trying out mark v

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Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Lincolnshire UK
I have been looking for a more versatile amp for my covers band mainly playing in pubs in Lincolnshire UK. We play anything from Bowie through classic rock, Kings of Leon, Black Keys, Foo Fighters ,Biffy Clyro etc.
I've been playing a Marshall DSL 50 and Cornford MK50 mk2 but find them limiting and can't get the Cornford cranked up enough for a fluid and touch responsive tone. I had tried a Mark V previously but found it uninspiring so went to try out Mark V 25.
I was really pleased with tones from Mark V 25 and thought I would try the Mark V as I like to have all the bells and whistles - I was blown away this time I cranked the master volume and reduced channel volumes , played between 10 and 45W modes with variac power and was able to get some fantastic saggy touch responsive tones perfect for tweedy and classic rock tones. The solo tones on Mark 1 were fat and cutting.
I think this is my ultimate amp and with permission from my better half will be pulling the trigger and ordering one!
Hopefully joining you all soon!
Congratulations in advance!

A really stellar piece of engineering that actually all works together beautifully. Owning what many feel are the "vintage holy grail" amps Plexi's, Metal panels, tweeds, blackface, vox etc...I find myself, given any situation I've been throw in musically with the V, very pleased and comfortable. The amp always delivers. There's always a way to get your sound out at the db needed for the job. Just again, IMHO, a stellar piece of engineering.
The Mark V for me does everything. What I get out of a Mark V above everything is fullness of sound. For rhythm with the guitar volume backed off a little on either the clean or driven tones the sound is full. Then when bringing up the volume on the guitar for single note leads the sound/tone is still full, like there is still some beef there. Many amps get thin, the Mark V doesn’t get thin. I’m working in a 3 piece band so full tone is a must. Also having two driven channels gives more to choose from.

I also run the channel volume low and open up the main output. I have done a few outdoor gigs where I got to open up the amp quite a bit and when I have been able to open up the main output past 12 O'Clock the amp really starts singing.
Thanks for your comments. I've ordered the Mark V head and delivery should be in a few days 😎😎
I was also impressed by the girth of the tone and how it doesn't thin out with gainier lead breaks as most other amps seem to. I need to try it with the guitar volume turned down as well.There is a nice percussive quality at the attack of the note and the treble strings have a nice rounded harmonic tone with medium gain which is inspiring to play.The other guitarist in my band has a Lonestar which has a phenomenal fat wailing lead tone for classic rock that I could easily match on the Mark V.
Most importantly it responded fantastically at low(er) volumes and I felt totally connected to the amp.It would bloom into feedback effortlessly. I hate having to fight amps and having to turn them up too loud to get that connection.
I may order a Mesa 1x12 wide body can but will try it through my Cornford v30 2x12 or Zilla Creamback 2x12 first - hopefully one or both will be fine.
Can't wait!

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