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SoulIncision said:
I used to own a Triple Rectifier. It just wasn't the amp for me. But this amp is pretty much whatyouwant.com

Did you want a comparison of the two?

Please man!! If it isnt much trouble!!
Well first of all, I hold the SE on a golden pedestal, so take things with a grain a salt if you wish. If I were to rate the SE a 10, the triple rectifier would be a 6 at best.

The SE has way more Gain than the Triple Rectifier. But it's all voiced differently. So when the gain goes up on the SE you don't lose clarity or note definitely. You do get feedback with higher gain settings, but with the on-board noise gate and/or your personal noise (which you SHOULD have anyway if you are playing high gain stuff) you can easily fix this. In fact with the on-board noise gate, you can have the gain way up and the amp will be silent.

Anyways, the distortion of the SE completely slays the Rectifier's distortion. So much clearer, thicker, and NUTULAR!

The clean channel is also much better. I have a guitar loaded with EMG 707s and with the bright switches and proper EQ'ing, you can achieve a single-coil strat like sound. It blew me away how good my cleans sounded with the pickups I was using.

The sound sustains so much better on the SE than the TR. That's one of the main reasons I sold off the TR, is because most notes died out rather quickly.

All the button switches on the SE add to the versatility. One may look at the front panel and scoff at the fact that the clean/crunch channel and lead 1/lead 2 channel share an EQ. But all is forgiven with these switches. You can change the midrange, re-voice your mid-knob, add bass, etc. If you want to know all the features, I suggest reading the .PDF manual; which you can find on Engl's website or http://www.rocksolidamps.com

All in all, if you like Engl's sound and all of it's features and it's the direction you want your sound to go, then suck it up, save up the funds and just fucking buy one. I did. :D
Yep, I've read the manual yesterday... but as you know, it is a little confusing when you are not tweeking along with the amp...

I hope ENGL is for me, because I have the Mark IV, lacks gain for me and for my music, the Triaxis, sounds artificial, good at low levels, but when playing loud it sounds very terrible! Like Jani of Sonata Arctica in live!!! Also with the mastering of the live recordings, it sounds so f***ng terrible!!! The only mesa thing I´m corfortable with is my RK II, not soooo happy as I wish, but it makes me happy, as soon as I hear the ENGL...

Thanx for ur comments man!
My vote... I would have to say go with ENGL. VHT's are too dry for me. I plan I getting the SE Special Edition Preamp (E 570) when I get the funds. Such a rippin' amp.

VijfZiel... What don't you like about your Roadking?
MetalMatt said:
My vote... I would have to say go with ENGL. VHT's are too dry for me. I plan I getting the SE Special Edition Preamp (E 570) when I get the funds. Such a rippin' amp.

VijfZiel... What don't you like about your Roadking?

Well man, a little long story, but here I go...

I buy the RK because when I was making some research to buy or not to buy it, in one forum (not this one, in one that for some Petrucci is the only good guitarist on earth, you know which Im talking about) says that the train of thought album was recorded with this amp, dry!! completely dry!!! This is the album that the guitar sound very very good to me. So, I decided to buy, after I heard a lot of videos on the tube, doing lots more of research etc, etc etc. When I plug the amp, It sounded very very different... I tweaked a lot with it... I got very good sounds out of it, but I did not get the tone that makes me buy the amp.

This was nearly 2 years ago, now with the school and more experience, I've learned a lot of things, first, petrucci recorded the album with nothing but the amp, but there are a lot of processes after the recordings, thats why, like I said in previous posts, I do not hear the albums to choose an amp, nor the live albums. It gives you a very little idea of how the amp sound but there is nothing like testing and buying, sooo sad that here in my city there is no mesa or ENGL dealer...

After my looooong story, I can tell that the RK is a good amp. It is an amp that sound very different depending on the room, in my rehersal room, it sounds awful, but when I play live, it sounds so **** good. But in a few words that is what I do not like about the RK.
I said this referring to volumes. It is a tube amp... it needs volume to sound good. It does'nt mean that you will not get good tones at low volumes, but you need to dial in them... It is not only crank the amp.

In the other hand, with my 7 string guitar, the low B string sound too muddy. When I change between my D guitar or my Eb guitar, It only needs a little tweak in the presence knob, and a little or nothing in the gain knob, but not with the 7 string one, It needs to reconfigure all the channel, which is very difficult when in live.

The vintage mode in ch 3 is very nice when shreding and soloing, but when you change to ch 4 in modern, the jump in volume is huge. It needs nearly 3 o'clock in the ch 3 to balance volume with the 4 ch.
MetalMatt said:
My vote... I would have to say go with ENGL. VHT's are too dry for me. I plan I getting the SE Special Edition Preamp (E 570) when I get the funds. Such a rippin' amp.

VijfZiel... What don't you like about your Roadking?

thats an amazing preamp man. whats the jump in price between the 570 and 580 because ive heard the 580 is just as good but you can save all your eq settings as well as the voicings, which to me is the ultimate in flexibility.
jdurso said:
MetalMatt said:
My vote... I would have to say go with ENGL. VHT's are too dry for me. I plan I getting the SE Special Edition Preamp (E 570) when I get the funds. Such a rippin' amp.

VijfZiel... What don't you like about your Roadking?

thats an amazing preamp man. whats the jump in price between the 570 and 580 because ive heard the 580 is just as good but you can save all your eq settings as well as the voicings, which to me is the ultimate in flexibility.

I haven't played the 570, but I did get to fool around with the 670 and I loved it. I couldn't justify the price (around $4,000 new) so I'm going the preamp route. Lets see... New, the 570 is around $1,900, and the 580 is around $3,200. Yes the 580 would be GREAT to have, but thats money that could be spent on other toys :D.

VijfZiel, I don't know if your against using pedals, but have you tired an OD up front, to kick the preamp in the butt, and or a EQ in one of the loops? Those do great things for my RoadKing. Some don't like to use them because its Sacrilege.
I havent try it man, but I bet you that the SE670 can sound pretty amaizing without a use of some pedals... penalty to mesa stuff...
^ Give it a try, It just might rekindle some Recto love :) I love the results I got.

Yes the SE670 sounds very nice without any pedals, but if I have to spend $150 bucks worth of pedals to improve my sound, thats ok with me. Its better than spending $4000 :lol:

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