TS9 why have I forsaken thee?

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no soul

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2005
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SF - East Bay, California
Long story short, for those of you who dont know yet, I play metal.
Even when Im not playing metal, those are the tones I go for.

Ive been hearing about people using clean boosts in front of Rectos for years, but personaly Ive been so happy with the sound of my amp in its current state, I never bothered. So about a week ago I picked up a TS9 tubescreamer just to see what the big deal was about.

In short, WOW.

This thing makes my recto sound more like a Framus Cobra. At least just for playing rhythmic stuff. The sound just got so much tighter and crunchier.

I cant say I like what its done for single note leads and what not, because I just ABSOLUTELY adore the smooth singing lead sounds from a naked Mesa. No amp out there, no matter how "botique" can touch a Mesa in dept if you ask me. No Diezel, VHT, Framus, Engl, Soldano etc etc etc

So I guess I'll jus have to do some tap dancing for certain parts.
As silly as it sounds I dont even like switching channels when I play live, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

I stuck the TS9 in frot on my F100 and cant say I liked it as much. Looking back, my amp was on contour mode, so maybe it was because I basicaly had 2 solidstate gain stages going at the same time, so I didnt like the sound.

I cant wait to get this thing modified by analog man though.
Thanks TS9!
I use the Maxon OD-9 which is the same thing and I find it really tightens up the lows and adds a bit of definition. I don't generally use a lot of gain, so I'll have my amps gain about halfway on ch.3. Then, on the OD-9, I'll add just a bit of drive and halfway up on the level to add a bit of gain to the amp. I must say the OD-9/TS-9 sounds very natural. I also own a SD-1 (which I might have modded) and I find it a bit more buzzsaw-like.

Let us know how the analogman mod sounds!
anologman... Those guys are GREAT! What a diff in my TS9... Well worth the $$$.. Get the brown mod as well , really great!
ax. :twisted:
I picked up a new TS9 off ebay earlier this year. It was from Guitar Tech in L.A. (310) 410-8324. He takes new units and puts in a IC socket with the original, new old stock, JRC chip and the "brown sound" mod. He also has NOS Texas Instruments chips if you prefer. If I recall correctly it ran about $125, and I had it in 2 days. I reccommend this guy.
Cool...I too use modded Tubescreamers, but I use them more for solo boosts. I really like the rhythm tones I get when using the MXR Wylde overdrive though. SUPER THICK and meaty :)

I agree 4nkam....the ZW-44 seems to be much smoother than most distortion boxes and dare I say....better for what I like than the Ibanez. To me the tubescreamers just seem so bright sounding...at least the one my friend uses(TS808). The only application I've found them to sound good is when going thru a clean channel, whereas the Wylde seems better suited for gain channels. I think the Ibanez has a wider range but for what I need the ZW-44 is "da bomb"

4nkam said:
Cool...I too use modded Tubescreamers, but I use them more for solo boosts. I really like the rhythm tones I get when using the MXR Wylde overdrive though. SUPER THICK and meaty :)

I saw one Robert Keeley Modded TS9 at Guitar Center (wow, never seen them carry something like this) very nice it had a second switch but it was 180 :/
Whats the difference between the Maxon and Ibanez re-issues. Same product different area name???

Seem identical to me.
Maxon's are better built (like the earlier ones they used to build for Ibanez). I personally like the Maxon OD-808 with my Recto.
Now do you guys use the pedal in front of the overdriven modern gain channel? And if you do how high is ur gain knob on the recto? Is there any feedback issues?
I have a mid-late 80s TS10 (actually 3 of them) and I've used them with every amp I've ever had up until I got a V-twin. The V-twin gives me a few more tweaking options and at least 2 different sounds plus bypass at the stomp of a button. I do still have my TS10's, take them to every gig with me for a backup and I will probably hang on to them forever.... hell, I may have to give them a try again now that the newness has worn off of my V-twin, but if I like it that means MORE PEDALS!!!! I'm going to have to invest in a pedal board if I get any more pedals up there! I wish I was a harmonica player sometimes!! :roll:
Ukalali_Solo said:
Now do you guys use the pedal in front of the overdriven modern gain channel? And if you do how high is ur gain knob on the recto? Is there any feedback issues?

I have tried it for a comparison, gigging with both going straight to the amp and with the Maxon OD-808 in front. I enjoy both, although I ultimately just ended up using the Maxon as a solo boost.

To keep things from being brittle sounding, try setting the Tone knob around 9 o'clock, then set the Gain on "0" so that it's used more as a boost with a little grit coming through. Adjust the level to taste. Start it around 12 noon and work from there. When I used it as a boost with my Recto, I would run the Recto's gain on about 12:30 - 1 o'clock. I've never had any feedback issues, and I don't use a noise gate with my set-up either.
Here is Guitar Tech's ebay user name: deadeye-beve. Sorry I could'nt find it sooner.
Check this out if your after a TS type boost but with double the gain and true bypass etc http://www.miaudio.com/BP_Intro.htm
Very nice....very similar to the ZW-44....not exactly a high gain monster but what I look at as a tone/gain aggressor, which is what I would use. What I've found is that 90% of the tube amps on the market don't have quite enough usable gain on the 2nd channel. All the Boutique amps such as the Matchless, Dr.Z etc are useless for Mesa/Marshall type players. These boxes serve as a gain "equalizer" to push medium gain into high gain territory...which is the reason why I prefer he ZW over the TS9. It acts more like a super-duper solo/gain boost and not a distortion pedal....The MI pedal seems to do this also

Broken said:
Check this out if your after a TS type boost but with double the gain and true bypass etc http://www.miaudio.com/BP_Intro.htm
Broken said:
Check this out if your after a TS type boost but with double the gain and true bypass etc http://www.miaudio.com/BP_Intro.htm

interesting, but considering Im not using the gain from the TS9 that doesent do me much use, plus true bypass for OD pedals really isnt that big of a deal.
I have had a Keeley TS-9 for some time. Wonderful Pedal, best customer service on the planet.

The "Plus" mod that I Have gives the pedal more gain, and TONS more bottom end. It's like a stock Tubescreamer through a Boogie amp already (and that is when I use it in front of my Super Reverb).

Through the MK IV it's a true screamer if I want it to be. The beauty is, set the gain knob at 12 o'clock or below and that is a true vintage TS-808 sound, and go above "noon" for the heavy bottom, deep bottom grind.
That actually sounds like something of interest. My complaint about the tubescreamers is that they seem to sound too bright (treble-y) on gain channels.

GenoBluzGtr said:
I have had a Keeley TS-9 for some time. Wonderful Pedal, best customer service on the planet.

The "Plus" mod that I Have gives the pedal more gain, and TONS more bottom end. It's like a stock Tubescreamer through a Boogie amp already (and that is when I use it in front of my Super Reverb).

Through the MK IV it's a true screamer if I want it to be. The beauty is, set the gain knob at 12 o'clock or below and that is a true vintage TS-808 sound, and go above "noon" for the heavy bottom, deep bottom grind.

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