ramseyron said:
Hey sixveesix:
What speakers do you recommend? Thanks for your input.
I like cast frame speakers, which one specifically depends on the amp, your pickups and the style if music you play. That said, here are some that I have or have tried and liked:
Peavey Black Widow (there are several different baskets for these. The ones with the shiny aluminum dust cover sound ice-pickey to me. YMMV. I have one in a ported box and it sounds great, even for bass at lower volumes
Electrovoice EVM 12L or 12S - Great speakers.
Peavey Scorpion Ultra and Scorpion Plus - Sometimes you can find these in solid state Peavey amps dirt cheap. They are both great sounding speakers. Regular Scorpion is decent but not in the same league.
JBL G125 - Don't even bother looking for one. They made 5 of these and 4 of them are blown. I have the 5th one in my Maverick.
JBL MI series - great speakers
Fane - Not sure of their model designations but I have played through some great sounding Fane speakers.
Gauss speakers - Anybody know if they even still exist?
Altec speakers - great speakers.
There may be others. My great speaker may not be yours. Some of the newer stamped frame stuff is pretty awesome too.