WANTED: DR settings for HARD ROCK!

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
I'm having a bit of trouble getting a good CHUNKY, HEAVY hard rock setting on my Roadster (not Metal, but still heavy). I want Channel 4 to be all out devastating but still usable! I have an MXR EQ in the loop in a slight 'V' that helps a bunch but it still needs a little more oomph somewhere, somehow. What settings do you all use for your heavy tones in the modern mode? I'd like to try out some settings tonight and see what i can come up with.

Also, I am currently using a C90 loaded 3/4 back 1x12 cab. Would a 2x12 3/4 back w/ V30's help out with the tone I'm after or sound better in general?


I use the tremonti TR levels on my roadster channel 4 with a mesa 4x12 recto cab. The sound is HEAVY...not metal at all. Try that out. I also have a boss ge-7 set to opposite V shape, but thats only for octaves
Were you able to steal those settings from the youtube video he has of his rig or is there a thread that highlights those settings? I'll check the database in the meantime and see if the Tremonti settings are in there too...

Thanks vertigo!

EDIT: Just watched the youtube rig video. Here's what he said he uses:

Gain: 6
Presence: 3
Bass: 10
Mid: 4
Treble: 6

Is that what you use with your 4x12? I just have a 3/4 back 1x12. I'm thinking that will be too much bass for my tastes. I'll try those settings out anyway and see what I get...

Anyone else have some settings?
Here's the setting I use for hard rock-

Modern Mode
Pres- 0-3 depending on the guitar/speakers
Master- 3
gain- 5-6
bass- 10
mid- 10
treble- 3

Tube rectifier or Diode depending on mood/Bold
i can give you my settings for a 3 channel DR. they are (clock settings):

channel 2 modern (i think this is one of the key for great tone; channel 3 is too harsh IMO)

presense: 7:00 (or zero)
gain: 12:00
master: 11:30
bass: 11:30
mid: 12:30
high: 12:00

also, a TS9 tubescreamer (stock) in front of the amp with the settings:

gain: 7:00 (or zero)
tone: 7:00 (or zero)
level: 1:30

the main master is also at 12:00

i have an ISP decimator pedal noise gate to tame the hiss (used to have a BOSS NS-2 but recently upgraded to the ISP).

i use a gibson les paul with .12 gauge strings (d'addarios) dropped D (1/2 step down) tuning and tremonti treble pickups on the bridge.

to get an idea of the tone you can go to my band's myspace page and check out the track "on the line" (cheap plug! lol). it's a small 30 second clip and it's still not mixed (or mastered), but the track should be finalized by the end of the month and it should give you an idea of the tone i'm getting.

good luck!

Hmm I have a new Roadster head and get a pretty brutal heavy tone out of it on CH 4 modern. Here's what I put it at:

Master: 10:00
Pres: 9:00 (gives a bit more chunk w/ lower presence IMO)
Mid: 8:30-9:00
Treble: 1:00
Gain: 3:00 (anything higher is too noisy)

Hope this helps!
Thanks guys! I'll try out the settings tonight when the misses is away. :p

I'm thinking about picking up a Keeley TS-9. Can anyone vouch for it's tone when used with a DR?
MusicManJP6 said:
I'm thinking about picking up a Keeley TS-9. Can anyone vouch for it's tone when used with a DR?

i use a stock pedal, although was thinking of getting the analogman mod. i hear that the keeley adds a little more distortion and the analogman makes it warmer (since it uses the original JR chip, or something like that).

since i'm happy with my TS9 i'll stay with it. but if you do get the mod let me know how it turns out :)
MusicManJP6 said:
how does the TS-9 effect the tone when used like you have it or if used with some gain added?

to me it feels that the TS9 as a boost just tightens everything up and cuts through the mix better. i don't think i'll ever play live without one again!

it's funny cause when i first got it (on the suggestion of guys on this board) i had the gain all the way down but the tone at around 12:00. it sounded so thin and terrible i was so disappointed. however, i later turned the tone knob all the way down also and just left the level up and it sounded awesome! very transparent; it's as if it was my tone but much heavier!

give it a try and pick one up at GC, if it doesn't work for you, you can always return it. good luck!
TS-9 eh? I have a Boss DS-1 but haven't tried it through the Roadster yet. Anyone else try it? I've used it on Marshalls and it sounds great but I hear the TS-9 is better.
I had a Keeley DS-1 and didn't much need it with my Mark IV. It colored the tone is the main reason I got rid of it.

Is $100 a good price for a used Keeley 'baked mod' TS-9?
Gain: 6
Presence: 3
Bass: 10
Mid: 4
Treble: 6

that is the tremonti setup but I took that and changed a bit. My settings are:

Gain: 6
Presence: 5
Bass: 8.5
Mid: 4
Treble: 6
Just got done jamming with the new settings! Man, the bass really thickened up the tone. I've got it set like Vertigo suggested and it sounds great! Thanks guys for the help...
no problemo...after playing with different settings, I think those settings are the best for HARD ROCK when playing a DR/ROADSTER/TR. Sounds huge and thick!
vertigo_ said:
Sounds huge and thick!

That's exactly how I would describe it! I ended up tweaking the other 3 channels so they didn't sound so thin when I switched from Ch4 to any other channel. Very niiiiice! :D
BTW did u hear any muddiness..cause I didnt. So I don't get it when people go like take the bass down to -1000. DR is so muddy with bass.
Actually, I did not notice any muddiness OR flubby low end! The main reason I never cranked the bass knob before was because typically on a Mesa the bass gets a little wacky when you crank it. I was pleasantly surprised that the bass just added a ton of girth and retained it's tightness! I think the gain not being dimed helps. Overall, it's a really cool setting. I can't wait to hear it in a full band on Sunday when we have practice with a new drummer.