What is the deal with the new BUGERA heads?!?!?

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
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man, my guitarist is getting a Bugera half stack called a 333XL, I don't really know anything about these other than they're sold by Behringer and made in China?!?!? He can't stand the recto sound so he buys a BEHRINGER?!?!??! let me know what you guys have to say about these
amps....this should be fun..
I haven't heard them, but I have read about them a bit. I have the same impression of them as you apparently have, but....we could both be wrong. Write and tell us how the amp peforms when your friend gets his!
Made in China. Made in England. Made in USA.
One of these does not seem to fit. Not for amplifiers anyway.

Hey M.T. how are you liking your Orange? I am thinking about getting one.

And yes that is a nice ***!
MasterTrax said:
I haven't heard them, but I have read about them a bit. I have the same impression of them as you apparently have, but....we could both be wrong. Write and tell us how the amp peforms when your friend gets his!

I will hear the head and cab tommorrow. I'll definately let you know!!
ill say one thing... the product descriptions on their site for the head and the cab are the most vague, overly dramatic, borderline stupid descriptions ive read in a while.... but...

even if they only sound decent the head only costs 600.... 3 channel all tube amp with a built in noise gate?? if i couldnt afford the roadster and the bugera sounded halfway decent i think thats an awesome deal... i mean i cant think of any company selling a tube head with that many features for 600

edit: looking at their site again it looks like they're trying to make their way into the peavey market with their 6262 and the boogie/marshall market with the 333xl.... most likely in the quality spectrum of the b52s but then again i thinks its a ncie alternative to the kids who cant afford the dual rec, 6505 or the tsl.... atleast it will ween them off the spiders and crates

edit to the edit: this might be the funniest description ever written on a site by a guitar company:

"The BUGERA 6262 amp head is the guru of tone, designed for ultimate versatility for those who want every type of amp sound at their finger tips. From rock to country, metal to alternative, this one performs them all with raw massive power and roadworthy reliability, and virtually unlimited dynamics in a two channel configuration."

.... the guru of tone made me almost fall off my seat... leo fender, peter diezel, jim marshall, reinhold bogner and randall smith dont even make those type of claims
They've only been on sale for a few months, and I've already heard TONS of horror stories. Apparently, their QC is nonexistent.

I heard a shop owner say that literally 8 out of 10 Bugeras they sold came back within a few weeks.
sixtonoize said:
They've only been on sale for a few months, and I've already heard TONS of horror stories. Apparently, their QC is nonexistent.

I heard a shop owner say that literally 8 out of 10 Bugeras they sold came back within a few weeks.

well i guess thats why you can buy 4 of those puppies for the same price as a roadster..... i mean if someone is going itno it expecting the quality of mesa or even dare i say it... marshall.... well they should remember saying you get what you pay for... on another note this guy put together a pretty decent demo and really shows the capability of the amp

sixtonoize said:
They've only been on sale for a few months, and I've already heard TONS of horror stories. Apparently, their QC is nonexistent.

I heard a shop owner say that literally 8 out of 10 Bugeras they sold came back within a few weeks.
Maybe those 2 out of 10 are SUPER amps tho' :roll:

Well...bugger me....
My guitarist was shooting for the JSX head. But he seen this locally and played it and said it was "just like the Joe Satriani head"
I seen they look like Peavey XXX rip-offs, which are Mesa recto rip-offs.
But...I imagine they'll sound better than the Line 6 versions of the Recto family.

anyway i'll find out tommorrow.
madryan said:
They have issues with the caps blowing electrolytic fluid all over the inside of the amp... MMMMM Nice

Well maybe Bugera oughta send some BIOHAZARDOUS suits with'em!!!!
heres a thread from HC

it should keep you entertained :lol:

umm other than that go tell your friend hes a n00b and make sure you tell him itll have problems so you can tell him i told you so in a few months :lol:
Holy crap!!! blown cap!!!! (ima poet and don't even know it)
man, i'm heading down there inna 'bout an hour to see all the hype.
I'm gonna tell the shop owner about this blown cap **** just to see what he says (bettin he'll have some kind of **** to tell me)
-letcha know....
nitrous2400 said:
heres a thread from HC

it should keep you entertained :lol:

umm other than that go tell your friend hes a n00b and make sure you tell him itll have problems so you can tell him i told you so in a few months :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Can you hear my laughs from southern norway?
Well, I checced it out...and i have to say it sounds like an old DOD distortion pedal. the cosmetics are cheap (plastic knobs, cheap tolex)
of course thats what youget for $599.
Clean was clean, reberb is digital. cabinet was nothing but a behringer cab re-dressed. Had push buttons on the inside of the head with a coaxial looking input for biasing. You can't use the reverb on the lead channel.
as for the combo...the speaker grill was overstretched in places.
I would never buy one because by just lookig at it, it wouldn't handle any kind of abuse..why get a backup for this?
go checcit out fer yerself and hope it don't explode and release "coca-cola" lookig jizz on you!!!!

3 ch. Tri-Rectifier
Ibanez S540
Avatar 4x12
12 pack Budweiser
Schecter 7 string
In a world where you can find some pretty neat bargain and mid ranged equipment, I still feel in the end that you still get what you pay for.

When I was finally ready to get a stack, I had considered the B52 ATs, but finding a used mesa single recto for the same price...the decision was simple. Imitation just doesn't cut it in the world of amps these days.
Ukalali Solo said:
In a world where you can find some pretty neat bargain and mid ranged equipment, I still feel in the end that you still get what you pay for.

When I was finally ready to get a stack, I had considered the B52 ATs, but finding a used mesa single recto for the same price...the decision was simple. Imitation just doesn't cut it in the world of amps these days.
+1, though the single recto I found was more than the B52's.
Where'd you happen onto that?