Way to bolster tremolo circuit in Tremoverb?

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Jeff R

Active member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
I recently returned to the Tremoverb camp after using old BF Fenders for the better part of the past seven years.

Those old Fenders' tremolo circuits really spoiled me - is there any way to spice up the T-verb's tremolo circuit to make it big, bold and in-your-face like on an old Fender? Also, is there some mod that can make the speed roll just a tad faster?

Thanks for any suggestions in advance.
I had a Tremoverb for a while and I always noticed that the Tremlo effect in the amp was very warm sounding. I didnt have a problem with the speed on it--but you might check with FJA Mods or even a good local amp tech on a mod. I would imagine that the way the speed is increased in that circuit is by letting more current through the potentiometer that controls the speed of the effect. Maybe if they put a different pot in there which let more current through or replaced a resistor or cap in the circuit with a lower resistance or something it would speed things up?? Just a thought. :?:
The TOV uses a 555 Timer chip and an LDR (Optocoupler).
From what I can tell, the timer chip tells the LDR when to light up/Oscillate and cause the tremolo effect. I dont know what you really want to do, but the depth pot is a 100K Audio and the Speed is a 100K linear. The linear does not start the increase in tremolo until it reaches the top of the dial.
Maybe a pot with less taper will get you where you want to go and get the tremolo to oscillate quicker on the dial all the way up to a spacey vibe.
Boogiebabies said:
The TOV uses a 555 Timer chip and an LDR (Optocoupler).
From what I can tell, the timer chip tells the LDR when to light up/Oscillate and cause the tremolo effect. I dont know what you really want to do, but the depth pot is a 100K Audio and the Speed is a 100K linear. The linear does not start the increase in tremolo until it reaches the top of the dial.
Maybe a pot with less taper will get you where you want to go and get the tremolo to oscillate quicker on the dial all the way up to a spacey vibe.

Nice! I didnt know that much about the circuit--just basics--

Thanks for the add! :D
Here's the only thing that I found to make my Tremolo better... Best $20 pedal I've ever bought.

I know that it doesn't answer your question, but that's truely the only thing I could do to make it better in a live situation.
Thanks for the suggestions. Considering the hassle of rounding up parts, cracking chassis and getting my shadetree amp tech to break his busy schedule to come over and tinker with no guarantees on satisfaction with the end result, I may just be better off getting a cheap but decent trem pedal and quitting while I'm ahead hahaha

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