Vibrating tube driving me crazy......

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Feb 10, 2007
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Quebec, Canada
A power tube in my Rectoverb combo keeps vibrating and it's simply driving me crazy.
It's the one positioned right behind the speaker.
I've taken it out several times and tightened the little metal supports that's supposed to keep it sitting tight, but nothing works, it keeps vibrating.
I even changed for new tubes before I realized that it wasn't a tube malfunction.
When I put just a slight pressure on the tube with a pencil it stops vibrating.
Is there something that can be done? I'm sure I've seen an amp somewhere a while ago that had a piece of hard foam between two tubes..... probably for the same problem I have.
Is that a viable solution?
they sell these devices that slip over the top and have springs that keep tension on them... i forget exactly what they are called but should do the trick...

i think they are like tube retainers or something
You mean like the covers with springs inside them for the smaller preamp tubes (the 12AX7) ?
They make those in bigger size for power tubes?
I just stumbled upon this little website during my search for a solution.
I thought I'd share with you all;
Go to,look at the retainers in the tube accessories.Only about $2 each and should do the trick,worth trying before you spend the $$$ on the ones in your link.
Ive seen those retainers with the springs on peavey classic 30's and on
a few fenders. They may do the trick. If you decide to start experimenting with something to wedge between the tubes make sure it cant melt.
If your lucky enough that your rectoverb is still less than 6 months old boogie will replace the tubes. I purchased a f-50 before my rectoverb and immediatly I noticed one of the power tubes had a bad rattle sound coming from it when I played certain notes. It bugged the hell out of me too. I called boogie and simply stated that the tubes were rattling so much that I considered them useless. About 10 days later boogie had a pair of new tubes on my doorstep. I have purchased different tubes to mess around with and none of them make any rattling sound so in the worst case senerio you could buy a new set and keep the rattlers for backup. I believe the rattling comes from tubes wearing out and possibly getting bumped around too much.
Well, I ordered a set of eight ultra fat dampener rings made of silicone.
They suggest to put two per tube and they have a temperature rating of over 400 degrees F.
Should help to bring the annoyance to a minimum until I can get my hands on a cab.
When I get them in and have tested them I will definitely have a follow up here.
No, not from them, I found them on eBay. I took a chance because the seller had perfect feedback and they were cheaper than the c-rings from herbiesaudiolab. I got 8 for $10.00.
Here's the link:
Hey spott,,I took a look at the sight you linked on ebay,,,Interesting.
I read through the descriptions and reviews and they all seem to say that the dampers improve the sound quality. That leaves me a bit confused because I was under the impression that they were used only for stopping any rattling coming from the tubes due to vibrations in a combo.
For me just stopping the rattling would be worth the money because I have 2 sets of boogie 6l6's that rattle enough that I dont like using them.
Anyways, please due me a favor once you try them out and let me know what you think,,,especially positive results...thanks
Well, the silicone dampeners came in today.
I had to try them out as soon as I got home.
They are simply incredible.
I put two per EL34 and the vibration is completely gone.
They were pretty hard to slip on, talk about tight.
I haven't played a very long session, but there was no smell and no vibration sound. I highly recommend these for anyone suffering from combo vibrating tubes.
They claim that these silicone rings will enhance the sound of the tubes themselves..... but I'm not sure about that.
And they're very affordable, $10.00 for 8 rings.
At last, I can play with my combo and be happy.
I still wanna buy a 2 X 12 recto cab though..... but that's another story.

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