Warm up crackle?

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Feb 13, 2010
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Before i play i always let my amp warm up with standby on and full power on but almost always it sounds like a fly/mosquito light is in my amp and a flock of mosquitoes is flying to there death in my amp after a while the noise subsides but i wanted to know if this is just normal activity from my tubes or do i have a problem? I also wanted to know how i should be running my cab out from my head I have a 2x12 recto cab and i just wanted to make sure.
Well, forgive me for asking but when you say you warm up your amp with the standby on do you mean the switch is up or down (should be down). Normally when the amp is in standby, when you turn it on or walk away for a break nothing comes out. Dead quiet. When you toggle from standby to on to play there is a hiss but the amp is fairly quite overall. Your mileage may vary depending on the tubes (conditions, brands, etc.) and power outlet.

If I don't wait a bit after turning it up, my amp will complain with crackles and pops everytimes. In no times all is well and it runs great. Been using it since May, 2-3 hours a day.
my clean channel does this if i don't let it warm up enough first

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