UFC 85: Mesa Triple rec owners Vs. Mesa Mark 4 owners

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who is more of a badass, Mark 4 or Rectifier owners?

  • Mark

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rectifier

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
South of Seattle
If the UFC put on a fight Triple rec owners vs. Mark 4 owners, who would walk away the victor? Please be as detailed as possible as to how you came up with your answer and be sure to include as much bashing of your opponet as humanly possible. I will be the judge and only mothers are offlimits. This is going to be good :D
This thread is retarded...

Why are mothers offlimits? I am only curious, not that it matters. I had yours and she wasn't that bad.... she was terrible. A starfish comes to mind... actually, so does a jar of mayonnaise... :lol: :lol: :lol: I am so just messing with you man. There are actually rules here about flaming. I don't see this thread lasting very long.
i know , but god it is funny.!!! People hear are basically bashing each other all of the time any way, so there should be a funny room like this were everyone can go to slander each other. :D
You're right. Maybe ned could create a Romper Room for people to just let loose and not have a care. It would have to be setup though in a way that would ensure that impressionable minds would not be subjected to things that would have their parents up in arms. Maybe have an age verification or setup an online waiver for those that think they could handle the subject matter. My local radio station just gives a warning page that gives you the choice to enter if you are over 18 or not before subjecting you to off color and mature subject matter.
The Mark defeated the Triple second round by submission. The Triple had a mean standup whereas the Mark had good striking and a great ground game. It was a BLOODBATH :twisted:
Good call Russ. Made up some new rules, no cursing for the kiddies. Insults are always funnier when they are creative. You can tell when someone is losing an argument when they start droping the f-bomb every other word. I am remaining neutral but ill give you guys an example.
Ill really try to dumb this one up.

" dude, Mark 4 owners would get KILLED!! Reasons bieng

1. Mark 4 owners all have wicked bad mullets. Mullets bad, remember Royce vs. Kimo.

2. ALL mark 4 owners smoke ciggarettes! it is a proven fact. Everyone knows smoking ruins your stamina/wind.

3. Mark 4 owners muscles have wasted away from years of twisting knobs trying to find that wrath of god tone (unsuccesfully) and the short version of the Mark 4 was origionally intended for extremely weak individuals or people with purses.

4. Lastly Mark 4 owners are all extremely OLD. Remember this amp came out when AXl rose was cool.

( again the above is just an example, I am totally joking and the Mark 4 is one of the best amps ever of course. Just do this like a comedy roast.

What I just wrote contained no valuable information, I barely stuck to the point and you are in fact now more stupid for having read it.
Hey pilebuck23,
I am in no way taking your jokes to heart but I thought I would comment on your new rules.

I actually think AXL is cooler now than he was back when he was younger. He was a real a$$ back then. He seems to have mellowed out some. Maybe being dethroned had something to do with it or maybe it was the rest of the band leaving. Some real maturing happened somewhere. Seems that Slash, Duff and Matt can tolerate each other but couldn't handle Axl back in the day. Who knows? If they could all come together again that'd be great but I have no real faith in it.

EVH has smoked forever. He doesn't seem to be having issues with cigarettes... :roll: It does interrupt a knob tweaking session though. Sure smoking takes away from aerobic stamina but I don't feel it hinders my work performance other than needing a third hand sometimes and I build houses. I actually need to smoke sometimes as a crutch when needing a moment to clear my head or keep from getting too frustrated with the guys to the point that I feel I need to fire everyone and start over.

Mullets? I actually have as one length hair as my head of hair allows. My hair is down to my a$$. I do get some odd hairs here and there but that is just from the occasional breakage from fixing bed head or bad tangles from driving with my window open.