Walkabout has weak output and is running hot!

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Sep 8, 2007
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My amp needs help! I own the Walkabout Scout 15" and I LOVE this amp! I had purchased an additional 2x10 cab and have been running the two cabinets for some time with no issues until the other day. It was an outdoor show during the summer and it was a scorcher! Since the show was outdoors, I really had to run the amp's master volume pretty high (around 1 o'clock, I usually have the Master set at 9 o'clock). Everything was going pretty well until 20 minutes into the show my sound just went away. The amp was still on, but no output and you could fry an egg on the chasis! I figured that it had some sort of thermal relay and just turned the amp off and finished the show running direct into the PA. I think all of you can appreciate how bad that SUCKED!! Anyway, after I got home and the amp had time to cool down, I tested it briefly at low volume and it did in fact work again so I didn't give it too much thought until last night when I really noticed how WEAK it sounds now. It has a very overdriven sound (which I actually like) but even turned all the way up you can talk over it! I replaced one of the tubes with a spare that I had and it seemed to get a little louder or it could just be my imagination. With the amp on and not playing, the temperature is fine. As soon as you begin to play, however, the cooling fins by the fan become so hot that you must pull your hand away immediatley. I am going to get another tube today and see if this fixes it. Does anyone have any idea what could be happening? :(
My apologies for going off topic-but I've been trying to find a scout to try out but nobody in the area seems to have one. My question is how much grind can you get out of it? Right now I have a Ampeg BA-112 (cheapie, I'm a beginner) but its painfully clean. I'd like to get into something that has the potential to get a little dirty...any comments?
My apologies for going off topic-but I've been trying to find a scout to try out but nobody in the area seems to have one. My question is how much grind can you get out of it? Right now I have a Ampeg BA-112 (cheapie, I'm a beginner) but its painfully clean. I'd like to get into something that has the potential to get a little dirty...any comments?
rajones71 said:
My apologies for going off topic-but I've been trying to find a scout to try out but nobody in the area seems to have one. My question is how much grind can you get out of it? Right now I have a Ampeg BA-112 (cheapie, I'm a beginner) but its painfully clean. I'd like to get into something that has the potential to get a little dirty...any comments?

I realize that this is a fairly old thread, but I'm new here... so...

My Walkabout Scout sounds best when both the input and master volumes are run at or below 12 o'clock. I'd think that you'd be able to get some decent grind out of it, but NOT into the Scout cabs. IMO, those cabs do best at reproducing cleaner tones.

Now... a Walkabout head sitting on some PowerHouse 1x12's might just be the ticket to getting some grunt outta that little head!