'Vintage' era 5-band GEQ

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2011
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I found, in my box of dismembered electronics, an old graphic equalizer with five sliders. I'm considering building myself a graphic EQ a-la the Mark/ DC- series butin pedal format. There are numerous schematics and sourcing the parts shouldn't be too difficult. I was just wondering if a 9V power supply would be adequate so I can run it off a 'standard' pedal power supply.
I know very little about this subject, but it seems like I've read that part of the design of the 5-band EQ used in the Mark series involved being run off a high-voltage power supply.
Keep me posted as I brought this idea up once for non EQ amps and everyone thought I was nuts.............at least I'm not alone :lol:
Pfft, I'm forever being accused of being nuts (something to do with having a degree in physics, apparently...) thanks for the solidarity in lunacy :D

Looks like the supply is 30V according to the MkIV schematic I found, might try it with 9 or 18V to see what happens, can always stick some kind of voltage doubler in there. Cheers for the responses though, I think I'll be definitely adding this to the list of 'stuff-I'd-like-to-do-if-I-can-ever-be-arsed'. Should also clarify, I would intend this for effects loop use (similar placement to where it appears in the Mk series amps) but I'm sure some people could probably find interesting uses for it in front of the amp etc.

Have a good weekend folks,