Underrated Stiletto

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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Let me tell you, I was finally in a band situation two weeks after getting my Stiletto Deuce. I had done some minor jamming with it and knew it was good, but last night I actually got to test this monster out. I'm doing a favor for a friend who promotes these shows and he likes to do big openings to different themes. This year it's patriotism or something like that. He wants the show opened with Neil Diamd's Amreica (I know, I know, I'm doing a favor here). The rest of the players are a bit older, but the drummer wanted the tune amped up with a solo. I was like what? Where? Who? And for what again? Anyway, somehow I was able to build something first time through, but it wasn't me playing that solo, it was the **** amp! I was absolutely astounded at the sounds I was pulling out from this thing. I mean, going from a recto to this thing is beyond day and night. It's a screaching solo, too, so the song isn't as lame as usual. The bass player is also a guitarist, and he couldn't say enogh nice things about the sound from the amp. He's a Mesa guy, too. I think he said a Dual Caliber? He also has tucked a Mark IIC. Yup. He doesn't play it, says it's too heavy and too loud for him. Oh well. Anyway, anyone looking for a great lead amp, look no further than the Stiletto.
Agreed....after getting the Stiletto, I'm finally done tweaking, and simply enjoying the best tone out of any Mesa I've had. It just sings no matter what you do....I find myself sitting on one channel and twiddling with the volume and tone knobs, since there are SOOO many good tone to be had with only those simple changes.

I think it's honestly Mesa's best!
Ahhh... Just the two guys I want to talk to! So, I have a chance to unload my RoV and I am thinking VERY seriously of picking up a Stiletto Ace combo to replace it. I do like the RoV sound, but it's getting a little bland these days and I think the Stiletto is more my type of amp. Does the Ace have as much gain as the Deuce? Seems like it is just a 50w version of the Deuce in a combo form. Anyway, what are your thoughts on me making this switch?

BTW, I'm a rhythm AND lead guy...
Are you insistent on getting a combo? I tried the Ace in the store, and that's pretty much what sold me on the Stiletto. I'm finding the Deuce to be better than expected, actually. Now, I can't tell you if it's because the Deuce is just better than the Ace. Testing in the store and using it in a live band situation are two different things obviously. I also ask if you're insistent on the combo because I paired mine up with a Boogafunk EV 12L powered Thiele cab and it's monstrous for a 1x12. I got out of the combo business due to the excessive weight being an annoyance any time I gig out. One thing I have read here, though, is that the Ace is brighter than the Deuce, which can make it slightly more difficult to dial in ear-pleasing tones. It didn't take me long at all on the Deuce to dial in a good sound.
MusicManJP6 said:
Ahhh... Just the two guys I want to talk to! So, I have a chance to unload my RoV and I am thinking VERY seriously of picking up a Stiletto Ace combo to replace it. I do like the RoV sound, but it's getting a little bland these days and I think the Stiletto is more my type of amp. Does the Ace have as much gain as the Deuce? Seems like it is just a 50w version of the Deuce in a combo form. Anyway, what are your thoughts on me making this switch?

BTW, I'm a rhythm AND lead guy...

Back when I had my Ace, I found it exactly like the Deuce in terms of amount of gain. A little bright, as others have said, but easily fixed with less treble and presence. Only reason I sold mine is it doesn't get the thunderous bottom end like a Recto. Wish I could have both running at the same time, because I wouldn't need any more amps. If you definitely want a combo, go Ace. If not, go Deuce, because you can switch it to 50 watts and have an Ace (basically). I was able to get a very good lead and rhythm tone from Fluid Drive, just using the neck pickup for leads with the tone knob rolled down some. Dang now I want a Deuce! Thank a lot, man! jk
It's been suggested to me to run my two amps in stereo, but I'm not that good at tap-dancing. ;)
The combo interests me most because it is a little cheaper on the used market and takes up less space, but mostly because I've always preferred 50W/Recto tracking. I played my Roadster with those settings and I liked the Stiletto Deuce at the music store the best with those settings as well. There is a certain amount of sag that these settings introduce that I prefer. I ran the mid and treble lower than I've ever ran them when I tried the Deuce (about 10:00 on both roughly), but that allows plenty of room for different tones I guess!

How much did you end up selling your 1x12 Ace for, paytojt?

I'm not against the head version by any means, but it seems like a little more than I will ever need...
MusicManJP6 said:
The combo interests me most because it is a little cheaper on the used market and takes up less space, but mostly because I've always preferred 50W/Recto tracking. I played my Roadster with those settings and I liked the Stiletto Deuce at the music store the best with those settings as well. There is a certain amount of sag that these settings introduce that I prefer. I ran the mid and treble lower than I've ever ran them when I tried the Deuce (about 10:00 on both roughly), but that allows plenty of room for different tones I guess!

