What is with the annoying pop up ads

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2020
Reaction score
What the title says, these ads are extremely annoying. Is there a way to block them?
YES! I started seeing these yesterday or the day before maybe. I don’t mind advertising but these seem almost suspicious like click-bait.
Maybe if I click “Nah” it will leave me alone...? :roll: No, I know better than that...
Any respectable advertiser would know that type of ad would scare actual potential customers away.
And it’s a pop-up, not just an in-line type of ad.
Very annoying...
Every time you open a new topic, post a reply, try to read a topic, there they are. Right in the way. I wonder if anyone from Mesa has seen this. This has to be the worst case of pop up ads on any of the forums I gone to.
Ok, after doing a search to try to get rid of this annoying feature it appears to be implemented by the forum. So I guess they are aware of it. It’s bad enough that there are ads interspersed among a thread and you have to scroll past them, but every time a new page opens is ridiculous.

I do not see any ads, but I’ve been using adblock plus so that may have something to do with it :|
At least now it has some ads from recognizable companies. So it doesn’t feel so sketchy.
The site is bleeding money. The ads are an effort to get somewhat close to recovering the cost to keep the site alive. Right now it's a 14 day test.

Donations have basically dried up for the last year. Next alternative is to shut down.
Ned, I assumed that the site needed financing. That is totally understandable. On my PC the infolinks ads are not that distracting, they are a small rectangle at the bottom of the screen. On my iPad is totally different, the ads are 1/3 the screen size. They almost completely block the page when you consider the Forum's header is about 1/3 the page. Also you can't scroll like you can on a PC. Is there a way to keep infolinks, but have a much smaller popup?
On my iPad, in landscape orientation, the banner is about 1” tall. So maybe 1/7th or 1/6th of the screen so not too much of a problem. It is smart though and with the keyboard displayed, it moves up so when typing a post in, there is only about 2” remaining in view.

My complaint, initially, was more about the content those first two days. It was very shady looking loan and credit ads. But now, the ads all seem reasonable.. I even saw one for a California Tweed at some music store. And if it pays for the site, I can live with it.
jaslan said:
On my iPad, in landscape orientation, the banner is about 1” tall. So maybe 1/7th or 1/6th of the screen so not too much of a problem. It is smart though and with the keyboard displayed, it moves up so when typing a post in, there is only about 2” remaining in view.

My complaint, initially, was more about the content those first two days. It was very shady looking loan and credit ads. But now, the ads all seem reasonable.. I even saw one for a California Tweed at some music store. And if it pays for the site, I can live with it.

Strange, my iPad in portrait mode has the banner very small like you stated, but in landscape it is more than 1/3 of the page, almost 1/2 of it
ranchak said:
Strange, my iPad in portrait mode has the banner very small like you stated, but in landscape it is more than 1/3 of the page, almost 1/2 of it
I did just see one of the “inline” ads (inserted between the posts and scrolls with them) that was about 1/3rd of the page!
But the pop-up window type that persists at the bottom is just about 1”. I tried playing with some of the text settings etc., but it didn’t seem to change for me. Having them as large as your situation would be difficult to work with.
jaslan said:
ranchak said:
Strange, my iPad in portrait mode has the banner very small like you stated, but in landscape it is more than 1/3 of the page, almost 1/2 of it
I did just see one of the “inline” ads (inserted between the posts and scrolls with them) that was about 1/3rd of the page!
But the pop-up window type that persists at the bottom is just about 1”. I tried playing with some of the text settings etc., but it didn’t seem to change for me. Having them as large as your situation would be difficult to work with.

If I can find a way to post pictures I'll show you what I mean. I can understand the forum opting to have the possible additional revenue, but infolinks needs to make it so it is not as intrusive.
ned said:
Had them remove the ads from tablets. Should be a better experience now.

Ned, thank you. If there was a way to have the banner be small or not pop up every page I don't think it would be so annoying.
Choice was either leave as is or remove from tablets. I had them removed from tablets so the experience isn't crappy :)

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