What I'd like to see in a new Mesa amp...

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
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Houston, TX
If I could convince Mr. .Smith to build a custom amp, here’s what it would be:

CH1- Lonestar Clean channel
CH2- Red Channel for the original Dual Rectifier (Vintage / Modern switch)
CH3- The Lead Channel from the Mark IV.

A graphic EQ, Simul-Class operation, Tweed power switch- 80 watts.
Recto 4x12 loaded with C90s.

I think I’d be happy with that. They could call it the Mark X

I was think of something like this myself.

CH1 - Lonestar Clean
CH2 - Road King Brit/Tweed
CH3 - Dual Rec/RK Vintage/Modern
CH4 - MK IV Lead

Would be nice to have the tube selection feature like on the Road King with 4 6l6 and 2 EL34s but allow a different sets of 6l6s to be put in so you can select the first set of 6L6 or the other set of 6L6. This way you can put in different brands for the first and second sets of 6L6.

Would a stiletto channel also be cool to have? Possibly instead of the Brit/Tweed channel?
Road King II pre-amp section w/ LoneStar Special power section, quartet of EL84s.

I'm currently not playing in a band, I need to save my ears. Need bedroom volume for recording. But like the versatility of Road King.
I was thinking one channel that cleans up like a Lonestar when you decrease volume or pick attack, and nasties up like a Red, Modern channel of a Rectifier! Schweet!!!
How about the Tube King

2 6L6
2 EL34
2 EL84
2 KT88

All tubes combinations selectable so you can mix and match for each channel. Either use one set, like just the EL34s, or match them with another like EL34+KT88.

And...a built in power attenuator like the Hot Plate but specifically suited for this amp.
I would like to see a two channel amp with a whole new clean and high gain channel (and no preamp voiceings) Kind of what they did with the F-series but a whole new sound completely.
Id like to see a Lonestar Special with more power...maybe 50 watts Class A...Also a larger cabinet to accomodate the reverb which likes to feed back on my LSS when I crank the output past 7 with the send effects control at 7 also...I get a horrible feedback reminiscent of the Beatles..."I Feel Fine" feedback...when I lower the effects send control it stops however. been in the shop a million times too, and they are stumped as well...I guess it happens to all LSS as we tried a brand new one, and the same thing happens...Poor design in my estimation :(
jbird said:
I was thinking one channel that cleans up like a Lonestar when you decrease volume or pick attack, and nasties up like a Red, Modern channel of a Rectifier! Schweet!!!
Try a "Bad Cat", its pretty close to what you are describing. It sweeps from a "clean" to "hot high gain" just with the guitar's volume control. But not sure all the way "ultra ultra" high gain of a Rectifier though.
SFW said:
CH1- Lonestar Clean channel
CH2- Red Channel for the original Dual Rectifier (Vintage / Modern switch)
CH3- The Lead Channel from the Mark IV.

A graphic EQ, Simul-Class operation, Tweed power switch- 80 watts.
Recto 4x12 loaded with C90s.

I think I’d be happy with that. They could call it the Mark X


No problem...for a list price of $4999...:lol: I'm actually surprised that they haven't tried sticking a Mark style graphic EQ on the Recto series since they've updated it so many times (3 Channels, Road Kings, etc).
The point of the graphic on the Mark series is to do the job of post distortion EQ. Because with the Mark series, the EQ is close to the front of the preamp, the EQ doesn't 'eq' as such, but rather changes the character of the overdrive. In overdrive, bumping up the bass, for example, doesn't give you more bass, but rather mushes up the sound.

In a config like the Mark series, if you want more 'bass' from your overdriven sound, you then need to have a separate control AFTER the overdrive, hence the 5 band. For the recto, since the EQ is already 'post' preamp, adding another EQ would be doing the job twice (although it should be noted that this is what Mesa did on the Nomad 100). Whilst this would give you lots of EQ voicing options (namely on the more extreme settings), it's not as necessary as it is on the Marks series amps.

My 2 cents,...
I don't buy into this philosophy because the Mark series in general is made so that you can acheive a great sound and what you're looking for without the EQ. This is why earlier Mark's sometimes didn't even include the graphic EQ section. The EQ is just there to help supplement the tone if you want it too. With that in mind, having an EQ on a Recto would be no different than providing the option to a Mark user. It's just there for more flexibility, regardless of where it is in the signal.
Mine would be a lonestar front end with a blue Angel backend,
2 channels with lo power progressive linkage.
SFW said:
If I could convince Mr. .Smith to build a custom amp, here’s what it would be:

CH1- Lonestar Clean channel
CH2- Red Channel for the original Dual Rectifier (Vintage / Modern switch)
CH3- The Lead Channel from the Mark IV.

What, no MkIIC+ ?? ? :wink:

I want a original 2ch recto, minus the "clean" ch, and just really stripped to the bone.
Hrm... I don't think you could get a Road King -type sound out of SimulClass... it's too smooth, whereas the RK has that monster Rectifier (pure Class AB) sound. They're polar opposites, in my book... (would be nice, though, but can you imagine changing out 16+ tubes in an amp everytime you had to retube??)
I don't have as much experience with Boogies as you guys, but I'm loving my 22 watt Studio Series...from what I've read about the LSS, I think I'd like to see that with the graphic EQ...I'm not sure where the present EQ is located in the signal path on the LSS, before or after the preamp? Anyway, I'd like the EQ setup to be like the Mark series--some EQ before the preamp, some after.

...and without the brown/Cowboy/Texas thing...just black like the Marks.
Just to get ridiculous, add 4 EL84's and a vox/fat/brit preamp channel to the road king, and the ability to switch one more cab. Might as well go the full monty, switchable trannies for each power section, and two footswitchable stages of power attenuation. Should weigh in at around 145 lbs or so. Figure $3800.

Are we missing anything? How bout a hit song in every amp?
How about a Lone Star King? Incorporate all of the best features of both Lone Stars. Make it switchable between class A and A/B with the progressive linkage for 6L6's and EL34's? Combine the switch to do either 5/15/30/50 and 100 watts. Maybe even an onboard attenuator and a trunk monkey to help you lift it? :wink:

There must be some mad scientist projects going on behind closed curtains! :)

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