How much did you end up selling your 1x12 Ace for, paytojt?

I'm not against the head version by any means, but it seems like a little more than I will ever need...

The Deuce looks cooler, though. You gotta give it that. :p
Jak0lantern01......did you get a stage I or II?

i have a Stage I and i am still in love with this amp. usually by now i find something wrong with my amp. but the tone out of this one is pure heaven.
The other thing is that if you put the Deuce in 50 watt mode... and plug your 8 ohm cabinet into the 4 ohm outputs on the amp... it goes bright like the Ace.

The only difference between the Ace & the Deuce is the Deuce has 100 watt option and a different power transformer that warms the amp up a bit.
I wouldn't mind to have a Deuce and 2x12 cab, but it gets more expensive real quick! If the Ace can cop the same tones as the Deuce just by adjusting the treble then that still sounds like the amp I want!

BTW, what is the difference b/w Stage I and II?
Octavarius said:
MusicManJP6 said:
The combo interests me most because it is a little cheaper on the used market and takes up less space, but mostly because I've always preferred 50W/Recto tracking. I played my Roadster with those settings and I liked the Stiletto Deuce at the music store the best with those settings as well. There is a certain amount of sag that these settings introduce that I prefer. I ran the mid and treble lower than I've ever ran them when I tried the Deuce (about 10:00 on both roughly), but that allows plenty of room for different tones I guess!

How much did you end up selling your 1x12 Ace for, paytojt?

I'm not against the head version by any means, but it seems like a little more than I will ever need...

The Deuce looks cooler, though. You gotta give it that. :p

Actually I prefer the looks of the Ace head - sort of a classic "Marshall" type of sound vs. the "modern metal" looks of the Deuce...of course looks are easily altered by custom ordering...
If you say you're a Rhythm AND Lead player, you Stiletto will be the amp for you. It is one of those amps that you don't need to switch channels or boost anything to go from thunderous rhythm to fluid lead....it just takes your playing and almost adjusts. I've never had an amp before that takes both lead and rhythm perfectly on a single setting....but the Stiletto somehow manages it. I love it :D

As for Ace vs. Deuce, it's a tough call. Definitely more expensive to go down the Deuce route, but you're getting more versatility that way. The general consensus seems to be that the Ace is brighter. I did notice that when playing the Ace before purchasing the Deuce. The Deuce, as you would expect, has a tiny bit more low end; a slightly darker nature. Coming from Rectifier land, you might like that.

All in all, the Stiletto series is overall a much better amp than any rectifier in my findings. It's simpler, yet puts out better tones with greater ease. This amp is never leaving my side. You might notice that I've stopped posting "how to improve my tone" threads since I got the Stiletto...that should tell you a lot :lol:
ibanez4life SZ! said:
If you say you're a Rhythm AND Lead player, you Stiletto will be the amp for you. It is one of those amps that you don't need to switch channels or boost anything to go from thunderous rhythm to fluid lead....it just takes your playing and almost adjusts. I've never had an amp before that takes both lead and rhythm perfectly on a single setting....but the Stiletto somehow manages it. I love it :D

That's VERY true. the Stiletto is the kind of amp that no matter how it's distorted, if you soften up your pick attack you'll get a rather clean sound, of course not fender pristine clean, but very usable. it reacts very well to your picking hand (think "Simple Man" kind of clean and than you unleash the fury on the chorus using the very same settings, just picking harder 8).

The Stiletto is taming the MKIII land in my heart day after day . . . :shock:
I found an eq in the loop of the Ace can really tailor the sound. A stock Ace combo is a bit thin sounding, but an eq can fatten that up nicely for you. If you can get an Ace much cheaper, perhaps tailoring the eq's is a good answer to warming it up a bit.

Stiletto is the amp that never sounds bad. Do you guy's now the feeling that is like sometimes your sound is somehow less good than the last time you played your amp ? And sometimes it's as sweet as you remembered ? This has been happening to me my entire life through out all my amps and cabs.

It ended with the stiletto. No matter how I'm feeling or if I'm in the mood for playing, just firing that sucker up and start playin' it always comes together for me. This the best setup I have ever owned for my ears anyway and I will never sell it.

I'm using a 2x12 recto cab with my trident and it's just sweet. This amp single handedly cured my GAZ for a mark IV.

I strongly recommend the deuce over the ace.
The Ace kicks ***! But get the head then you can get what ever kind of cabs you need ( 1x12 , 2x 12, 4x13 ) depending on the gig. By the way the Ace head looks way cooler than the Deuce.