Triaxis with 2:100 Amp

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Active member
Mar 25, 2006
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Manhattan, IL
Does anyone have a triaxis hooked up to a recto 2:100 power amp? I know the rep said to use the 2:90 because of the deep modes... but I already had the 2:100 from a year ago and dont really want to trade up and pay more to get the 90? How much tone difference will there be. I am looking for that heavy 2.0 shread but at low volume levels when im practicing? Is this possible or do I have to get the 2:90?
Keep the 2:100. It smokes the 290 as far as the Recto sound goes. Cleans have more authority, too.
With my post you'll now have two differing opinions.

Just wait for a used 2:90 to come up forsale somewhere. When you see one for a good price buy it and then make the decision for yourself. If you buy used you won't lose any dough and then you'll know for sure.

I happen to be partial to the 2:90, once you go Simul-class you search for that sound in everything. I happen to like the cleans better on the 2:90, they are more authentic. The modern mode and half power together do get you well into recto territory.

Chris... 8)
I'd agree.. while the 2:100 would probably be right for getting that recto sound, I'd never trade my 2:90 for one. The simul class (Class A and Class A/B) together are far better than the straight class A/B of the other power amps to my ears.
I have a 2:90 and rarely use the deep/modern/halfdrive stuff.
Those options are usually noisy or have a very considerable pop when engaged/shut off.
The new 50/50 and 2:100 do have the EL34 option which might be fun though.


You also have to consider which Triaxis you are using. I just got off the phone with Mesa support, and my version, (August 2005) does NOT have the Recto preamp. Rats!

Looks like I'll have to get a Road King II after all.
I had the 2:100 split with my Triaxis and Recording Recto, I just bought the 2:90 two days ago, hooked it up with the TA and I'm blown away by it. WOW, just changing the 2:90 modes have a huge impact on the tone. It's awesome! I do admit to doing little research on all the tones that these can do. I have them for recording purposes in my studio so clients can get good sound but I think I can get everything with these four pieces of Mesa Boogie. I also have a Randall RG80 that I think has the best S.S. sound I've heard. The 2:90 is different than the 2:100 but they both are awesome so I wouldn't replace one for the other.

ADDED: My Triaxis is pre "FAT MOD"

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