TriAxis Output Dial Question

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2007
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Another fun question guys. How high do you set your Output dial on your TriAxis? I have mine on around 3.
Because it is a stupid question.Tube needs volume .Louder tone will sound better.
I use mine where its manual says the best,8. :wink:
Excuse me, but it's hardly a stupid question. Considering how versatile and customizable the TriAxis is, I'm curious as to how others are using theirs. So let's take a step down off the high horse.
Yes it is stupid,it doesn't matter the way everybody use it,mesa did it and mesa tell in its manual the best way for using it.Obviously you'll have members wch use it at every volume BUT what matters is what mesa says about it.
I did READ ITS MANUAL. And it states to set it between 3 and 7. So I run mine at 3. It also states that it only controls the listening volume. So if I'm understanding that wording correctly, it should not have any effect on my tube saturation whatsoever. That's what the programmable MASTER setting is for.

Christ. And some of you think the ESP Forum is bad? :roll:
Well TO ME your question is stupid.To others maybe it is a good question.
So a forum is bad because somebody think you made a dumb question ??
If I said hey man what a good question !!
Than you'll like me ???
In other words people never understand when somebody disagree.
Are you perfect ?
Do you find yourself uncapable of doing dumb questions ?
Well to me it is a dumb question.
You answered if its programable so it won't affects your tube saturation SO it doesn't matter which volume you're using it !!!!!!!!
Again dumb,the louder the signal triaxis send to a power amp,better dynamics power amp will give you. :wink:
So if you send a signal 3 or 8 to a power amp,it will drastically changes your tone.
he asked the OPINION of others on this board

DA isnt being dumb, your being a dumbass calling him dumb and you have no answer but the same reitterated crap that a 14yr old would say after 'mastering' tube amps.

he also didnt ask if you thought his question was stupid, i think you've come across as very ignorant and stupid for answering and going on the way you have towards something you should have just never posted about because you thought you'd be cute.
Bunch of stupid teenagers,I love how dumb you are !!!!
Come on I really expect more to come!!!!!
:D :lol:
And you're acting so mature. :roll:

For the record, I'm actually in my mid-20s, and more of an adult that you apparently.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Teenagers have always to have the last word,they can't stop arguing :lol: :lol: :lol:
More more :lol:
Hey, I said "ONE OF" so let's all settle down, shall we? He earned that title I'd say.

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