgreen:

I have ZERO GAS for the RA.
If you have access to an attenuator to try for your ED, I think your GAS would dissolve.
Hell, I'll try an RA in the store when they ship, but I'm happy with my amps, big time.
No problem danyeo1....I was just giving my opinion.

I will say that I previously owned an ED for 8 or 9 months so it is not as if I didn't give it a fair chance for my needs. But, clearly to each their own and I am pleased that the ED does it for you and so many others!!

I will say that the TA-30 and RA have both caught my eye, and I will definitely give them a go when available.

IMO....the RA design addresses some of the key limitations that I found with the ED for my needs in that it offers a dedicated clean channel. I also feel the attenuator feature which is independently selectable in all 3 modes will be very useful as well!! I think the TA-30 which offers reverb and an effects loop, while increasing the wattage is a good thing as well.

I look forward to playing through both of them when available.

Cheers! :D
Birdy said:
Laskyman said:
Looking more at the RA...it really does look like an "advanced" ED...**** YOU BOOGIE FOR STARTING THE G.A.S.!
The last thing I need is to start the "wants" for a new amp......

Y'know Lasky.....I just played my =C= EL34 loaded ED for 1 1/2 hrs with a THD Hotplate
into my greenback loaded cab.
90w setting, total power tube grind happening, vintage low mode.
Ringing, chimey, thick as ya want EL34 goodness !
No neighbours around....volume pretty loud :mrgreen:

I have ZERO GAS for the RA.
If you have access to an attenuator to try for your ED, I think your GAS would dissolve.
Hell, I'll try an RA in the store when they ship, but I'm happy with my amps, big time.

After listening to the Royal Atlantic clips, I checked out the Electra Dyne clips. It is simply better. That amp gives me chills and I wish I had the cash for one right now! I think when I one day acquire one, I'll get it equipped with power scaling so I can control the amount of power tube clip at almost any volume. That would be rad! Having an attenuator and low efficiency speakers helps a lot too, I'll bet!

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