Went amp shopping... Just ordered a new "Reborn" Recto

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
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Sorry for the long rant, but I thought some here would find my observations interesting.

Been playing out over the last several years in various cover bands. Used a bunch of different amps, including a Peavey JSX, Marshall DSL-50 and my Mesa Nomad 100 1-12 combo.
All great amps (especially the Nomad 100, VERY underrated amp).

Decided it was time to move a few amps and get one really killer amp. The main thing was they had to be 3 channel amps with seperate eq, and (preferably) a series effects loop.

Checked out the following:
-Marshall JVM: Good Marshall tone, cheap build quality. Overpriced.
-5150III: Nice hot rodded sounds, but something in the tone I didn't like.
-Used Peavey Triple X: Sounded like the JSX I used to have. Too compressed.
-Carvin V3: This was a friend’s amp. Nice for the money but not great either.
-Egnater Tourmaster: GC was blowing these out. They can keep them.

Decided it was time to check out the newer Mesa's. I mean really check them out. Not just hitting a few chords for three minutes at the local GC.

Checked out the Mark V. Ton of features and very versatile, but almost too versatile. Had a lot of extras I don't want or need. Very nice tight sound, but seemed to lack “bloom”. I would just use my Nomad before spending the money on this. The Mark is a better amp, but didn't seem night and day different from my modded Nomad.

Also checked out a brand new Roadster. Another great amp, but the sound seemed a little dark. Great cleans. So far this amp was the best of the bunch.

Finally checked out a brand new Dual Rectifier Multi-watt. WOW. This amp is not like the Recto's I checked out back in the late 90's. The clean channel was great. Never heard a recto clean that I liked, until now.
Series effects loop and a half power switch were perfect. The overall voice of the amp was brighter and tighter than any recto I've ever played. The preamp "buzzy bee" sound was barely there. Dare I say it, this newer amp has some Marshall qualities that I like.

An actual Recto that was brighter, tighter and smoother at the same time… done deal.

I put a deposit down and ordered one right on the spot.
Only problem now is the estimated 8 week delivery time.
The Reborns and Roadsters are killer rigs. Out of the two I went with the Roadster for versatility though. :mrgreen:
congrats man! I like stories like this. Exactly like mine. Except I didn't try out quite as many amps as you did. I love mine. Try some EL-34's in it too. Both power tube types sound GREAT in these heads and give it a different tonal character.

Which do you guys think sounds smoother and warmer in these amps. EL34s or 6L6s?
I think EL-34's sound a little smoother. More midrange and a more tapered, less harsh high end. There isn't quite as much bass thump, but the EL's sound great, and the cleans with EL's sound great as well.

I have been going back and forth betwen EL34s and 6L6 tubes and I don;t think I could hear the difference in a blind test.

I played one of these a few days ago and it was awesome! Just be aware of issues with lead playing; the couple that I've played have had issues with parasitic oscillation (sounds like a mosquito riding on the note). Don't know if it's across all channels, but definitely on red modern.
TheMagicEight said:

I played one of these a few days ago and it was awesome! Just be aware of issues with lead playing; the couple that I've played have had issues with parasitic oscillation (sounds like a mosquito riding on the note). Don't know if it's across all channels, but definitely on red modern.
"Parasitic oscillation" Finally someone has named this wierd sound. I keep running into this also. What frequency does this thing live in?
ryjan said:
TheMagicEight said:

I played one of these a few days ago and it was awesome! Just be aware of issues with lead playing; the couple that I've played have had issues with parasitic oscillation (sounds like a mosquito riding on the note). Don't know if it's across all channels, but definitely on red modern.
"Parasitic oscillation" Finally someone has named this wierd sound. I keep running into this also. What frequency does this thing live in?
Annoying, ain't it? :lol:

It really depends on the amp as to which frequency is oscillating. It's usually caused by poorly placed parts that induce capacitance on each other. I've noticed it in newer Rectifiers and in the tamer channel of the Uberschall Twin Jet I had (a few others too, but I can't remember which).
TheMagicEight said:

I played one of these a few days ago and it was awesome! Just be aware of issues with lead playing; the couple that I've played have had issues with parasitic oscillation (sounds like a mosquito riding on the note). Don't know if it's across all channels, but definitely on red modern.

