Triple Rectifier Newbie help....

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Sep 7, 2006
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I have been using a single rectifier for a few years.. Well I just picked up off of ebay a triple rectifier... Needless to say... 2 of the tubes were broken in shipping...

To make matters worse, no one in the area has it in stock. I was looking for the 5U4G tubes.. Well I did order some online... But they won't be here until next week..

How do I go about checking out the amp with only 1 5U4G? Will it hurt anything if I test it out.. I don't want to turn the volume up, I just want to make sure everything is ok with the amp... I read somewhere that with only 1 tube the amps power cuts back to 50 watts...

If anyone can help me with this I'd really appreciate it...

Thanks in advance,
Switch the amp to Solid State Rectifier on the back and try that- :?:
Did you have insurance on it? Id file a claim! Thats like $50!!
Micah said:
Switch the amp to Solid State Rectifier on the back and try that- :?:

Remove the rectifier tubes (5U4's) and switch to the "silcon diode" setting on the back of the amp. You can let 'er rip as normal with no fear of damage. When your new recto tubes show up, just pop them in and check out the tube rectified setting. With all 3 5U4's in place, you can switch back and forth to see which you like better.

The reason I say remove the old rectifiers...with failed (or missing) rec tubes, you will likely blow the fuse, even in the diode-rec setting.

I'm going try that now... But somehow I know that I want the tubes!!!! ha ha ha

Thanks for everything...

Just a bit of info on the mentioning that you can take the Triple down to 50 can't, or rather it was stated to me that you shouldn't reduce either the Dual or Triples power by more than 50 watts. You can take the Triple down to 100 watts (or the Dual down to 50) by removing the outer two power tubes and one Recto tube of choice. Only then should your Triple be running on less than three Recto tubes. I called and asked a few months back due to the possible aquisition of a lower wattage speaker cab. Peece.
erico317 said:
... But somehow I know that I want the tubes!!!!

Depends on what you're doing. If you are the lead guitarist/soloist in your band, you will love the tube-rec's. For mostly rhythm work, especially drop-tuned or 7-string metal you will likely prefer the silicon diodes for a faster/tighter response. If you do both, you can just flip the switch when recording tracks, but for live use consider using 5AR4/GZ34 type rectifier tubes.

Its really all a matter of preference. The choice of rectifier doesnt really change the tone of your amp, its more of a feel/response thing.

As for pulling tubes to reduce power... yeah you can, but why? The mighty Triple is all about HEADROOM, giving you that recto slam in a way the single/dual can only dream of! Dont cut it's balls off... if you need cranked-amp tone or protect low-wattage speakers, try some type of attenuator (HotPlate or similar.)