mateswithbears said:
That sounds like a great idea. A tone without mids is like a burger without the patty lol. I would like to try the eq idea but i lack the mxr pedal. Do you think a different pedal that i have in my possession might do the trick? I used to use my boss mt-2 sort of like an eq. Think it might work?
An MT2 won't work like you want it to since greg is using the EQ in the loop to affect the signal post-preamp. On the bright side, I believe that the EQ is probably the least essential change of everything greg mentioned. I have the same one, used to use it, and don't anymore. Loop hard bypass > EQ one-hundred-fold.
But about that particular tone, I know he's in modern mode, but if I were going for that kind of lead tone, I would hit up the vintage mode without a doubt. Try these settings in vintage, then switch it to modern and see how you like it. I use these settings in both modes depending on my mood.
Bold, diodes, channel 2. Kick the front with your tubescreamer. Drive minimum, output maxed (lower it a bit if you feel it's too much), tone at around 9:00.
Treble: 12:00-1:30 (I've found that the treble knob causes more of the infamous fizz than presence, so experiment tastefully in this range)
Mid: 11:00-1:00 (diming the mids sounds great IMO but it won't get you that kind of sound. it's worth trying still)
Bass: 3:00 (be careful with this, I have a Mills cab which can handle the bass and an EMG 81 which doesn't have a lot of bass; you might need to turn it down)
Presence: experiment between 7:00 and 12:00; it varies too much depending on treble and gain.
Gain: depends on your pickups. Put this one entirely to taste.
Try it in vintage first, and then switch it to modern and see if you like it better. Cranking the channel master and lowering the output really does benefit the tone as well, but it makes balancing channel volumes extremely difficult. This is why I hard bypass the loop and output section. Give that a try if you haven't already.