Was I Wrong for not accepting this MK V?

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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Well I had purchased a head, but for $100 more I saw more usefulness and a better value to go with the combo; + for what I play the combo works better.

I had specifically asked my dealer not to open the box and send the MK V to me sealed like it left Mesa Boogie. I mean what value could be added by them opening it up? In my experience, they don't repackage stuff correctly and plus I wanted the "unpacking experience" for myself.

Well, what do you know, they sure as hell did open it, didn't repackage the amp correctly...they placed the foam paddings in the wrong orientation....did not properly reseal the box...and this is what I received:

I did manage to test the amp, and to no surprise, it had problems, alot of noise in every channel...and when plucking a chord with any significant volume, the sound would cut out completely. Despite the way the box looked, the cosmetic damages were minor (small mar and scrape). Nonetheless, with all the loose movement in transit, the amp did not look new...it showed some wear as if it were a used display model at best.

So, I promptly got in my car and drove 5 hour (round trip) to return this thing and demand my refund. After some tussle back and forth with the owner, he issued my refund.

So, what would any of you had done in my situation?

The Moral of this story? I always purchased my Boogie stuff locally from my trusty GC (don't laugh). So with this new online purchase ability, I decided to save on the tax and buy out of state. Well, this is what happens. I am not ever doing this again. Luckily, my local GC called me to let me know they just got a brand new MK V Head in.....and though I was hoping for the combo, I am going back to the head. I am nearly Gasless for this amp now. Arrrgh!
Dude don't worry about it. I would have done the same. The unwrapping process is borderline sacred. If you're paying 2 grand for an amp, you want **** done your way. For 2 grand all you want is to be the first to open up your amp and if the fucktards can't take simple directions they don't deserve your business. Not only that, if I'm paying for a new amp, I want it to LOOK and SOUND like a new amp.
Man, that was not right on so many levels...

I would have done the exact same thing, only I would,nt have been as nice as you were about it!

What kind of lousy, ***-backwards customer service was that?

I would have made those jokers reimburse me for gas, and buy me dinner and a movie!

And I,m not joking about the gas money part! And if they refused, reminded them of an agnecy called the Better Business Bureau.

I,m looking at those "repackaged" pic,s, and that looks like a tore up from the floor up, overstuffed box of dirty laundry...they could,nt be serious!

Don,t let this experience sour you on the Mark 5 itself however. Head out to your local GC (if you have,nt already done so) and give that head a whirl.

Ya know, everything happens for a reason, and maybe this was for you to check one out under different circumstances to see if you really dig it or not...

Good luck!
Shang Chi 66 said:
Man, that was not right on so many levels...

I would have done the exact same thing, only I would,nt have been as nice as you were about it!

What kind of lousy, ***-backwards customer service was that?

I would have made those jokers reimburse me for gas, and buy me dinner and a movie!

And I,m not joking about the gas money part! And if they refused, reminded them of an agnecy called the Better Business Bureau.

I,m looking at those "repackaged" pic,s, and that looks like a tore up from the floor up, overstuffed box of dirty laundry...they could,nt be serious!

Don,t let this experience sour you on the Mark 5 itself however. Head out to your local GC (if you have,nt already done so) and give that head a whirl.

Ya know, everything happens for a reason, and maybe this was for you to check one out under different circumstances to see if you really dig it or not...

Good luck!

It's ironic and funny cuz I got the call from my sales guy at GC as I was heading out of this store towards my car. My first ? was if it were still in the box or display...he went and checked and said the seal was broken, but nothing had been unpackaged or removed. So I placed a deposit on it and wil check it out tomorrow during the PRS RoadShow with Paul Reed Smith. The little time I had with the combo, I did not dig the tones as I had from previous experience...but very much loved it through my Diezel 2x12 cab. So yes you are right...mabe I was destined to sav those $100 and get the head.
I would have gone ballistic. Way to be graceful dude. What sucks the most is how they didn't listen to you, that would have pissed me off the most.
I would have stabbed the guy in the neck if he did that to me.

What a sham.

