Tung-Sol 12AX7's in a RK????

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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San Benito, Texas
I just ordered 3 Tung-Sol 12AX7's from tube depot. I replaced the V1 spot and was wondering what other spots on the amp would be the wiseest choice to stick the other ones in. I currently have JJ ECC83's in the amp and I don't really use the FX loop but I might try it out. So what spots do you guys reccomend for the other 2 tung-sol's? Thanks
well i must say the Tung-Sol's are an improvement over the JJ preamps. The cleans are better in every tube combination. They're where I wanted my cleans to sound like. I went ahead and put the Tung-Sol's in V1, V2, and V3 and left the JJ's in V4 and V5. I'm really happy with the sound im getting right now, except for one little thing. I'm getting a buzz or humming sound when the amp is idle and i'm not playing. Maybe it's always been there and I've never noticed it but now that I do its bothering me. Have you guys experienced something like this? I would expect it in the dirty channels but not the cleans. Any help????
I ordered the regular 12AX7's I had JJ's in V1, V2, and V3 before I put these in. But, I had to buy these because the JJ in V1 gave out on me so I just decided to do all three spots. My setting for clean are fairly normal; Gain-12:00, Treble-11:00, Mids-10:00, Bass-10:30, Presence-10:30, Master 2:00. I am plugging the amp into the same wall outlet that my computer is plugged into. Could that be the problem?
RoadKinger483 said:
...I am plugging the amp into the same wall outlet that my computer is plugged into...

Is the computer turned on? That could be the source of your hum problem. Guitar pickups will hum if you are close to your monitor as well.
Well, I guess it was the computer causing the hum after all. I played with the amp tonight at our gig and the amp was dead quiet. I actually LOVE the way the Tung-Sol sounds in V1 for the clean channel. It gave the channel this depth and sparkle that wasn't there with the JJ preamp. However, towards the end of our first set I was playing on channel 3 when all of the sudden i noticed the volume droped. The tone sounded the same it just wasn't at the same volume. After we were done with the song I checked to see if the preamps were working correctly. Which they were. So I fired up the amp again and the volume was consideralbly low. So, I changed the preamp tube in V3 back to JJ tube I had in there and when I fired up the amp again the problem went away. The volume was back. I really like the waythe Tung-Sol sonded in this position and its wierd cause the tube lights up like it works and all but the volume is low. I guess the tube is messed up or something.
I really don't get it. The Tung-Sol that was causing the problem last night lights up and looks like it totaly works but, it causes this problem. Have any of you guys experienced something like this?
I'm definately no amp tech so I can only share a experience I had similiar to what your situation is. I had a Tungsol that was causing some crackling and cutting out so I changed it with a new one and a few days later same thing I then changed it with different tube and same thing it sometimes didnt even put out any volume. I then took out all my power tubes for clearance and lit up the inside of the amp so I could fully see the tube sockets of the preamp tube which I was having the problem with. Using a 3 inch long needle I tightened the tube sockets in a circular motion until they seemed like they would squeeze the preamp tube pegs when inserted. I put the tube back in it was nice and snug and whalla! It's all good and haven't had a problem since. As I stated before I'm no technician and not saying that this will fix for amp but it worked for me and was very simple to do.
HMM.... Maybe i'll try checking that out. I don't reall got anything to lose. But, if anyone else who see's this thread has any suggestions fell free to post.
I'm dying to experiment with different tubes in my RKII but I don't because of the "void" warranty thing. Does this apply to preamp tubes or power tubes only?


My RKII is also ridiculously quiet even on high-gain, high-volume. I don't even use a noise gate.

RoadKinger483 said:
I really don't get it. The Tung-Sol that was causing the problem last night lights up and looks like it totaly works but, it causes this problem. Have any of you guys experienced something like this?

I suspect it's a bad TungSol. It happens.
I had the same volume drop happen to me with my original mesa tubes in my T-Verb. Right in the middle of a jam. Started tapping on the tubes looking for microphonics but could not find any. Turned off the amp and pulled out power tubes and put them back in and had no change. Turned it off, took out V1 and put it back in but did not retry the amp. Brought the amp home and next day turned it back on to trouble shoot the problem and it just worked perfectly and has ever since.

It is was probably a poorly seated tube. AT least I hope that's what it was. I'd freak if this happened at a gig !
I would go with a entire set(Pre amp and power tubes) from doug's tubes. Tell him what you've got and he'll send you what you need labled and ready to go. For a little over $100 you will get compliments on your tone time after time.

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