Finally got my amp last week. Have spent about 5 hours with it so far and couldn't be happier. It simply is the best sounding "Recto" I've ever played.

As far as hearing "parasitic oscillation", what you might be hearing is typical preamp buzz if the gain is very high. Lead dress or lack of a swamp resistor (or too low a value swamp resistor) are the typical causes. Lead dress is a non issue as it's a pc board amp (unless it has a design flaw). What I do hear is a brighter Rectifier. I'm glad to say the Rectos are no longer "Sludgy".

I will look in to it further, but so far, the amp sounds great. If you could cross a an old two channel Rectifier, a gained up JCM 800, and a Soldano SLO... you pretty much have a "Reborn" Rectifier.
Nomad100 said:
TheMagicEight said:

I played one of these a few days ago and it was awesome! Just be aware of issues with lead playing; the couple that I've played have had issues with parasitic oscillation (sounds like a mosquito riding on the note). Don't know if it's across all channels, but definitely on red modern.

Finally got my amp last week. Have spent about 5 hours with it so far and couldn't be happier. It simply is the best sounding "Recto" I've ever played.

As far as hearing "parasitic oscillation", what you might be hearing is typical preamp buzz if the gain is very high. Lead dress or lack of a swamp resistor (or too low a value swamp resistor) are the typical causes. Lead dress is a non issue as it's a pc board amp (unless it has a design flaw). What I do hear is a brighter Rectifier. I'm glad to say the Rectos are no longer "Sludgy".

I will look in to it further, but so far, the amp sounds great. If you could cross a an old two channel Rectifier, a gained up JCM 800, and a Soldano SLO... you pretty much have a "Reborn" Rectifier.
Congrats again on a great purchase!

I went to try the amp out again next to my build, and interestingly enough - with the same guitar - the parasitic oscillation was nowhere to be found. I think it was probably a voltage fluctuation, though interestingly as well, I liked the sound more before (on chords, not lead). Anyway, one more reason I never play my amps without a variac set at 117VAC (specified on Mesa schematics).
Congrats! Is the 2 and the 3 channel that different from an early 3 ch recto? You've tryed one before buying this one, right?
Nomad100 said:
Checked out the following:
-Marshall JVM: Good Marshall tone, cheap build quality. Overpriced.

I reluctantly admit that you're right with that opinion. Great range of sounds but the bazillion knobs on the front do indeed have a cheap feel to them. I would've expected a little more for the price I paid. :?

I'm considering trading it in for a JCM 800 (100W) and an RJM RG-16. I liked the versatility and MIDI on the JVM but.... i dunno. It seems like My new multi-watt is just as diverse as the JVM minus the MIDI
boss4 said:
Congrats! Is the 2 and the 3 channel that different from an early 3 ch recto? You've tryed one before buying this one, right?

I think so. The sound is clearer, tighter and a little brighter. The preamp isn't as "buzzy" sounding.
The best description is that it's like taking a blanket off the amp.

I've tried them all. If the older three channel Recto sounded as good as the newer model, I would of bought one and saved myself a ton of $$$.
wackocrash5150 said:
Nomad100 said:
Checked out the following:
-Marshall JVM: Good Marshall tone, cheap build quality. Overpriced.

I reluctantly admit that you're right with that opinion. Great range of sounds but the bazillion knobs on the front do indeed have a cheap feel to them. I would've expected a little more for the price I paid. :?

I'm considering trading it in for a JCM 800 (100W) and an RJM RG-16. I liked the versatility and MIDI on the JVM but.... i dunno. It seems like My new multi-watt is just as diverse as the JVM minus the MIDI

Funny thing is, I'm a TOTAL Marshall guy. Still have my '82 JCM 800 and a 1959HW RI. Just sold off a DSL 50. I can get my Dual "Reborn" to sound like my old JCM. It's one of the reasons I bought it.

I would of loved for the JVM to be built a little better... but it's not. :(

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