What effects are you using for your heavy rhythm on ch3?

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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
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Milwaukee, WI
Do you guys run dry most of the time, or do you use chorus or even pitch shifting? I'm trying to work on a really heavy, and full type of rhythm. I just got a TC Electronic G Major 2 and found an awesome Phaser sound that is a little different...anyone ever tried this?

Also, what are you guys using Ch2 for? Mine is a very dark sound compared to ch3, and I've found some great Eric Johnson type lead sounds when using with my ART SGX Nitro...
I run metal rhythms completely dry, using my bridge pickup.

I use my neck pickup, and add a very subtle chorus, some delay, and some reverb for leads. Sometimes I'll kick on a boost if I need ridiculous sustain.
Mark iv mode dry for heavy rhythm. Lead is mark iv with some delay, bb preamp with gain set low as a boost.
When boosting, does it add sustain or more distortion?

The BB preamp set as mentioned (gain very low or at 0) and level high (3/4 to fully turned) will mainly add sustain. Tonally, it is quite transparent.

Very best,
Does she really have to know? :wink:
Mine is basically sensitive to volume occupied by new equipment - a new cab, head or guitar would be out of consideration, but a pedal could easily pass unnoticed.

Dry...with EL34 tubes. But with the 6L6's I used a Fulltone OCD as clean boost for both lead and rhythm.
I go dry on ch3 as well, but for a nice fuzz heavy rhythm, I use a Mastotron on ch1.
On ch2 and ch3, the Mastotron tends to disappear.
I have an Eventide Timefactor in the FX loop, and I have delay on every sound I use, clean, rock, metal, jazz... Of course the M/S are set extremely low, but it adds an impressive amount of "full" to my sound.