Hope its ok i moved my questiona to here again.
Amp played fine for around a week after i got it , then started a humming noise for 7 seconds then blew one of the el34`s (the one closest to the instrumet input)
Installed two new JJ el34 `s
As soon as I swiched on the standby the same tube blew in a blase of purple light.
What would you do ? :roll:
Amp is in simual class mode, and everything was turned to zero before flicking the standby on
Amp played fine for around a week after i got it , then started a humming noise for 7 seconds then blew one of the el34`s (the one closest to the instrumet input)
Installed two new JJ el34 `s
As soon as I swiched on the standby the same tube blew in a blase of purple light.
What would you do ? :roll:
Amp is in simual class mode, and everything was turned to zero before flicking the standby on