At least you can still get a V. The head rocks brother! Especially through a 4x12. You'll be loving it when you get a "real" one.
That's just plain stupid!! Those fags won't be in business long if they continue to do stuff like this. I would have been irate!! Good luck with your second one, man.
I had similar noises in mine on Day 1 and repalced v1 and V2... prob solved. But you're description of sound cutting out with any significant volume is exactly what mine did this past weekend.. 5 weeks after getting the amp.

Glad you got it returned!!!
My local store makes fun of me because I will not buy anything that is out of the box. The term "NEW", to me, means that I am the one who unpacks the sumbitch and blesses it with its first fingerprints. Oh, I molest things until they are firmly at a floor demo state and have no problem after that, but I am the first person it sees outside of the egg and it helps the bonding process between Mother (Wilma) and Amp (BamBam).

You did absolutely nothing wrong and even if you HADN'T told them your preference for an unopened box, I would have brought it back. That would have stayed with you for a loooong time and turned you into a bitter Mark V owner.
Mark Fore said:
My local store makes fun of me because I will not buy anything that is out of the box. The term "NEW", to me, means that I am the one who unpacks the sumbitch and blesses it with its first fingerprints. Oh, I molest things until they are firmly at a floor demo state and have no problem after that, but I am the first person it sees outside of the egg and it helps the bonding process between Mother (Wilma) and Amp (BamBam).

You did absolutely nothing wrong and even if you HADN'T told them your preference for an unopened box, I would have brought it back. That would have stayed with you for a loooong time and turned you into a bitter Mark V owner.
Totally agree man. It's like a chick saying she's a virgin when she's clearly not. :shock: Seems like a weird example but come on... it's like "Oh what all those other people? They didn't mean anything. No I'm still pure as ever..." Pfffft... WRONG!
Off topic...

I got bitten by the bug last week and called all sorts of places looking for the Mark V 1x12 combo.

One person had one - my local Guitar Center. I asked twice - "You sure you have it and you sure it's new in the box??"

Resoundingly yes... In fact, he took my # in case anything happened to this 'brand new boxed unit' until I got there.

Jumped in the car and drove 30 miles with a ridiculous smile and giant wad of cash.

I get there and see a combo unit near the front door with my name on it. No box.

I find the guy and he says something about 'the people in the warehouse didn't listen.. blah blah'

Then says - "We don't have the cover or the foot switch.. But can probably get you one."

Me - "When?"

GC - "Not sure. This stuff is all back ordered... Probably couple of months. Oh yeah, we don't have the manual either... But can print one out for you."

No thanks. I remain ampless, and my irritation with GC violently renewed.
Here's one interesting tidbit about this fiasco. I happened to pay for the amp using my Paypal account. Had that not been the case, I would have had a harder time getting the owner to issue the refund....cause unbeknown to me there is a no refund policy..which of course was not evident on the site when I placed the order (probably was buried somewhere -- but not disclosed in the checkout process).

He had the nerves to suggest, hey, we can replace the tubes now and it'll be good to go...Uh? No, not knowing what that box looked like and the trauma the amp suffered....I am not going to deal with issues cropping up down the line...and while the 5 yr warranty is great, it sure as hell aint free (if you have to ship that beast).

Because, Paypal will immediately put a hold on my payment until the dispute is resolved, he went right ahead and issued the refund.

So, for once, Paypal saved my bacon.

Again, I don't think I will ever buy something like this out of state (or at least from a dealer I don't already have an established good buying relationship).
EtherealWidow said:
Mark Fore said:
My local store makes fun of me because I will not buy anything that is out of the box. The term "NEW", to me, means that I am the one who unpacks the sumbitch and blesses it with its first fingerprints. Oh, I molest things until they are firmly at a floor demo state and have no problem after that, but I am the first person it sees outside of the egg and it helps the bonding process between Mother (Wilma) and Amp (BamBam).

