Upgrading a Mk 2C 60 watt to 100 watt ?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2008
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twin cities
Hi , Does any one know how much Mesa/Boogie would charge to upgrade a 60 watt MK2C to 100
watts? The amp doesn't have eq or reverb either. Thanks in advance!
That's major work. Two new holes would have to be drilled on the chassis to accomondate the two more power tube sockets. Not sure how crowded the chassis is even if it doesn't have an graphic EQ or reverb but drilling these two holes means the circuit board may have to be removed.

Then you need a new power transformer and output transformer. You do realize that these are the most expensive components in the amp (I think).

Now depending where you live, technician working on an amp vary from $60 to $75 or more an hour.

Now if you need more wattage what about purchasing a power amp and using the Mk 2C's line out? Carvin sells tube power amp that maybe less than this modification. And look around Craiglist, E-Bay for a MESA Studio 50 / 50 [?] power amp or other power amps.

Just a suggestion, maybe others will chime in.
Thanks for the response. I thought that all the chassis were basically pre drilled for extra accom
odations like 4 power tubes, rev, controls etc. And then they just accommodate what the customer ordered. I guess I was wrong. Thanks!
Just curious but what are you trying to achieve going from 60 to 100 watts? The reason I ask is your not going to get twice the volume
by going to 100 watts. You might get a 15% increase in overall perceived volume gain.
I'm looking for more clean headroom in a small 1x12 combo. I already have a Nomad 55 1x12 wide body combo which is great! But sometimes playing outside or even w/ a loud band(drummer)
I start too run out of clean headroom. I know I can always add another amp or cabinet, but at
53 years old and no roadie except me, I'm trying to keep it simple. There's a 60 watt Mk 2C
that I could get for around $600.00 And I m just wondering if it would be cost effective to buy it and upgrade it. Thanks, John D.

I think you might be right that the chassis maybe pre-drilled. Did you take a look? Then I recall my Mark IIB (not IIC) the power tube sockets are NOT under the pc board so the pc board does NOT have to be removed.

Surprise amp technician members has not replied to your thread 'cause they could give you an idea if its feasible or not. I just gave you my extend of my knowledge which is not much. :wink: I could see your point : obtain a Mark IIC for $600, want extra headroom in a compact rig.

bump up this post.
jads57 said:
Thanks for the response. I thought that all the chassis were basically pre drilled for extra accom
odations like 4 power tubes, rev, controls etc. And then they just accommodate what the customer ordered. I guess I was wrong. Thanks!

The chassis has the extra boles drilled for preamp tubes and controls, but not for power tubes. The 60W chassis are gold in color, while the 100W and Simulclass are silver. You would be looking at replacing both transformers and a power tube circuit board (if Mesa even has any left). It seems like the power supply circuit board would be different, also. Then, what will you have when you are finished with the mods? A ton of money in a non-original vintage amp. Not worth doing, even with someone else's money. :wink:
The 60 watters are not pre-drilled for the 2 extra power tubes and the tube circuit board would have to be changed to begin with.
A different set of transformers would be required as well, additional filter caps would be required and probably a whole bunch more nonsense would have to be done too.
Just hold out for a 100 watter or buy the 60 and be happy.
I already do that sometimes w/ my Nomad 55 1x12 and a Cube 80 (Roland). Just a little too much to carry sometimes. Oh Well, 100 watt it is I guess! Thanks for all the replies!
FWIW, As the owner of both a 55w Nomad (2X12) and a 60w Mark III, the latter is a far louder amp with far more headroom. Knowing what my 60w Mark III is capable of, I have no idea why anyone would need 100w.
Here are some other considerations

A 2B head

A 2A combo, that is listed as a 2B

A Heartbreaker head
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm actually looking to trade my Rectoverb 50 1x12 v.1 for a 100 watt Boogie at this point. I just thought maybe since I could get a really deal on a 60 watt I might just do that and upgrade it.
gee you're 53 years old and still want a 100 watter?

I'm 51, and find smaller amps for my liking. I say gig with larger PA system.

My ex-drummer and former friend played really loud for his own good even during rehearsal. Our equipment was no less than a half-stack. Then after that band, I used a half-stack and it was sufficient. I still think it was more than enough.

... I haven't played in a band for a while but recently during a BarBQ get-together, we brought our acoustic, smaller amps, bass direct in the mixer, all mic'ed except the bass. Yeah, the PA system was big. We could be believe we sound WAY better than those loud rehearsal. So we thought that was the key, mic your smaller amps.

For you headbanger members, you guys do need your stack for reputation and the look. :wink:

... anyway just a thought.

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