Triple Rectifier...

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Sep 7, 2006
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Hi guys...

Well I finally got in my replacement tubes and tried out the amp tonight.. I tried some of the factory settings... Nothing really stood out...

But I was wondering what some of your favorite amp settings... for all 3 channels... I have a clean setting I kind of like, but still working with everything else.

And how is everyone using the channels... Rythym on Channel 2 and lead on channel 3, or mixed depending on the song...

My ideal settings would be something like Channel 2 in the frame of AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc and channel 3 to be more modern rock, Godsmack, Disturbed, etc... (yes I play in a cover band ha ha ha)

I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions you have to offer.

Then put channel 2 in vintage mode, and dial in a pretty good amount of gain. And channel put in Modern, and scoop it some. As for the rest, it's all up to you. My settings are a little funny because of my EMG's and a 7 band eq i run in front of it. I love it though, sounds freaking awesome.

Good Luck, those sounds are attainable, I've been able to get them before. Just didn't write down the settings.

Yes, i have some close settings, but my amp is at rehearsel area now. If i can remember after practice tomorrow night i will try to get some settings together, but they are obtainable.
Heres a couple of Ideas for you--this is what I like:
Tube Rectifier/Bold
I set my overall amp Output to about 1 oclock for feel and sustain in the poweramp and adjust overall desired volume with the channel masters--this works incredibly to my ear.

I also set all of my channel presence knobs all of the way up contrary to allot of recto guys turning them almost all of the way off. This gives me nice string feel and clarity and it helps keep it from getting muddy when I back off my guitar volume knobs. This is harsh @ first but the nasties can be dialed out with the mid and treble knobs.

I also play a Gibson SG with PRS Dragon II pickups which are different than allot of other pickups out there and they are lower-mid output so your settings may vary from mine but heres what I currently have set:

Clean channel(set to clean):
Presence: Maxed
Master: to desired level (usually about 9-10 oclock for me reasonably)
Gain: Maxed
Bass: 10 oclock
Mid 8:45
Treble: 3:00

Channel 2(set to modern):
Presence: Maxed
Master: to desired level (usually about 8-9 oclock for me reasonably)
Gain: 2:45
Bass: 10 oclock
Mid 8:45
Treble: 10:30-10:45

Channel 3(set to modern):
Presence: Maxed
Master: to desired level (usually about 8-9 oclock for me reasonably)
Gain: 2:45
Bass: 1 oclock
Mid 8:45-9:00
Treble: 10:00-10:30

The 2 and 3 channels are fairly Identical in settings but I like to use them for the channel differences which I think is a pretty great difference. I play through a Marshall 1960a cab and Mesa Standard Recto 4 x 12. Hope this helps--let me know how it does for you! :wink:
Thanks guys for all the help... Just got back from work so I'm going play with some of the settings... I also had a friend lend me a Boss RV5 to try out... I'm going to put that in and see what it can do...

I cheated buying the tubes... I picked up the Mesa Factory original 5U4Gs and I also picked up the Sovtek 5U4Gs. The Sovtek is in there now... I'll try those for a while...

But keep the settings coming.. It's cool to hear what you guys are doing!!

Man I'm not getting anything but mud from this thing... :(

I've tried 3 different guitars and got the same results...

Les Paul Custom
Peavey Wolfgang Custom..

Channel 1 is ok...

Channel 2 sounds like mud/crap

Channel 3 sounds like same as number 2

Any ideas of what I can try...

I'm going directly into the amp... no effects

8 ohms 2x12 cabinet... Vintage 30's...

