tubes for mesa fifty/fifty

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Mar 4, 2006
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i buy a used mesa 50/50 power amp (the old model) that was made in 1998 i think. The guy that sell tell me that never change tubes, and he not play too much it. I check the amp, and tubes looks to be good (sounds great) but have a little problem that i think it is not the tubes becouse the unit have a problem with the ground (when the ground switch at rear panel is on the amp make a big hum-buzz noise without any other unit in the rack, switch off, no noise at all). At 10-15 minutes of playing begins a very little noise "ssssccccrrrriiiiccchhhh" an another ones like radio.
I think i have to retube the amp becouse 8 years is so much, but the ground noise i thing dont go away with the new tubes.
Anybody nkows a good page that sell mesa tubes cheap for my amp?
Thank you
Talk to Bob over at Eurotubes, I replaced the tubes in my 50/50 with JJ tubes and could not have been happier. :D
archtop said:
Talk to Bob over at Eurotubes, I replaced the tubes in my 50/50 with JJ tubes and could not have been happier. :D
I agree!!! Eurotubes is the way to go and Bob is THE MAN. Spoke with him on the phone and he listens to everything you have to say, any concerns you might have and he doesn't walk over your conversation. Good Luck!!!