What do you guys use?

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Well-known member
May 8, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, I had a few questions regarding recording. I have my Mark IV and my Avatar 2x12 and I wanted to start recording some stuff. I would like to Mic up my rig and go through my PC to go after a nice clear tone. So here are my questions:

1. What microphones do you guys prefer to use?
2. Do you run the microphone through an interface or directly into a soundcard of some sort?
3. Which interfaces or soundcards would you recommend?

Thanks in advance, all input is appreciated.
sm57 into a Tascam US-428.
Only 4 channels in at a time, but can be picked up for ~$100 used. Also it's a DAW, with shuttle controls, play, record, pan, mute, solo etc.

Remember when recording gat, mic placement is everything!
I use an SM57 to a Boss digital recorder. I can only track about 15 minutes of music (usually ends up being 3 tracks x 5 mins in length) and then i'll just shove that onto my computer.

it works really well and sounds pretty good
What kind of Boss recorder do you speak of? the 8-track BR? If so, could you tell me some good settings with the preamps and whatnot?
I use a 58 for almost everything. Vocals, guitars etc..

I run straight intoe a Boss BR1180. I use a mix of Mic'd and direct recording.

It really depends on the song. Also, it's easy to get caught up in the recording equipment money pit.

I think a good mic or two and a decent pre if you feel you need it are worth the money. Interfaces and software vary so much I think you just have to ***** what you want to do.

Has anyone tried a mic with the Line 6 Tone port? I was thinking of picking one up to dump some tracks into Garage Band on my mac.
Thanks for all the input guys. I think I am going to do a little bit more research and make a purchase in the near future.
Sennheiser e906 and Audix i5 together, run through a Presonus Firestudio into Cubase