Any ideas???
For hard rock/oldschool metal try:

Ch1 Clean
Gain 12:00 Master 1:30 Bass 12:00 Mid 11:30 Treb 1:00 Pres 1:30

Ch2 Vintage
Gain 3:00 Master 1:00 Bass 12:00 Mid 10:30 Treb 12:30 Pres 1:00

Ch3 Modern
Gain 2:00 Master 10:00 Bass 11:30 Mid 11:00 Treb 12:00 Pres 10:30

Bold, Tube-rec, FX loop active (send 1:30, ret 20%)
Solo 8:30, Output: the louder the better

Try these with your Les Paul. If its still muddy you could have a bad tube or a blown speaker (a distinct possibility running a 150W amp into 2 V30's)

I'll try those settings tonight. I know it's not a blown speaker. I've also disconnected the triple and put in my single rectifier, and it sound fine. So it could be a tube, but I have a few other issues with the amp.

The mid pot on the clean channel, the presence pot on channel 2, and the one of the pots on channel 3 are all acting a little strange. the mid pot doesn't do much until one point when it kicks in and distorts everything. Presence on channel 2 doesn't appear to do anything at all. And on channel 3 (can't remember which pot) but when you turn it to past 2 the volume drops. I have tried using deoxit to clean all the pots, but this didn't help. I spoke to Mesa yesterday when I thought it was only the mid pot, and he told me that if the pot takes any hit from the front, they could be damaged...

What is the best way to check the tubes? I have 6L6's for all the tubes, and 5u4gs for the rectifiers... I'm about to kick this thing to the curb... I didn't expect this much trouble from this thing...

The mid pot on the clean channel, the presence pot on channel 2, and the one of the pots on channel 3 are all acting a little strange. the mid pot doesn't do much until one point when it kicks in and distorts everything. Presence on channel 2 doesn't appear to do anything at all. And on channel 3 (can't remember which pot) but when you turn it to past 2 the volume drops. I have tried using deoxit to clean all the pots, but this didn't help. I spoke to Mesa yesterday when I thought it was only the mid pot, and he told me that if the pot takes any hit from the front, they could be damaged..

I would say this is most likely your problem.. that is NOT normal operation. Before spending time on tubes, have this checked out asap.
I agree, i would take your amp in and get it checked out before you drop too much time and money in other areas. These sound like they could very well be your culprit.
I went back and looked at what I wrote down... screwed up...

Channel 1 problem with Gain, and Mid pot
Channel 3 problem with Pres pot..

All three channels are muddy... Channel 1 is a little less, but not bad...

Mesa suggested I change out the pots.. Which I need to do. Doug suggested that it's the power tubes.. Sovtek 6L6s... I was thinking about going to the original Mesa power tubes. 6L6s STR440.

Not sure what to do until I get the pots replaced...

Thanks for the input guys...

erico317 said:
...put in my single rectifier, and it sound fine.

Your settings from the Single should be pretty close to where you want to start with the Triple. Sure there are slight differences, but its still a Recto after all. You can expect the Trip to be fuller, tighter, and louder, with plenty of headroom, where the Single will probably be a bit sweeter due to an earlier onset of power tube distortion.

Take the Triple to a GOOD tech or send it to Mesa for a check-up. If replacing a couple of pots is the fix, IMO its certainly worth it. If there are serious issues with the amp...well that's your call.
erico317 said:
All three channels are muddy... Channel 1 is a little less, but not bad...

Most likely tubes.
The Mesa 6L6GC STR440 is the Ruby 6L6MSTR i believe. Havent tried 'em.
The Mesa 6L6GC STR 454 is the SED "winged-C". Sounds great in Recto's
Mesa's STR 430 is Sovtek i think. Lasts forever, sounds terrible (IMO)
JJ 6L6's also great in recto's.

I changed out my power tubes. I went with the Mesa 6L6GC STR440. And for the Rectifiers I have the 5U4G... Those Sovtek 6L6's that were in there were horrible...

I also ordered the 3 pots from Mesa. They sent 2 that were right, one was wrong. Replaced the 2 (both on the clean channel) Worked like a champ.. Calling Mesa on Monday to send the correct one for Channel 3.

Tomorrow will be the real test when I can turn this thing up and see what it can do, and what I can get... But at low volumes, this thing still sound killer!!!

Thanks everyone for all of the help!!! Much appreciated!!!!
