using triaxis to switch a stompbox

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Sep 14, 2010
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I wanna use a ts808 clone. I want to order the parts and solder it myself. since I only wanna use it when I switch the triaxis and effects to lead-mode with the midi-board I would like to use one of the the 4 internal switches to also switch the tubescreamer with midi.
does anyone have any suggestions, what I will have to do ? I read that the switch of triaxis is collector to ground.

thanx in advance and greetings from germany

I don't believe you can do this without a loop switcher. the 1-4 jacks on the triaxis are latching switches and not loops. They are typically used to switch out deep, modern, and 1/2 drive on the 2:90 but could also be used to change channels on an amp too. The tube screamer would have to be used in the effects loop of the tri and program the lead presets to have the loop on and the non lead presets to have the loop off.

the other option would be a midi loop switcher such as the RJM RG16 or GCX.

Hope that helps. :)
You can use the switches on the TriAxis, but you'd have to redesign the stompbox to include a relay and another jack. Your best bet is to either buy a switcher like bzylka said or get used to hitting two pedals.

as I wrote I will build up the circuit board anyway it wouldn´t be a big deal to insert a relais instead of the switch.
I just don´t no exactly who to wire the relay coil to the "collector to ground" switch of the triaxis. can I e.g. just put one end of the coil to the 9V of the stompbox, the other end to the tip of the triaxis switch ? this would mean leading 9V throught the coil and then via collector-emitter of the switched triaxis transitor to ground. Which relay is needed ? I think I will need a resistor somewhow to protect the transistor ??
I don´t wanna kill the relais output, so I am thankfull for each advice.

This is not a good technical approach. A stompbox pedal is not operated by applying or not applying power to its circuitry. It needs constant supply of 9V, the internal circuitry (via the foot-switch) accomplishes the task of either routing the signal through the distortion effect or bypassing it. Regardless, the pedal still needs the constant 9V to be in either mode. Relays to the power supply will not accomplish what you are looking for. It would also most likely cook your pedal because when you switch power on and off all the time, you can get surging and arcing through that circuit which can blow out components.

If you are determined to go down this path, you would need to alter the circuitry inside your pedal so that your relay actually toggles the stompbox function directly, whilst leaving the 9V supply connected. Depending on how astute you are with your design, the pedal may not work as an ordinary stompbox again until you revert to its original configuration.

seems there was a misunderstanding.
I don´t wanna change anything about the 9V power of the tubescreamer clone.My plan is just to take off the footswitch and -to replace it by the switching contacts of a relais. this means stompbox and triaxis are in principle completly galvanic disconected.
So actually I just need a way to switch this relais on an off using on of the triaxis switching outputs. I read that the triaxis switches are transistors in "collector to ground" switching mode. And here comes my problem, since I amnot into transistor circuits too much. if I understand this "mode" right the triaxis switches the internal transistor, so that it opens the path emitter-collector with emitter collected to gound. when I now connect a constant voltage to the one pin of the coil driving the relay which replaces the footswitch and the other to the tip of the triaxis (collector), this would meann that the coil driving circuit will be closed (source->coil->switched transistor->gnd) if the triaxis is switched and opens the emitter-collector. is this so far correct ?
Since I have the 9V anyway on the stompbox board,I would like to use this as the source for the relay switching as well. My fear is know, how the triaxis transistor reacts on this, since I have no data sheet at all availlable on this part. Will I need to limit the current, how ? advices for the relais ?

I had a look at the mesa boogie page but I could not find any hints on an email for tech support. Does anyone here maybe has the email adress of a good technician at mesa boogie ?

thanks in advance

You can take inspiration from the 2:90 schematics, it includes "triaxis-way switching function".
or use the fet swiching of the ibanez pedal line
but that'll leave it in circuit so the relay is better
with the dtdp type switch
Looks like you'll have to do a little more research
but it's not that hard once you get it ,

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