You did absolutely nothing wrong and even if you HADN'T told them your preference for an unopened box, I would have brought it back. That would have stayed with you for a loooong time and turned you into a bitter Mark V owner.
Totally agree man. It's like a chick saying she's a virgin when she's clearly not. :shock: Seems like a weird example but come on... it's like "Oh what all those other people? They didn't mean anything. No I'm still pure as ever..." Pfffft... WRONG!

lol! now that is too funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
It may have come apart during transit, and the shipper may have had to reseal the package. My combo box was partially opened on the bottom 'cause it's a heavy amp.
phyrexia said:
It may have come apart during transit, and the shipper may have had to reseal the package. My combo box was partially opened on the bottom 'cause it's a heavy amp.

Entirely possible, but from the look on his face when I showed him the pics, I'd say that was not the case...plus, he clearly re-packed the amp the wrong...foams were not in the correct orientation.

And, I left out this piece....his justification for opening it was that it is their policy to always do that. My response was...."You don't have the right to do that with my property. I didn't authorize you to do so...and I made it clear for you not to do it....you accepted my order on those terms. In addition, since I paid for the amp 100% upfront, the amp never belonged to you once it was delivered into your store."
phyrexia said:
It may have come apart during transit, and the shipper may have had to reseal the package. My combo box was partially opened on the bottom 'cause it's a heavy amp.

Entirely possible, but from the look on his face when I showed him the pics, I'd say that was not the case...plus, he clearly re-packed the amp the wrong...foams were not in the correct orientation.

And, I left out this piece....his justification for opening it was that it is their policy to always do that. My response was...."You don't have the right to do that with my property. I didn't authorize you to do so...and I made it clear for you not to do it....you accepted my order on those terms. In addition, since I paid for the amp 100% upfront, the amp never belonged to you once it was delivered into your store."

Not that I don't agree with everything you've done but I'm very certain that the amp is their property until it's in your hands.
Not that I don't agree with everything you've done but I'm very certain that the amp is their property until it's in your hands.

That's not true.....When I placed my order with the stipulations I aforementioned, we in essence had a contract. He accepted those terms. By opening the box, he breached our contract.

Not only that, once you pay for something 100%, title transfers to the buyer (Business Law 101) - this is true in both the state of origin and place of sale. The amp was only his property while in transit from Mesa Boogie....once it came into his store, it was officially my property; he became my agent at that point. Agents can only do what they are authorized.
You might want to report this to Mesa...I'm sure they have some sort of relationship with their dealers.

Anyhow, you did the right thing...I'm just glad I have a good dealer...I payed half down for mine and when I got there it was still in the box, unopened...the owner said when someone deposits on an item, especially an expensive amp, he never opens it...just because he's learned from experience that the typical buyer wants a brand-new, untouched item.
Not that I don't agree with everything you've done but I'm very certain that the amp is their property until it's in your hands.

That's not true.....When I placed my order with the stipulations I aforementioned, we in essence had a contract. He accepted those terms. By opening the box, he breached our contract.

Not only that, once you pay for something 100%, title transfers to the buyer (Business Law 101) - this is true in both the state of origin and place of sale. The amp was only his property while in transit from Mesa Boogie....once it came into his store, it was officially my property; he became my agent at that point. Agents can only do what they are authorized.

As the amp was in his store, it was still "in transit", as they hadn't sent it to you yet. As far as a contract goes, you'd never pull that off in a courtroom.

This is all semantics, mind you. If you took this to court, you'd win, because your product was "damaged in shipping". However, let's say the product was in great shape, and you knew they opened the box because they left you a note inside that said "HAHA, we opened this!"...you wouldn't stand a chance in court with your "contract".

Also, there is no "title", that only applies to cars and trucks. Business Law 101...I'm no lawyer myself (but my wife is), but it's obvious you're not either as this is actually Contract Law, Business Law applies to partnerships and corporations. If the amp was actually YOUR property, it wouldn't have shipped to the dealer, AT ALL. If the dealer chose to, they could have sold "your amp" to another customer and told you that yours is still on order. That amp, from the time it shipped from Mesa until the time the dealer shipped it to you was their own stock. Being an authorized dealer practically makes them a part of Mesa Boogie, I seriously doubt that Mesa Boogie would side with you simply on the principal of not opening the box. Delivering the best quality product is their goal, not shipping boxes with unbroken seals. The boxes we recieve are not intended to be product boxes, just shipping boxes.

But as I said, you did the right thing, you should not have kept that amp.

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