What are your favorite speakers for the Triaxis/290/ setup?

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Mar 5, 2014
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Hello everyone,

Since speakers and their respective cabs are determinative of at least 60-70% of your tone ( iave had plenty of hands on experience with this), what speakers/cabs have you found to get the kind of tone you are looking for those with a Triaxis/290? For example: High gain, medium gain, semi-clean, to clean. Thanks. :mrgreen:
Since the Triaxis has Mark DNA, you can't go wrong with the '80s metal grill Mark 4x12 with original speakers for any situation----C90s in the open back top and the mighty EVM12Ls in the sealed bottom. I have two of them. :D
I can imagine how good those must sound because I used to have a pair of the Boogie 2x12's with those same speakers and open back on top for the cabs. I used them with a quad preamp and 295 power amp, a Mark III, and a Rockman XP 100amp and they sounded incredible. The EV's give that nice high fidelity, smoothness, breadth, bottom end, and punch while the C-90's provide more breakup and grit. They balance out very well together. Of course the cabinets really resonate and disperse the sound well. These things just weighed a ton though. I can't imagine 2 4x12's! LOL!
2 - Altec 15s in a old Guild Thunderbase cab wired for stereo and 2 - Gauss 12s in a pair of Bag End boxes. gets most use. I have also used it any combination of above substituting 2 - RCF 12s in a Bandmaster enclosure or 2 - EV 12 ls in same the box or the 2 Bag End Drivers that were originally in the Bag End cabs. I got tiered of the nasal honk of the EV and the combination of the Altecs and Gauses give a good bottom end and tight articulate mids and crisp high end without being jagged. There really was nothing Wrong with the Bag End 12's but I had order the Gauses first and the Bag Ends just for the cabs to put the Gauses in and realized only after that the way they came was plenty good still I like the Gauses more.
So Allphorous, are you still running this setup? Just curious as to how pronounced that " nasal honk" in the EV'S was, and where did it stand out? Was it in the distortion, clean, or both?
Darktone said:
So Allphorous, are you still running this setup? Just curious as to how pronounced that " nasal honk" in the EV'S was, and where did it stand out? Was it in the distortion, clean, or both?

The EVs have a signature tonality, they are Quite smooth when run clean or with slight break up and slightly midrangy when used with the high gain modes not in a bad way just a sonic signature. Different form the JBLs I was used to at the Time. I felt a certain amount of listener fatigue when using them after a while and was ready for something new. Note I have always favored high efficiency drivers. I've also had a pair of Altec 12s I liked a lot. Anyway I wanted a new color of speaker and a friend (Bill Pashick of Rain Recording) had just put a Gauss 12 in his Ampeg combo because he didn't like the sound of the way the stock spker broke up, I played his amp and liked the tight articulate sound. So I went to Erik Wayne (Gabriel Sound/ who sold Bill the Gauss) and ordered a pair and he gave me the pair of RCF 12s. Well any way I could have stopped with the RCF drivers but gas being gas I didn't. Gausses are just a more even sounding speaker not mid heavy like the EVs or overly bright like JBLs. I eventually traded the EVs for a Twin Reverb which was a deal in my favor for sure but I still wish I had them now.
I've never much cared for Celestions but do have a pair V30? in my Vibro King Extension cab that sound great with my TA-15.
Agreed with that description of the EV'S and really like them for those characteristics. However, I can understand your continual quest for refinement in tone of which speakers comprise such a HUGE portion of. Thanks for sharing your quest; very detailed and have learned a few things from you to consder. The tightness, articulateness, and eveness across the frequency spectrum are those characteristics that I continually shoot for in a speaker.

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